Posts Tagged seattle

Media Admits Washington Gun Law Not Working

From Bearing Arms:

Washington ranks ninth in the country for gun-law strength, according to Everytown for Gun Safety this year, making it one of the strictest states. The Legislature passed a law earlier this year which requires gun owners to report stolen firearms to law enforcement within 24 hours or face a fine of up to $1,000.

Yet despite Washington’s relatively strict gun laws, children are still obtaining guns.

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Mike Solan Discuss Seattle Police Deaths and SWAT Shooting

From Hold The Line:

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Amazon Moving It’s Employees Out Of Seattle After Crime Spike

From The Truth About Guns:

The online sales behemoth that embraces gun control and defunding police is now witnessing the effects of those policies. Amazon is moving its employees out of one of its downtown corporate buildings over concerns of rising crime.

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When Marijuana and Guns Come Together

From The Truth About Guns:

KING5 in Seattle reported on a pot shop that’s hired armed security following a pair of armed robberies in recent months. They must have found the only pot shop in America that didn’t already have a guard with a gun. Then again, many pot shops in Washington State advertise themselves as “no guns” locations for customers. They also (obviously) have recreational pharmaceuticals and, thanks to banking regulations, deal exclusively in cash, making them ideal targets for violent criminals.

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Almost Half of Seattle Police Could Be Fired Over Vax Mandate

From NY Post:

The city is poised to fire as many as 403 officers, about 40 percent of the 1,000-person force, for failing to take the COVID-19 jab by an Oct. 18 deadline, according to local reports.

“The environment has been pretty toxic and negative,” an unnamed officer told Fox 13 News. “Not just from this whole mandate, but prior to that as well. I’m not sure this would be a good place for me to work long-term for my mental health. It has been very stressful.”

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Washington To Ban Firearms At Protests And State Capitol

From Crosscut:

Over opposition from Republicans and gun-rights activists, both houses of the Legislature have passed a ban on weapons within 250 feet of protests or on the Capitol campus in Olympia. Backers say empowering police to remove or arrest armed onlookers addresses widespread complaints from demonstrators and reduces a bona fide safety risk.

After a year of protests in Portland and Seattle about police brutality and defunding the police Washington State now wants to give the police more power? The entire Northwest is schizophrenic. They don’t know what they want.

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Seattle Council Considering Poverty As An Excuse For Theft

From Policemag:

The idea, referred to as the poverty defense, was discussed Tuesday by the Seattle City Council’s Public Safety Committee after it was introduced by City Council member Lisa Herbold and Anita Khandelwal, the King County’s director of the Department of Public Defense.

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Seattle Gun Control Not Working

From Bearing Arms:

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Seattle PD Attacked by ANTIFA Mob of 100

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BLM Wants People’s Homes

From Summit News:

The seizure of white-owned property has long been a primary goal of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Back in 2017, BLM leader Chanelle Helm issued a list of demands, one of which was that white people will their property to black people in order to prove they’re not racist.

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Backlash In Seattle For Funding The Police

From Stop Defunding:

With over 100,000 signatures on our petition, the city council is panicking and has postponed the vote to defund the Seattle Police Department until Monday, August 10th.
On Monday August 3rd 2020, despite having no specific plan, the Seattle City Council will vote to defund the Seattle Police Department.  The defunding of the SPD would mean that up to 800 officers would be fired.  That’s over half of all sworn officers.  It would also mean immensely longer 911 response times and of course, higher crime rates.  Please sign our petition to stop the defunding of the Seattle Police Department and send a message to the city council that says “no” to the defunding the Seattle Police Department.

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Garand Thumb Interviews Marine Who Disarmed Seattle Rioters

From GarandThumb:

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Seattle Cop In Jeopardy After Posting Video

From The Truth About Guns:

Officer Anderson’s video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times and drew the attention of his commanders in the police force. They asked him — then ordered him — to take the video down. He refused and has been placed on administrative leave.

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Washington Attacks Gun Owners While Failing To Prosecute Criminals

From Ammoland:

It evidently doesn’t matter that the two suspects in last month’s fatal fracas could not legally possess, much less carry, firearms. While the state Department of Licensing last Friday advised Ammoland News that there are now 647,233 active CPLs in the state—the highest number of any far western state, except for Utah—suspects William Tolliver and Marquise Latrelle Tolbert don’t have one. They were apprehended after being on the run more than a week, during which time they became examples of a justice system in serious need of repair.

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Career Criminals The Problem Not Guns

From Conservative Review:

William Ray Tolliver has at least 44 prior arrests and 20 convictions, for offenses including unlawful possession of a firearm, theft, malicious mischief, and assault.
Marquise Latrelle Tolbert has over 20 arrests, with 15 convictions, including for robbery, possession of a stolen vehicle, discharging a firearm in a public place, theft, and harassment.
Both men were arrested in 2018 for drive-by shooting and weapons violations but appear not to have served time in prison. Police believe they are both members of a local gang.

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