Posts Tagged cato institute

NY Ranks Dead Last In Freedom Index

From Cato Institute:

When it comes to the bottom states, we see that the Empire State has consistently placed last. The difference between the scores for New York and New Hampshire corresponds to one and a half standard deviations on every single variable. New York also performs poorly across the board, but especially on economic freedom. Thus, New Yorkers feel the heavy hand of government in every area of their lives.

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Gun Policy Is Complicated

From The Cato Institute:

I wish it were that simple, but, like most questions in public policy, it is not. Gun policy is hard, and getting it right—or even starting to get it right—requires calling out the bad arguments from both sides and understanding inevitable trade‐​offs and unavoidable facts.

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Discussion On “Stand Your Ground” Laws From The Cato Institute

From Cato Institute:

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Criminals vs Armed Citizens

From Cato Institute:

Federal and state lawmakers often oppose repealing or amending laws governing the ownership or carrying of guns. That opposition is typically based on assumptions that the average citizen is incapable of successfully employing a gun in self-defense or that possession of a gun in public will tempt people to violence in “road rage” or other contentious situations. Those assumptions are false. The vast majority of gun owners are ethical and competent. That means tens of thousands of crimes are prevented each year by ordinary citizens with guns.

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Your Cell Phone Is Spying On You And It’s Great (or is it?)

From The CATO Institute:

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U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie on Hemp, Guns and National Security

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Supreme Court Needs To Clarify Second Amendment

From CATO:

While Heller clarified that the Second Amendment secures an individual right, the ruling left many questions about the scope of that right unanswered. Since then, several courts have made clear that they plan to take only as much from Heller as they absolutely have to.

Since Heller struck down D.C.’s ban on functional firearms in the home, recalcitrant courts pretend that the Second Amendment is limited to the right to keep arms and that legislatures can for very little (or no) reason to ignore the right to bear them outside the home.

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CATO Institute Discusses The Second Amendment in 2013

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National Police Misconduct Reporting Project

The CATO Institute runs the National Police Misconduct Reporting Project. It is important to remember that any group, be it police, military or the government is made up of people who are flawed and make mistakes. If men were angels we wouldn’t need laws to govern them.

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Massad Ayoob Speaking About “Stand You Ground”

This video is from over a year ago when the case in Florida was just beginning. I think it is relevant to go back and watch it in light of the verdict.

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Cato Institute: Defensive Gun Uses

The Cato Institute has created an interactive Google map to chart the defensive use of guns in the United States. The map is not comprehensive, but does allow users to add any defensive use that is not already displayed.

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Massad Ayoob on Castle Doctrines and “Stand Your Ground” Laws

From The Cato Institute:

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Massad Ayoob on Self Defense

The Cato Institute interviewed Massad Ayoob for their daily podcast on May 10th. They discussed using firearms for self defense in the wake of the Trayvon Martin case.

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Cato Report on Defensive Use of Firearms

The Cato Institute just released a study on the defensive use of firearms entitled Tough Targets.

What would be the effect of depriving ordinary, law-abiding citizens from keeping arms for self-defense? One result seems certain: the law-abiding would be at a distinct disadvantage should criminals acquire guns from underground markets. After all, it is simply not possible for police officers to get to every scene where they are urgently needed.

Follow the links to read the full report in HTML or PDF.

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