Posts Tagged nbc

Gun Content Creators Attacked By Anti-Gunners

From Bearing Arms:

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NBC Coming To Terms With Expanding Gun Culture

From NBC News:

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NBC Smears Polymer80

From The Truth About Guns:

The NBC report on Polymer80 — with the inflammatory title, ‘Polymer80’s name has become synonymous with ‘ghost guns.’ Now it’s in the crosshairs.’ — attempts to smear the company, insinuating that they’re somehow skirting the law, when their perfectly legal products comply with all applicable regulations. In response, Polymer80 has just issued the following press release regarding the ongoing NBC kerfuffle .

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Did NBC Break The Law For Anti Gun Story?

From The Truth About Guns:

To be clear, NBC’s “Inside look at the rising ‘ghost gun’ market in the U.S.” is without a doubt the most unethical, factually bankrupt hit-piece I have ever. There is not even a close second. Its badness is unrivaled, without peer.

Most gun owners don’t even realize that journalists have ethics they must follow, because when it comes to gotcha stories about guns, most journalists throw the ethics right out the window. Hillyard and his production crew were no different. They certainly didn’t let ethics or even facts get in the way of the biased story they wanted to tell.

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NBC Tried To Dox Rittenhouse Jurors

From The Federalist:

Judge Bruce Schroeder announced Thursday morning that MSNBC would no longer be permitted in the courtroom of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial after someone who identified himself as a producer working for MSNBC was pulled over and arrested when he blew a red light while following a bus transporting the jurors.

The man identified himself as James J. Morrison, employed by MSNBC, and said he had been instructed by MSNBC’s Irene Byon in New York to follow the jury bus, according to the judge.

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Afghan Embassy Staff Desperate

From NBC News:

WASHINGTON — Local staff members at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul are “deeply disheartened” by U.S. evacuation efforts and have expressed a sense of betrayal and distrust in the U.S. government, according to a State Department diplomatic cable obtained by NBC News.

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NBC: Amateur Radio During Emergencies

From NBC Left Field:

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Tannerite Suing NBC

From Bearing Arms:

Attorneys representing Tannerite Sports filed suit against NBC Universal News Group (NBCU) and Lexington, KY-based WLEX Communications for libel and slander for allegedly defamatory print and video reports from NBC News national investigative correspondent Jeff Rossen.

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Comcast Banning Gun Ads

From The Blaze:

John Kupiec, president of the advertising agency Canadian American Corp., told us over the phone Monday that when they recently tried to buy ad time, a Comcast representative informed them that as of February 8 of this year, the network would no longer accept advertising from companies promoting firearms or fireworks on any network, during any time period.

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D.C. Police Investigating NBC News’s Gregory

From Rueters:

Gregory held up what appeared to be a 30-round gun magazine – which would be barred under Washington municipal code – while hosting the nationally broadcast interview with National Rifle Association Chief Executive Officer Wayne LaPierre.

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