Posts Tagged culture war

YouTube Starts Crackdown On Gun Videos

From The Truth About Guns:

On Tuesday, Kinman, joined on video by his son and business associate John, announced that a new YouTube policy is making up to 95 percent of Hickok45 videos inaccessible to his fans.

“Some of you may have seen that YouTube changed their policy on gun videos on June 18, and we were not aware how much that was going to affect us until very recently when we talked to our Google rep,” John Kinman said on the video. “And you may notice that our videos posted since June 18 have been removed.”

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Company Producing Ammo Vending Machines

From Ammoland:

The vending machines in question, from American Rounds, use computer technology to validate age with picture ID. If the person attempting to purchase ammunition is over 21 years old, they may purchase the ammunition using a picture ID, which the machine validates using facial recognition software. Only credit or debit card purchases seem possible. There does not appear to be any way to pay with cash on the face of the machine. This means a double check of identification takes place, as the person whose identification is validated must also use a credit card, which has to be separately validated.

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YouTube To Crackdown On Gun Content, Destroy Livelihoods

From Bearing Arms:

“Restricting access to adults only—for content that depicts wholly legal and constitutionally-protected activity—is wrong, and it aims to push a sinister narrative to minors that firearms are evil,” said Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President. “In turn, as younger generations come of age, they will not question or push back on further violations of our Second Amendment rights.”

“Alvin Bragg and his anti-gun friends have been aggressively pressuring YouTube to censor and directly prohibit certain content related to guns for years now, and sadly they just succeeded and free speech has once again become the victim,” said Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs. “Congress must demand answers from YouTube on how influential DA Bragg and gun control groups were in facilitating this change in policy and determine whether the Biden Administration or it’s White House Office of Gun Control was weaponized to force the censorship of Second Amendment content.”

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Corporate Press Hates America and It’s Founding Symbols

From The Federalist:

The meaning behind the “An Appeal To Heaven” flag, a pine-tree-adorned symbol used by squadrons of the Continental Navy during the Revolutionary War, is rather innocuous. George Washington’s secretary Col. Joseph Reed created the flag in 1775 to publicly display “an appeal to God to save the colonists from the King’s oppressive ruling.”

The same outlets fomenting fake scandal about the alleged Alito flag have never taken issue with any Americans displaying Black Lives Matter, Ukrainepro-terrorist, and rainbow flags, despite their connections to anti-American agitation. The New York Times, however, suggested the historic “An Appeal To Heaven” flag was associated with a “push for a more Christian-minded government.”

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Parents of School Shooter Sentenced To Decade In Prison

From Bearing Arms:

A Michigan judge went beyond the recommended guidelines on Tuesday when deciding how long James and Jennifer Crumbley will spend behind bars after being convicted for involuntary manslaughter in connection with the shooting at Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan in November, 2021. The parents of the shooter will spend the next decade in prison before they’re eligible for parole, and could serve fifteen years in custody on the involuntary manslaughter charges, though sentencing guidelines suggested a seven-year sentence was more appropriate. 

The sentence isn’t a deterrent for the Crumbleys or for the actual perpetrator of the attack at Oxford High. Their kid is already going to spend the rest of his life in prison for killing four students and injuring seven other students and staff. This is about sending a message to other gun-owning parents. 

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The War Over The Second Amendment

From Zero Hedge:

Thomas Jefferson in particular was vehemently opposed to a standing federal army. Like the rest of the Founders, he believed it was the responsibility of a citizens militia of ordinary Americans to defend their state, or in the rarest of circumstances, the entire country from an outside threat. He also made it clear that an armed citizenry was the best defense against government tyranny. As president, Jefferson slashed military spending. He noted, “Standing armies [are] inconsistent with [a people’s] freedom and subversive of their quiet.” In 1789, the author of the Declaration of Independence wrote, “There are instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation and which place them so totally at the mercy of their governors….Such an instrument is a standing army.” No wonder he’s now a hopeless dead White “racist.”

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ATF Director and Firearms “Expert” Make Fools of Themselves on CBS

From Face The Nation:

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The Atlantic Admits “Buybacks” Don’t Work; Is This a Prelude To Confiscation?

From The Atlantic:

Gun policy is a famously impossible problem in contemporary America. Any ideas that might actually reduce gun violence are stymied by political division or struck down by courts. Gun buybacks are the only form of gun control that both gun opponents and gun supporters like. There’s just one problem: They don’t work. Scholars have tried for years to quantify the benefit of buybacks, and they’ve consistently found little empirical evidence that they do much of anything to reduce gun violence at all.

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CA To Require Gun Question From Insurers

From The Truth About Guns:

The bill, AB 3067 by Democrat assemblyman Mike Gipson specifies: “In addition to existing regulations, an application for homeowners’ or renters’ insurance shall include questions regarding all of the following: (1) Whether there are firearms kept in the household, including in any accessory structures, and if so, how many. (2) Whether the firearm, if any, is stored in a locked container in the home, including any accessory structures, while not in use. (3) The number of firearms kept in a vehicle located on the property subject to the applicable insurance policy, and if any, whether they are stored securely in a locked container while not in use.”

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Gun Content Creators Attacked By Anti-Gunners

From Bearing Arms:

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Idaho Will Not Do Business With Companies That Discriminate Against Guns

From The Truth About Guns:

Senate Bill 1291 was introduced in the state Senate earlier this week. The measure would prohibit public contracts with individuals or companies that are boycotting those that engage in or support the manufacture, distribution, sale or use of firearms, and would also require companies that contract with the state to disclose if their policies discriminate against the firearms industry.

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Court Rules California Can Continue Revealing Gun Owner Information To “Researchers”

From Ammoland:

“California’s Department of Justice had been permitted to share ‘identifying information of more than 4 million gun owners’ collected by the state during the background check process for firearms purchases with ‘qualified research institutions,’ ostensibly to aid in the study of gun-related accidents, suicides and violence.”

The “personal information” includes “names, addresses, phone numbers, and any criminal records, among other things.” What “other things”?

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Anti-Gunners Now Attacking The First Amendment

From Bearing Arms:

There’ve been a couple of recent examples of this despicable assault on the freedom of speech in California, where federal judges have struck down laws prohibiting the advertising of any “firearm-related product in a manner that is designed, intended, or reasonably appears to be attractive to minors” and a ban on gun shows on state property that was found to have violated the First Amendment rights of both gun owners and vendors. But the attacks on gun owners’ speech aren’t limited to the anti-2A extremists in Sacramento. As J.D. Tuccille documents at Reason, local officials in Flagstaff, Arizona are trying to silence a local gun shop owner by blocking his ads at the local airport.

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Bringing In Newbies To The Gun Community

From Tactical Business:

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Armslist Banned By YouTube

From Ammoland:

YouTube told AmmoLand News directly that it shut down the channel for “facilitating” gun sales, violating the YouTube terms of service (TOS). The TOS prohibits selling guns or linking to ads for gun sales.

Although the Armslist site contains classified ads for those wanting to sell guns, the Armslist YouTube page did not sell or link to the Armslist site. The latest video showed how to paint your rifle using spray paint. Thousands of videos on the platform show the same process, which does not violate the YouTube TOS.

Did the New York Times influence YouTube with this hit piece?

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