Posts Tagged washington

Civil Disobedience in Olympia Over I-594


As the RSVPs in advance of the rally grew to over 6,000, the police – most who probably detest I-594 – decided not to enforce the law. The Washington State Patrol announced there would be no arrests for exchanging guns – not even for selling guns. Seim refused to obtain a permit to hold the rally, citing the right of people to peaceably assemble.

If you can choose when to enforce or not enforce laws then what is the point of having laws in the first place?

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Anti Gunners Admitting Laws Don’t Work


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Does I-594 Cover Nail and Flare Guns?

From Whidbey News Times:

The definition of firearm contained in state law and in I-594 reads, “… A weapon or device from which a projectile or projectiles may be fired by an explosive such as gunpowder.”

 These flare guns have previously been determined to be firearms by the WSP Crime Lab in Tacoma because they fire a projectile by an explosive.

Home Depot, Lowe’s and other hardware stores sell Ramset nail guns, which use a gunpowder charge to fire nails, usually into concrete or steel.

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Washington Museum To Return Firearms Because Of I-594


The controversial 18-page ballot referendum, which voters approved by a 9-point margin earlier this month, greatly expands background check requirements to include most private gun sales and transfers. While supporters held that the measure’s intent was to close a dangerous loophole which provided criminals with guns, all the Lynden Pioneer Museum knows is that they now have to pull 11 vintage rifles currently on display and return them to donors to become compliant with the new law.

Did Washingtonians know that this is what they were voting for? Laws like this actually create criminals where none existed before. Many museums are stocked with items that are on loan because they don’t have very much money. Now the people of Washington are denied the ability to learn and experience history. Thank you Bloomberg for denying children an education.

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Civil Disobedience To Take Place In Washington After Gun Restrictions Passed

The Facebook group “I-594 I Will Not Comply” was created to organize a civil disobedience rally at the capitol.

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Washington Sheriffs Overwhelmingly Oppose I594


While backers of billionaire-funded Initiative 594 are planning one more rally this Saturday – using the Marysville-Pilchuck school shooting as something of a campaign prop – another county sheriff has joined 26 of his colleagues to oppose the measure, making the count more than two-thirds of the elected sheriffs against the measure.

From NRA:

A majority of Washington State’s 39 sheriffs have come out in opposition to anti-gun Washington State Ballot Initiative 594.  The sheriffs oppose I-594 because it will not make anyone safer, will strain scarce law enforcement resources, will criminalize the lawful behavior of millions of law-abiding gun owners in Washington and will be unenforceable.  Instead, I-594 would vastly expand the state’s handgun registry and force law-abiding gun owners to pay fees and get the government’s permission to sell or even loan a firearm to a friend or family member.

To date, 27 of the 39 sheriffs have publicly opposed I-594.

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Long Range Operators Challenge

The first Long Range Operators Challenge was held in early March in Washington.

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Ignorant Cop Costs City $15K For Pointing Gun At Man Who Was Openly Carrying


Lawyers say Bellingham has agreed to pay $15,000 to a man who was threatened by a police officer for wearing a holstered gun in a city park.

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Washington To Completely Ban “Assault Weapons”

Democrats in Washington state have proposed legislation that would outlaw so called “assault weapons” and require yearly inspections by the sheriff.

From Activist Post:

In order to continue to possess a so-called assault weapon that was owned before the assumed passing of the legislation, the person must “safely and securely” store the assault weapon and allow the sheriff of the county to, no more than once per year, conduct an inspection to “ensure compliance,” despite some apparent civil liberties implications related to the Fourth Amendment.

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City Councilman Walks Out Of Meeting Because Man Admits He Is Armed

This city councilman is completely irrational.


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Seattle PD Gun Buy Back Morphs Into Gun Show

From DCXposed:

Police stood in awe as gun enthusiasts and collectors waved wads of cash for the guns being held by those standing in line for the buyback program.

John Diaz, Seattles Police Chief,  wasn’t pleased with the turn of events stating “I’d prefer they wouldn’t sell them,” but admitted it’s perfectly legal for private individuals to buy and sell guns, FOR NOW. Mayor Mike McGinn said at a news conference the private transactions are a loophole that needs to be closed. “There’s no background checks, and some (guns) could be exchanged on the streets that shouldn’t be in circulation.”

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Smuggling operations infecting NORTHERN border

According to Oliver King (Iranian illegal alien Hamid Malekpour), this is an accurate depiction of your average American hunter.

“The northern border is apparently a new focus of the arms trade. The Yamhill Valley News-Register of McMinnville, Ore., reported in May that a major cache of weapons was found in a storage unit in Ferndale, Wash.

The alleged smuggler was listed in the complaint as Iranian illegal alien Hamid Malekpour, who sometimes uses the alias Oliver King.

Longmire reports that weapons smuggling from the north is increasingly common, but the purpose for Iranians to bring in weapons through Washington state is unclear.”

Agents eventually arrested him at a storage locker in Ferndale where they say King had stowed over $30,000 worth of guns and ammo.”

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