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Posts Tagged Training
FBI WMD Training Workshop in New Orleans
Posted by Brian in News, Threat Watch on 30/Jul/2012 13:52
WMD Training Workshop Tests Massive Response
WMD disaster scenario illustrates the need to train with fellow first responders. Details
Scope Tracking
Posted by Brian in Training, Training Videos on 21/Jul/2012 08:50
From NSSF’s YouTube channel:
Mobius Training Solutions
Mobius Training Solutions provides training in firearms, tactics, tracking and, search and rescue.
Founded January 2009, Mobius Training Solutions offers basic and advanced law enforcement and military training services. Our courses are well rounded and will give the student the most up to date and full service education available on the private or government market. We also insure this by subcontracting only the most qualified instructors in their fields to support our staff.
Tactical Medicine
TheTacticalMedic.com – tons of medic and first aid supplies
Tactical Medical Solutions – more advanced supplies like scalpels, triage kits, surgical kits and litters
International School of Tactical Medicine
Tactical Medics International – courses and supplies
 Chinook Medical Gear – med kits and supplies
North American Rescue – medical supplies for EMS, Law Enforcement and Military
Where2Shoot App Finds Local Ranges
Via Guns.com
Where2Shoot allows users to search for ranges near their current location or by zip code and state. The search then provides specific information on each range, such as the shooting activities offered, accessibility and contact information. The app also includes news, safety information and tips for interested shooters.
How Rifle Scopes Work
From Guns.com:
So you just laid down a stack of green on the latest, greatest and most expensive rifle in the world. Good for you, but realize that if you don’t have a world class scope or other optical device to go with your long gun (and an intimate understanding of how to properly use that sometimes enigmatic piece of hardware), you’ll never get to witness your rifle’s full potential.
Firearm Training In Virginia
From: On Target Training and Heide Kaser
2012 Training Courses and NEW Website
Dear Friends and Fellow Firearm Enthusiasts
I have created a very simple website to announce On Target Training Firearm classes, which will help us share what we are doing and expedite registration.
Here is a preview for 2012:
 March 31st – Introduction to Handguns
A course which will include the firearms and ammunition. This is for people who have never fired before, or for people who want to try a variety of handguns and calibers, and get more comfortable. It is ideal for spouses and youth who want to learn in a comfortable no-stress environment.
April 21 – Defensive Pistol Skills
This one-day seminar will cover the following skills sets vital for self-defense, concealed carry, and action pistol shooting events (IDPA or USPSA): rapid drawing from a holster and target acquisition, quick placement of multiple hits on a target, rapid placement of hits on multiple targets, use of cover – moving to cover and firing from cover, use of movement – while drawing, moving to cover, and while firing, and techniques for smooth and rapid reloads. We will end the course with shooting mini-scenarios applicable to self-defense situations or an action pistol match, in which all of the skills practiced during the day will be utilized.
June 2 – Practical Carbine
This course is designed for rifle students interested in mastering accuracy and speed on both paper and reactive steel targerts using a variety of positions and movement.
Drills range from focusing on traditional rifle positions and accuracy to firing on the move, firing on steel from distance behind cover, adverse firing positions, decision making and reactive drills.
Students at all skill levels benefit from taking this course to improve their accuracy and speed. The day will end with challenging field courses designed to use the skills practiced during the day, and will make use of the rolling wooded terrain on this property.
Shootout In Illinois
The shootout took place in 2008, but the details are just coming out. PoliceMag.com has the full story:
Maddox point-fired at Gramins as he charged toward the patrol unit. Four bullets hit the front of Gramins’ squad car.
Gramins let loose with a barrage of rounds hoping that what he might lose in accuracy would be compensated for by its suppressive nature. The only thing separating Gramins and his assailant was a windshield that was fast disintegrating from ingoing and outgoing rounds.
Gunfighting in the “Red Zone”
From: Officer.com
The basic premise for The Red Zone, a one day class I recently attended in Camden, Tennessee was that during an actual life or death encounter there are far more things that should not be shot than those than should be.  Johnny Jihad is evil and can shoot up the landscape. You are the good guy and cannot do so. David Biggers former U.S. Army Officer and dedicated student of the gun led a dozen men and women through several drills designed to force the shooter to fire their defensive pistols in a deliberate and discriminating manner.
Up Close and Personal
The FBI compiles the most thorough statistics of actual gunfights in the United States. According to the 2009 stats, 19 of the 48 officers murdered in the line of duty where a firearm was used were 0-5 feet from their attacker. We’ve all accepted the 21 foot average, but the truth seems to be that 21 feet is more likely to be the outer limit than the minimum.
Gun Talk Television – New Shooters, Part 4
Posted by Brian in Handguns, Training, Training Videos on 28/Jul/2011 10:11
Gun Talk Television – New Shooters, Part 3
Posted by Brian in Handguns, Training, Training Videos on 25/Jul/2011 10:08
Gun Talk Television – New Shooters, Part 2
Posted by Brian in Handguns, Training, Training Videos on 22/Jul/2011 12:06