Posts Tagged kroger

Recoil Magazine Removed From Kroger

From Recoil:

We think we put out some of the most kick-ass content in the gun world, so having an Arugula pusher look over our shoulders while we write and design it, didn’t exactly sit well. So when faced with the choice of bowing to the corporate overlords or being left off the shelves, our answer was a full-throated ‘fuck you’. We’d rather take a hit to our bottom line than bend the knee.

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Opinion Polls Show Support For Guns at Kroger, Panera


The MSNBC poll asking whether Kroger shoppers should be allowed to carry handguns was coming in with 85 percent in favor and only 15 percent opposed. A CNBC poll on the Panera Bread decision was running at 84 percent support forgun rights and 11 percent against. An MSNBC poll on the Panera Bread request was also coming in at 75 percent in favor of armed customers, and 25 percent against guns.

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