Posts Tagged podcast

The Origin And History Of The Galil

From Two Guys One Gun:

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Vortex Podcast Discusses Rifle Zeroes

From Vortex:

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The Reload Discusses Hawaii Gun and Knife Laws

From The Reload:

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Tips For New Media Gun Advocates

From Ammoland:

It’s not difficult to do since smartphone technology and social media can make anyone a journalist.

It doesn’t matter what platform you use to publish a story – social media, a website, a podcast or a YouTube channel – because a hard-hitting pro-gun story generates buzz, and buzz generates action. Public officials don’t like their switchboards overwhelmed with irate callers or their inboxes overflowing with angry emails.

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Chuck Rossi of Open Source Defense on the We Like Shooting Podcast

From We Like Shooting:

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Bridging The Gap With Mental Health And Guns

From The Tom Woods podcast:

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Guns Magazine Interviews Chuck Rossi from Open Source Defense

From Gun Magazine:

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Open Source Defense Co-Founder Interview

From Restless Native:

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First 2nd Amendment Supreme Court Case Since Heller

From National Constitution Center:

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What ISIS Believes And No One Is Telling You

From Sam Harris:

In this episode of the Waking Up podcast, Sam Harris reads from the latest issue of Dabiq, the magazine of ISIS, and discusses the beliefs and goals of jihadists worldwide.

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Your Cell Phone Is Spying On You And It’s Great (or is it?)

From The CATO Institute:

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Massad Ayoob on Self Defense

The Cato Institute interviewed Massad Ayoob for their daily podcast on May 10th. They discussed using firearms for self defense in the wake of the Trayvon Martin case.

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The Global State of Piracy

IDGA Podcast

CAPT Robert B. Ford, Sr. Data Analyst, Maritime Administration, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), talks to IDGA about developing sustainable solutions to combat global piracy; achieving the proper balance between safety and security; and current anti-piracy tactics, techniques, and procedures.

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Ask General McChrystal a Question

From: Nick Younker, Senior Editor,

Dear Colleague,

I have some exciting news to share. I am interviewing General Stanley McChrystal for an IDGA podcast. General McChrystal is the keynote speaker for NCW 2011 and was kind enough to offer us this interview. Now is your chance! If you could ask General McChrystal one question, what would it be? Send it to me or reply to this email. I will collect all of the questions, and randomly select a few to ask the General during the podcast. Find out if your question was asked by listening in! I will let you know when it is available announcing it on To hear from General McChrystal in person, you can register for NCW 2011. This is going to be one of the best NCW events to date. You can view the entire speaker line-up here.

Please feel free to send me any other questions or comments you may have.


Nick Younker
Senior Editor,

P.S. – Follow IDGA for updates on NCW and General McChrystal.

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