Archive for September, 2010

Obama bans nearly a million American-made rifles?

Did you know that Barack Obama has banned nearly a million American made rifles?

Nearly a million rifles.

Banned by Barack Obama and his anti-gun cronies.

In an executive order the Obama Administration has secretly blocked the re-importation of American made M-1 Garand and Carbine rifles being stored in South Korea.

These rifles were used by the US military during the Korean War and left there after the war was over.

With one stroke of his pen, he by-passed the legislative process and banned nearly a million American made rifles by executive fiat.

These rifles were made in America, by Americans and used by American soldiers to defend freedom on foreign shores and are greatly sought after by American shooters and collectors.

Now State Department officials claim these antique, collector rifles could be used to commit crimes.

Watch the video here, and sign the petition if this is important to you:

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Mexico: Federal Police Fight Local Police

Sept, 8th Ixtepec, Oaxaca. A heavily armed group of Federal Preventive Police (PFP) attempted to retrieve fellow officers who were being detained at a local jail for public intoxication.

According to initial reports four PFP Officers were in a local bar known as “El Chicotazo” when they began drinking heavily and soon afterward started a fight with other patrons. The entire ordeal left the federal officers badly beaten. Upon arrival, the municipal police arrested the federal officers and several women who accompanied them during the brawl.

Within fifteen minutes a convoy of PFP descended on the jail with full force to rescue their comrades. Federal officers assaulted several municipals including Regino Guzman Colmenares who was in critical condition after his head was beaten against the cement floor with the butt of a rifle in the main office of the municipality after refusing to hand over cell keys.


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AK vs. AR – Lone Star Lowdown

This has nothing to do with Alaska and Arkansas.

From: Tactical Wire

Voices From the Field: More Bang for the Buck

by Paul Markel

The boom in black rifle (AR) sales naturally led to a boom in the sale of .223 Remington or 5.56x45mm ammunition. This was no big surprise to anyone as that is the most popular chambering for that rifle. What you had was thousands of new AR owners now added to the .223 gene pool. The days of paying three dollars for a box of Winchester white box .223 are gone and not likely to return.

XS Sights Marketing VP Dave Biggers sights in S&W M&P15 in 5.45mm.

There is little doubt that feeding these self-loading, centerfire rifles has become a pricey endeavor. They are enjoyable to shoot, hence we do a lot of it. Your budget might allow for 100 rounds shooting sessions or 500 round extended weekends. Regardless, it’s always good to get more bang for your buck.

It was with this in mind that I first acquired a S&W M&P15 carbine chambered in 5.45×39 Russian. The price of the Russian equivalent to our 5.56mm runs about half. Simply put, you can buy 1000 rounds of 5.45×39 for what you’d pay for 500 in .223 Remington. That’s training or practice ammo mind you, match grade and controlled expansion .223 Rem runs much high at about a buck a shot.


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Elections and Obama’s Foreign Policy Choices

Elections and Obama’s Foreign Policy Choices is republished with permission of STRATFOR.

By George Friedman

We are now nine weeks away from the midterm elections in the United States. Much can happen in nine weeks, but if the current polls are to be believed, U.S. President Barack Obama is about to suffer a substantial political reversal. While we normally do not concern ourselves with domestic political affairs in the United States, when the only global power is undergoing substantial political uncertainty, that inevitably affects its behavior and therefore the dynamics of the international system. Thus, we have to address it, at least from the standpoint of U.S. foreign policy. While these things may not matter much in the long run, they certainly are significant in the short run.

To begin thinking about this, we must bear three things in mind. First, while Obama won a major victory in the Electoral College, he did not come anywhere near a landslide in the popular vote. About 48 percent of the voters selected someone else. In spite of the Democrats’ strength in Congress and the inevitable bump in popularity Obama received after he was elected, his personal political strength was not overwhelming. Over the past year, poll numbers indicating support for his presidency have deteriorated to the low 40 percent range, numbers from which it is difficult, but not impossible, to govern.

