Posts Tagged censorship

Armed Attorneys On YouTubes Gun Censorship

From Armed Attorneys:

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Canada To Regulate Podcasts

From Breaking Points:

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Big Tech Continues To Suppress Gun Content

From Bearing Arms:

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Armslist Banned By YouTube

From Ammoland:

YouTube told AmmoLand News directly that it shut down the channel for “facilitating” gun sales, violating the YouTube terms of service (TOS). The TOS prohibits selling guns or linking to ads for gun sales.

Although the Armslist site contains classified ads for those wanting to sell guns, the Armslist YouTube page did not sell or link to the Armslist site. The latest video showed how to paint your rifle using spray paint. Thousands of videos on the platform show the same process, which does not violate the YouTube TOS.

Did the New York Times influence YouTube with this hit piece?

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Twitter Locked Account of Republican Candidate

From Reclaim The Net:

Twitter suspended the account of Joe Kent, a Republican congressional candidate from Washington state for tweeting in support of gun rights. He had to delete the tweet to recover his account.

“We will never give up our gun laws,” Kent tweeted. “Gun laws are infringements of our god given rights.WA state is back at it, a week ago we caught the board of health discussing forced quarantine, now the legislature going after our 2A. No 2A + forced quarantine = Australia.”

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YouTube Censors Video of Congress Members Discussing Constitutional Limits of Vax Mandates

From The Federalist:

YouTube took down a video posted by the House Freedom Caucus of lawmakers discussing the constitutional limits to medically coercive vaccine mandates for the novel Wuhan coronavirus.

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Big Tech Trying To Censor Babylon Bee

From Tucker Carlson:

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Armslist Sues Big Tech For Deplatforming

From The Truth About Guns:

Armslist LLC and owner Jonathan Gibbon recently filed a lawsuit against Facebook and Instagram over the social media giants’ decision to suspend Gibbon’s personal and business accounts in January, 2020.

According to the lawsuit, Gibbon and Armslist Marketing Director, Andrew Varney III, were “targeted” because of “their conservative and libertarian political views,” Trib Live reported.

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Ivermectin Can Treat Covid and Elites Are Trying To Suppress It

Here are links to the information so you can judge for yourself:

Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance

Bret Weinstein interview with Peirre Kory of Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance

Joe Rogan interview with Bret Weinstein and Pierre Kory (Free Spotify account required)

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A Soviet Perspective On The Current Censorship Climate

From Aero Magazine:

The liberal media establishment went full Pravda on some of the crucial stories of the year, such as electoral politics, the handling of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests—to the point where David Satter and Matt Taibbi, long-time observers of the Soviet Union, drew parallels with that country’s ideologically captured, propagandistic press.

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The Fight Against Financial Censorship

From The Electronic Frontier Foundation:

On Thursday, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency finalized its Fair Access to Financial Services rule, which will prevent banks from refusing to serve entire classes of customers that they find politically or morally unsavory. The rule is a huge win for civil liberties, and for the many sectors who have found themselves in the bad graces of corporate financial services, like cryptocurrency projects, marijuana businesses, sex worker advocacy groups, and others.

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Facebook Deletes Popular Gun Website’s Page

From The Truth About Guns:

Then, late Monday afternoon, Facebook unpublished The Truth About Guns’ page. No warning or explanation was given and we haven’t been able to publish anything to our timeline there since. The matter has been escalated through the usual impenetrably opaque processes, but we’ve heard nothing and have to assume at this point that the Zuckerborg has no intention of restoring the account.

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InRange Discusses The Free Market

From InRange:

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Four Countries Decry Trump Censorship

From Breitbart:

An international outcry over tech censorship is underway, as political leaders from Mexico to Europe voice their alarm at the unchecked power of Big Tech, following the purge of President Donald Trump by the Big Tech Masters of the Universe

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Idaho ISP Blocks Twitter and Facebook

From KREM:

A North Idaho internet provider, Your T1 WIFI, confirmed it is blocking Facebook and Twitter from its WIFI service for some customers due to censorship claims.

Your T1 WIFI provides internet services to North Idaho and the Spokane area. 

The move comes after Twitter and Facebook banned President Trump from their platforms due to incitement of violence and undermining the transition of power to President elect Joe Biden.  

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