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Posts Tagged National Rifle Association
SHUSH Act Introduced By Senator Mike Lee
From The Truth About Guns:
Introduced by U.S. Rep. Mike Lee, R-Utah, the “Silencers Help Us Save Hearing Act,” aka SHUSH Act, would change current law and treat silencers the same as other firearms accessories.
Senate cosponsors of the SHUSH Act include Republican Sens. Rick Scott of Florida, Pete Rickets of Nebraska, Roger Marshall of Kansas and John Curtis of Utah. The measure is being supported by the NRA, the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR), GOA and the NSSF.
LaPierre Banned From NRA Position For 10 Years
From Ammoland:
On Monday, a New York judge banned National Rifle Association (NRA) former Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre from working with the organization for the next decade while declining to appoint an independent monitor to oversee the gun rights group.
Is The NRA Worth Saving?
From The Truth About Guns:
Hamlin’s victory over Ronnie Barrett in a 35-to-31 vote signifies a shift towards greater transparency and improved financial stewardship.
“We want to welcome all of our members to the new NRA,” Hamlin told The Reload. “We want to welcome those that we’ve lost in the past five years to come back to us. And we want them to bring friends and family with them.”
Op-Ed Tone Deaf On Texas and Gun Rights
From The Austin American-Statesman:
The NRA claims to be “the longest-standing civil rights organization,” with lofty talk of defending the 2nd Amendment and “freedom.” But the NRA sold the freedoms and safety of our communities in exchange for corporate profits a long time ago. Americans cannot pursue happiness while looking over their shoulders and planning escape routes.
LaPierre Squandered Millions While Neglecting Gun Rights
From Ammoland:
Former CEO of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, has finally admitted virtually everything that he’s been accused of over the past five years, and a jury has found him liable for padding his own pockets to the tune of $5.5 million.
LaPierre’s hand-picked Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, Woody Phillips was also found liable for $2 million in personal profit at NRA members’ expense, and the NRA itself (really the NRA’s current Board of Directors) was found to have failed in its fiduciary obligations to shepherd and safeguard the members’ assets. Keep in mind that none of this really takes into account the millions paid to “consultants” with nothing of substance to show for it, or the hundreds of millions spent on lawyers and the losses in membership and revenue over the past five years.
NRA Has More Problems Than Just Wayne LaPierre
From Ammoland:
With Wayne LaPierre’s announced resignation as Executive Vice President and CEO of the National Rifle Association at the end of the month, the NRA Board of Directors has an opportunity to reverse course and revive the flailing organization.
Instead, there’s a move afoot, to keep the lunatics in charge of the asylum by replacing LaPierre with the one person on the Board who has done the most to enable LaPierre’s corruption and to protect him for the past several years – NRA President Charles Cotton.
NRA Reform
From The Truth About Guns:
As a firearms instructor, I want to share my ideas for the reform the NRA needs as it heads into a trial its leadership will NOT win. The court will order that the organization be rebuilt, but if we don’t make it clear what’s really needed, we won’t get the results we need.
LaPierre Finally Steps Down After Years of Corruption Investigations
From The Truth About Guns:
Today the National Rifle Association publicly announced that long-time Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre will formally step down from his leadership position at the end of January. The embattled leader has faced all manner of criticism for a number of years which has culminated in a civil corruption trial that starts Monday in Manhattan.
ACLU Makes Principled Move To Defend NRA
From The Truth About Guns:
What the ACLU does advocate for pretty consistently is robust First Amendment rights for everyone. The NRA lawsuit involved here, if it fails, would strike at the heart of freedom of speech and empower governments to severely restrict the rights of anyone with views they disapprove of.
Anti-Gunners Realize Focusing On The NRA Was The Wrong Tactic
From The Truth About Guns:
Assessing the GOA’s impact and expanded lobbying efforts, the Violence Policy Center’s Rand stressed: “As the NRA has lost its footing, its more extreme members have embraced GOA. The group’s expanding influence can only drive pro-gun positions on legislation even further to the right.”
A Proposal To Save The NRA
From Ammoland:
The NRA needs Directors who are willing to ask tough questions, challenge the status quo, and stand up for the membership. We need Directors with integrity and conviction, not Yes-men and sycophants. We need Directors who understand business and finance, as well as understand and unflinchingly support the core principles of the Second Amendment right to arms.
If you or someone you know fits the bill, you or they are desperately needed right now. We only have until November 7, 2023, to collect about 500 valid signatures from Voting Members of the Association for each person we want nominated. Voting Members are Annual Members who have been members for at least five consecutive years and Life Members. You will need to know your NRA Member ID number as well to complete the form.
Anti Gunners Shift Target From NRA To NSSF
From The Guardian:
Meet the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the gun industry’s conservative and aggressive lobbying group. Its range of activities is broad but always geared to zealously and single-mindedly preserving and extending the power of the gun industry.