Posts Tagged suppressors

Texas’s Suppressor Challenge To Be Heard By Fifth Circuit

From Ammoland:

The lawsuit by the State of Texas, challenging the federal requirement to pay taxes and register homemade silencers, is moving forward in the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Oral arguments are scheduled for April 29, 2024. The case is now known as Paxton v Dettelbach.

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How To Destroy The NFA

From Ammoland:

The first step is well underway. It is to educate the gun culture and the general public about the history and failure of the National Firearms Act. When people learn the history and the effects of the act, support for it evaporates.

When people understand the NFA is the result of a political compromise that did nothing to stop crime; but results in thousands of Americans being punished for peaceful acts, support for the NFA drops to politically irrelevant numbers. Support for the NFA is fairly wide, but very shallow, propped up by the dominant Media and their creation and proliferation of false narratives.

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National Hearing Org Supports Suppressor Reform


In a letter sent at the end of May, the Academy of Doctors of Audiology, vouching support for “evidence-based practices in the delivery of audiovestibular care,” endorsed the Hearing Protection Act (H.R. 152/S.401) to improve access to suppressors. Holding that at least 7.5 million Americans hunt with a firearm each year and another 19 million regularly participate in target shooting, the organization recognized that “Firearm users are at high risk of developing NIHL (noise-induced hearing loss).”

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Suppressor Bans Introduced In Virginia and New Mexico

From American Suppressor Association:

As state legislatures across the country convene for the 2023 session, ASA is already working to defend against statewide suppressor bans in two states – Virginia and New Mexico. If this feels like deja vu, that’s because ASA already helped successfully defended against a ban in Virginia in 2019-2020. We stand ready to defend your right to own and use suppressors again in 2023!

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Rep. Gaetz Introduces Bill To Abolish ATF

From Gateway Pundit:

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced legislation to abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) after a controversial ruling that would make millions of American gun owners into criminals.

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Suppressor Regulation Challenged By Texas

From Armed Scholar:

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The Incremental Plan To Destroy The NFA

From Ammoland:

The first step is well underway. It is to educate the gun culture and the general public about the history and failure of the National Firearms Act. When people learn the history and the effects of the act, support for it evaporates.

When people understand the NFA is the result of a political compromise that did nothing to stop crime; but results in thousands of Americans being punished for peaceful acts, support for the NFA drops to politically irrelevant numbers. Support for the NFA is fairly wide, but very shallow, propped up by the dominant Media and their creation and proliferation of false narratives.

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ATF Going After Metal Tubes

From Ammoland:

A solvent trap is designed to catch solvent from a firearm when the gun is being cleaned. The solvent trap attaches to the front of the gun by using a threaded barrel. The solvent collects at the bottom of the tube of the trap. Solvent traps have been popular amongst firearms enthusiasts that with possession of proper Licenses can convert the traps into fully functioning suppressors by drilling out internal plugs and the closed tubing end.

“Solvent Traps” or “Fuel Filter Kits” are not regulated by the Gun Control Act (GCA) or the National Firearms Act (NFA), because and let us be honest here, we are talking about metal tubing. But that might be changing with the new rules expected this month. Certain senior members of the ATF leadership see solvent traps as a loophole to get around NFA restrictions on hearing protection devices, aka firearms silencers.

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Vice Interviewed The NFA Review Channel

From NFA Review:

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New Texas Laws Challenge Feds

From Ammoland:

Texas recently passed HB 957 into law. It will become effective on 1 September, 2021. The law repeals the Texas state ban on the possession of silencers/suppressors/gun mufflers, puts into effect a “no commandeering clause” for federal enforcement of the National Firearms Act (NFA) for silencers, and sets up a federal test case of the NFA in federal court.

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Senator Mike Lee Introduces Bill To Remove Regulations On Suppressors

From Bearing Arms:

Lee said his bill, the Silencers Helping Us Save Hearing Act, would eliminate the “onerous” regulation to make a legal sport safer for millions of Americans. Sens. Ted Cruz, of Texas, and John Cornyn, of Texas, are co-sponsoring the legislation, and Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., introduced a companion bill in the House.

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We Are The Heirs Of Revolution

From Silencer Co:

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Hearing Association Supports Suppressors


On October 28th, the National Hearing Conservation Association sent its new position paper on firearms suppressors to the American Suppressor Association. The paper, in short, recognizes the important role that firearm suppressors play in reducing hearing loss associated with firearms and endorses the Hearing Protection Act, which would eliminate the current antiquated and overly complicated process for acquiring suppressors and instead use the same instant background check system that is used for almost all firearms.

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Arkansas Removes State NFA Regulations

From Ammoland:

SB 400, now Act 495, eliminates the Arkansas ban on silenced (suppressed) firearms. The old law made it illegal to use, possess, make, repair, sell or otherwise deal in suppressed firearms.  Senator Ballinger is reported to have told the Senate that there were about 10,000 people who owned suppressors in Arkansas, under the National Firearms Act (NFA).

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Gun Laws America REALLY Needs

From The Federalist:

For various reasons, perhaps including his waffling on guns, it is not certain that Trump will be reelected in 2020. But if he stops listening to members of his family who support gun control, if the Republican Senate quashes Democrats’ gun schemes, if Trump is reelected, if the Republicans hold the Senate, and if they re-take the House of Representatives—a lot of ifs—he and the Republicans could change federal gun laws for the better.
Aggressively pursuing these changes and explaining to the American people why the changes are warranted would help protect the right of the people to keep and bear arms. By now, supporters of that right should have figured out that they will never win the war to protect it if they remain catatonic when the opportunity to pass good laws exists, then cower when Democrats and the liberal-left media attack in the minutes, hours, and days after a high-profile crime involving a gun.

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