Posts Tagged corporate censorship

Armed Attorneys On YouTubes Gun Censorship

From Armed Attorneys:

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Armslist Banned By YouTube

From Ammoland:

YouTube told AmmoLand News directly that it shut down the channel for “facilitating” gun sales, violating the YouTube terms of service (TOS). The TOS prohibits selling guns or linking to ads for gun sales.

Although the Armslist site contains classified ads for those wanting to sell guns, the Armslist YouTube page did not sell or link to the Armslist site. The latest video showed how to paint your rifle using spray paint. Thousands of videos on the platform show the same process, which does not violate the YouTube TOS.

Did the New York Times influence YouTube with this hit piece?

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Big Tech Trying To Censor Babylon Bee

From Tucker Carlson:

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Guns Magazine Interviews Chuck Rossi from Open Source Defense

From Gun Magazine:

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Amazon Bans Ads For Any Book With Guns On Cover

From Observer:

I was confused. The book’s thesis—indeed, my life’s work—is how we can end deaths by firearms. The book doesn’t promote guns. Far from it. In fact, my prime argument is that the lethality of firearms is a problem, but one that we can fix. And yet, Amazon wouldn’t allow us to promote those ideas in the aftermath of a deadly event that demonstrated the dire need for them.

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YouTube Bans Defense Distributed Press Conference

From The Washington Examiner:

The video in question, which has already been reposted by other accounts on YouTube, shows a press conference Wilson gave for a collection of reporters from major media outlets including the Associated Press, New York Times, Houston Chronicle, and others. The 46-minute video features Wilson explaining his reaction to a recent ruling by a federal judge forcing the State Department to abandon its settlement with Wilson, which would have allowed him to publish certain gun files, including his design for a gun made mostly from 3D-printed components, pending further legal action. After explaining that he would begin to sell the files online and sharing them over email or other secured means of transmission in response to the judge’s assertion that doing so would likely be legal, Wilson then took questions from the press for about 40 minutes.

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Corporate Censorship Of Alex Jones

From Spiked:

 Radicals and liberals declared themselves ‘very glad’ that these business elites enforced censorship against Jones and Infowars. We should be ‘celebrating the move’, said Vox, because ‘it represents a crucial step forward in the fight against fake news’. Liberals for capitalist censorship! The world just got that bit odder, and less free.

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Social Media Purge Has Begun

From Zero Hedge:

One day after what appeared to be a coordinated attack by media giants Facebook, Apple, Spotify and Google on Alex Jones, whose various social media accounts were banned or suspended in a matter of hours, the crackdown against alternative media figures continued as several Libertarian figures, including the Ron Paul Institute director, found their Twitter accounts suspended.

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Guns, Bans and YouTube

From Free The People:

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