Posts Tagged NSSF

There Are Now More Programs For Ranges As The Number Of Shooters Increases

From The Truth About Guns:

Some of the biggest demand for new ranges exists in urban and suburban communities. That poses its own set of unique obstacles, especially for suitable land that is affordable for public shooting ranges and addresses existing concerns for noise issues associated with recreational shooting ranges.

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Op-Ed Tone Deaf On Texas and Gun Rights

From The Austin American-Statesman:

The NRA claims to be “the longest-standing civil rights organization,” with lofty talk of defending the 2nd Amendment and “freedom.” But the NRA sold the freedoms and safety of our communities in exchange for corporate profits a long time ago. Americans cannot pursue happiness while looking over their shoulders and planning escape routes.

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Commerce Department Bans Firearm Exports

From The Truth About Guns:

On April 26, the BIS published an Interim Final Rule that cements the supposed 90-day firearm export “pause” (it has been in effect for 180 days already) into permanent policy while also creating additional regulatory burdens.

In response to the announcement, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) said the rule entrenches the Biden Administration’s “whole of government” attack and “is intended to hobble the firearm industry’s ability to compete in the international market under the false pretense of advancing U.S. national security.”

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Anti Gun Group Now Targeting NSSF

From Bearing Arms:

“Luckily, we at Brady know how to fight the NSSF because we’ve been fighting the NRA for years, and we’re seeing the disgraceful end of their organization play out because of our dedicated work. We may know their tricks, but we’re going to need all the support we can get if we’re going to overcome another extremist gun lobby group, and that’s why I’m reaching out today,” reads the email written under the name Kris Brown, President of Brady.

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NSSF Takes Over Top Gun Lobby Spot From NRA

From The Truth About Guns:

That title is now held by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), which NBC News reports spent over $5.4 million on federal lobbying last year, more than any other year in its history, and significantly more than the NRA. The NSSF, with a 60-year history of promoting hunting and recreational shooting, has emerged as the country’s largest firearms trade association amid the NRA’s struggles with declining membership, revenue and internal scandals, including a corruption ruling against its leader Wayne LaPierre.

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Gun Ban Introduced As GOSAFE Act

From NSSF:

“The legislation introduced by Senators King and Heinrich is openly defiant of the rights protected by the U.S. Constitution. There is no path forward for legislation of this nature that would deprive law-abiding citizens the ability to lawfully possess the firearm of their choosing and the full spectrum of their Second Amendment rights,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel.

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NSSF Creates New Super PAC

From Protect Liberty PAC:

The Protect Liberty Political Action Committee (PAC) launched with the express goal of electing candidates who are dedicated to preserving and protecting liberty, freedoms and the Constitutional rights of all Americans. This especially includes the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Protect Liberty PAC will take a leading role and be more dynamic and outspoken in the electoral process in order to protect the firearm industry, beginning at the ballot box.

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Long Range Shooting Tip: Using A Rear Bag

From NSSF:

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Anti Gunners Shift Target From NRA To NSSF

From The Guardian:

Meet the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the gun industry’s conservative and aggressive lobbying group. Its range of activities is broad but always geared to zealously and single-mindedly preserving and extending the power of the gun industry.

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One Million Gun Sales Per Month For The Last Four Years

From The Truth About Guns:

First, the NSSF’s adjusted number is really a minimum. It doesn’t account for sales of multiple firearms in on transaction and it doesn’t include sales in states that don’t require background checks for carry permit holders (never mind private sales).

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Biden ATF Targeting Gun Stores

From NSSF:

The first nine-months of statistics are in and the Biden administration is doing exactly what it said it would. President Joe Biden and his White House advisors are using the ATF as a blunt instrument to hobble the firearm industry.

Since taking office, the Biden administration announced a “zero tolerance” policy when it comes to firearm retailer inspections. A single violation can be interpreted as breaking the law and the 1934 Gun Control Act allows ATF to revoke a federal firearm license for a single violation. Instead of using the ATF as a government bureau to assist the firearm industry to stay within regulations, President Biden and his Department of Justice (DOJ) have turned it into a steel trap by which they snare firearm retailers to run them out of business.

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Conservation Fund Passes 16 Billion

From Ammoland:

NSSF, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, celebrated a milestone achievement after announcing firearm and ammunition manufacturers topped $16.1 billion in excise tax contributions to the Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund since its inception in 1937. When adjusted for inflation, the total is more than $25 billion. The latest Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax (FAET) Collection report released by the Department of the Treasury, covering the 4th Quarter Calendar Year 2022, indicates that firearm and ammunition manufacturers contributed more than $235 million, the third-highest 4th calendar quarter in history.

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NSSF Tips on Rifle Scopes

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Florida Attacks Credit Card Tracking Gun Purchases

From NSSF:

“This is the United States of America. You don’t get penalized for exercising a Constitutional right. The Second Amendment is nonnegotiable, and here in Florida, we are going to fight to protect the rights of Floridians,” Republican state Sen. Danny Burgess recently proclaimed.

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NSSF Takes The Fight To Financial Industry

From Cam and Company:

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