Second, he entered the presidency off balance. His early focus in the campaign was to argue that the war in Iraq was the wrong war to fight but that the war in Afghanistan was the right one. This positioned him as a powerful critic of George W. Bush without positioning him as an anti-war candidate. Politically shrewd, he came into office with an improving Iraq situation, a deteriorating Afghanistan situation and a commitment to fighting the latter war. But Obama did not expect the global financial crisis. When it hit full blast in September 2008, he had no campaign strategy to deal with it and was saved by the fact that John McCain was as much at a loss as he was. The Obama presidency has therefore been that of a moderately popular president struggling between campaign promises and strategic realities as well as a massive economic crisis to which he crafted solutions that were a mixture of the New Deal and what the Bush administration had already done. It was a tough time to be president. Read the rest of this entry »

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85 Prisoners Escape Reynosa, Mexico Prison – 44 Prison Personnel held for Possible Negligence and Corruption

“The Public Safety Department of Tamaulipas has reported the escape of 85 federal prisoners and the disappearance of two guards from the Reynosa CEDES prison.

In a press conference Antonio Garza Garcia, the newly appointed Director of Public Security who replaced the previous ineffective director this past Tuesday, said the jailbreak was reported about 4:30 a.m. Friday, when the prisoners used a ladder to jump the fence of the prison and escape into the streets of nearby residential neighborhoods.

Garza Garcia said 44 prison personnel being temporarily held for questioning by investigators with the federal Attorney General’s office (PGR) to determine if any or all will be punished for crimes of omission(negligence)and corruption.”

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Car bomb discovered and disarmed in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

Borderland Beat Reporter Gerardo

“Mexican Federal police in Ciudad Juárez continue to investigate a foiled car bombing attempt in the parking lot of a day-care center along Hernamos Escobar Avenue in the Omega Industrial Park.

Mexican Federal police spokesman José Ramón Salinas said officers responded to a call late Friday night about a dead body found in a blue Ford Escape parked on the street outside of the day care center.

“When police arrived at the scene, they found the man’s body inside the Escape and discovered an explosive device inside a red Kia compact car in the parking lot of the day care center” Salinas said. “But as they inspected further, they found more explosive materials inside the Kia.”

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Border factories caught in drug war’s crossfire

By Lynn Brezosky – San Antonio Express-News

McALLEN, TX — The head of an association of border factory owners Thursday said the sector is in crisis mode as unrelenting drug violence in northern Mexico has spooked investors into curtailing operations at some plants and rethinking expansion at others.

“In February, there was a total loss of civil control in Reynosa and it’s never been re-established,” said Dan McGrew, president of the Reynosa Association of Maquiladoras and Manufacturers. “We’re in the worst of all worlds.”

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Police Arrest 5 with C-4 explosives in Jalisco, Mexico.

“Jalisco State police and Tonala municipal police arrested five people, including an ex marine and an ex soldier, and siezed four kilos of C-4 plastic explosives, a weapons arsenal, and tactical equipment as a result of an operation that began with the discovery of an VBIED located one block away from the municipal police headquarters in the city of Tonala, a suburb in the Guadalajara metropolitan area minutes before noon this Thursday.”

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Remington 870: America’s Choice For A Defensive Shotgun

Is buying American, supporting American companies, important to you?

Then consider the Remington 870 as a strong option for home defense.

We suggest you consider the Remington 870 first and foremost because it is a quality, reliable weapon with a long history of dependability. But it’s also made right here in the USA. You can pick up cheaper shotguns, such as the NEF (made in China), Charles Daly (made in Turkey) or other foreign made, lower priced shotguns. But when you’ve got one of the best options made right her, the Remington 870, why not support a business in your own country, not China or Turkey!

(Warrior Times has no financial link to Remington, just voicing our opinion)

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Effectiveness of 00 Buckshot? 25 Yard Test.

Of course, whether or not 00 buckshot is a good choice for use as home defense, in the confines of your home, is a completely different question. But this illustrates the effect of 00 buckshot at 25 yards.

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What will it take? “Your Life, Your Fortune, Your Sacred Honor.”

Americans have resisted tyranny, in all its forms. The values of Freedom and Equality are not just buzz words, they are foundational principles that Americans have fought and died for.

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XS Big Dot Review: “It actually works…absolutely phenomenal.”

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James Yeager: XS Sights for Defensive Purposes – Demonstration of Sight Picture

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James Yeager debunks myth that XS Sights are not effective for shooting at distance.

James Yeager shooting demonstration debunks the myth that XS Sights are not effective for shooting at distance.

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More Concealed Carry Options – Clint Smith


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