Posts Tagged education

Armed Attorneys On YouTubes Gun Censorship

From Armed Attorneys:

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Black Shooting Range Shutdown By Maryland

From MSN:

Some of Bell’s neighbors didn’t share that view. Disturbed by the noise and risk of errant gunfire, nearly 40 of them supported a petition demanding that the range be shut down, the Southern Maryland News reported. Tomlinson, in particular, said he feared for his safety, since his farm sits downrange from a backstop for bullets on Bell’s property that he called “totally ineffective.”

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Chinese Invasion Of American Institutions

From The Federalist:

Numerous pieces have been published discussing the inexorable rise of China, and the likelihood of the Chinese economy overtaking the United States’ economy. More concerning, though, is the fact that Chinese companies closely aligned with Beijing are directly influencing operations in the United States. They are buying up land, influencing news and media networks, and shaping the narratives on college campuses. The Chinese assault is less of a swift invasion and more of an endless infiltration.

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We Need Gun Education Not Gun Control

From The DC Project:

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Cincinnati School Teaching Gun Safety Class

From Bearing Arms:

Students in one Cincinnati charter school are learning those basics and going beyond, thanks to a decision to introduce real gun safety education to students. The DAMPE Community School uses Dance, Art, Music, and Physical Education as integral parts of the curriculum, and school principal Tonjarene Bronston has incorporated gun safety instruction into the school’s P.E. classes, telling a local television station that she and other educators can’t ignore the reality that many of their students are growing up in neighborhoods where violence is a common event.

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The New Gun Culture

From The Reload:

“Right at the height of all of the craziness is when I bought my first pistol and rifle,” Keys told The Reload. “I didn’t know where all that was gonna go. So I just figured, ‘you know what, let me go to this gun show and just try to pick up a rifle and a pistol before I can’t get it anywhere.’ It was the last gun show before they shut everything down.”

Less than a year later, he’s part of another expanding group: new gun owners who have already turned into activists. He now co-hosts Guns Out TV with Shermichael Singleton, another black gun owner. The pair uses the program to show what black gun ownership in America looks like while being educational and, especially, entertaining.

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Who Are The Real Fascists?

From Newsweek:

Until further notice, teachers in the area will not be able to include on their curriculum Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, Theodore Taylor’s The Cay and Mildred D. Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.

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Group Calls For Return To Gun Safety Classes

From Ammoland:

Sometimes championed by what passes for “news” today, they act completely against American values, including dramatically against our fundamental right to keep and bear arms. Socialists are dead set against an armed public, which they now fearlessly announce, because they know all too well it represents a threat to their absolute power. Historically, socialist regimes all disarm their subjects, frequently leading to genocide.

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Biden Promotes Old “Assault Ban” Idea


This week the campaign website for presidential hopeful Joe Biden published what it called an “Education … Plan for Educators, Students, and Our Future.” Among its agenda items was to “[d]efeat the National Rifle Association” by “championing legislation to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines – bans [Biden] authored in 1994.” In other words, Biden would reprise a law that was widely recognized (including among gun control advocates) as a failure and the cause of his party losing control of Congress in 1994.

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MN To Add Gun Safety To P.E. Classes


The omnibus environment and natural resources spending bill, SF 7, was approved by lawmakers last week by a large, bipartisan vote and presented to Walz. Included in the plan is $500,000 from the state’s game and fish fund for grants to school districts to increase firearms safety, trap shooting, archery, hunting, and angling activities in physical education classes.

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National Guard Logo Change Reflects Poor Education

From Small Wars Journal:

On March 25th, the National Guard Bureau officially announced new branding for recruiting. The traditional “Minuteman” logo will no longer appear on recruiting materials. It was reported that the image did not “resonate” with 16-18-year-old high school students because of lack of knowledge of the historic symbol. Concerns were also expressed that iconic figure from American history wasn’t “inclusive.” Furthermore, due to “no tolerance” policies concerning the display of images of firearms in schools, the traditional Minuteman logo could not be displayed due to inclusion of an 18th century flintlock rifle. Now the National Guard will be represented by a lackluster shield shaped black logo with white and gold lettering. The new recruiting videos will focus primarily on the National Guard’s domestic mission of natural disaster relief.

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Education Is Power

From The Mercury News:

Do you want to reduce shootings? Educate. No young person I have ever known who has been taught proper gun safety and taught the seriousness of handling/owning a firearm has ever committed any criminal shooting. I teach Boy Scouts gun safety and marksmanship. Anyone is welcome to come when we have a class and I promise you will be impressed by how seriously Scouts as young as 11 take this.

Make firearms taboo and that is exactly what a young person will want to get their hands on.

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Journalism Primer on Guns

From Journalists Resource:

Guns are one of the most divisive topics in the United States, so it’s crucial for journalists to get the details right — down to the type and style of weapon being discussed.

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Oregon Proposes Gun Safety Class In Schools

From The Statesman Journal:

Gun-rights advocates last week filed an initiative petition to make firearms-safety instruction mandatory in all sixth-grade public schools in Oregon.

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Open Carry Encounter Goes Well

From The Truth About Guns:

I often open carry, especially in the summer when the temperatures make concealed carry a bit more cumbersome. I was open carrying at this Yuma, Arizona gas station when a man approached me. He asked if Arizona is an open carry state. I told him it was, and went on to explain that most states were. He said he was from Colorado, where open carry was forbidden in some cities.

The encounter illustrates an often underrated advantage of open carry: it’s an excellent way to meet interesting, mostly friendly people who are potential allies. About 95 percent of the contacts that I make while openly carrying are amiable and curious, as this gentleman was.

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