Posts Tagged diy

Supreme Court To Hear DIY Gun Case

From The Truth About Guns:

The case, VanDerStok v. Garland, challenges the Department of Justice’s 2022 Final Rule that redefined important legal terms dealing with guns, including “firearm,” “receiver” and “frame,” making the longstanding American tradition of building personal firearms pretty much a thing of the past. Back in April, the court voted 4-3 to consider the challenge.

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How To Properly Mount A Scope

From Hornady Podcast:

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Armed Attorneys on Supreme Court Frame and Receivers Case

From Armed Attorneys:

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Texas’s Suppressor Challenge To Be Heard By Fifth Circuit

From Ammoland:

The lawsuit by the State of Texas, challenging the federal requirement to pay taxes and register homemade silencers, is moving forward in the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Oral arguments are scheduled for April 29, 2024. The case is now known as Paxton v Dettelbach.

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Bill Attacks First and Second Amendment By Calling For CAD File Ban

From Ammoland:

The bill reads: “It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally distribute, over the internet or by means of the World Wide Web, digital instructions in the form of Computer Aided Design files or other code that can automatically program a 3-dimensional printer or similar device to produce a firearm or complete a firearm from an unfinished frame or receiver.”

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Electric Capacitor Revolver

From Plasma Channel:

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ATF 80% Rule Enjoined By Fifth Circuit

From Ammoland:

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld most of the preliminary injunction awarded to Defense Distributed and Blackhawk Manufacturing (d.b.a 80% Arms) in VanDerStok v. Garland.

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NDAA Sneaks In More Gun Prohibitions

From The Federalist:

Section 2(f) of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 (18 U.S.C. 922 note; Public Law 100–649) is amended— (1) by striking ‘‘EFFECTIVE DATE AND SUNSET PROVISION’’ and all that follows through ‘‘This Act and the amendments’’ and inserting the following: ‘‘EFFECTIVE DATE.—This Act and the amendments’’; and (2) by striking paragraph (2).

The provision looks harmless enough at first glance. However, to fully understand how this paragraph further infringes the Second Amendment, one must understand what the 1988 Undetectable Firearms Act says, and why striking the effective date puts our rights in jeopardy.

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Pieces of Metal and Plastic Cannot Be Deemed Guns

From Reason:

A couple of years ago, an “80 percent” receiver I purchased refused to accept parts, let alone chamber and fire cartridges, until my son and I drilled and milled it to completion; that’s because unfinished firearms are not firearms. For a long time, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) agreed. But, pressured by the Biden administration, the ATF tried to extend firearms regulations to a lot of things that aren’t guns but could, with work, become one. Now a federal judge is injecting some sense, ruling in a lawsuit that bureaucrats can’t just decide that inert objects are guns.

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“Ghost Gun” Laws Don’t Stop Criminals

From Bearing Arms:

The Biden Administration issued guidance in 2022 to make these unfinished parts subjected to the same regulation as completed firearms.

A new rule in April 2022 required gun manufacturers to complete background checks and add serial numbers to parts.

Despite, the crackdown, the ABC11 I-Team purchased parts for a popular name-brand handgun online after the rule went into effect and received parts without serial numbers and the site did not conduct a background check.

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Court Upholds DIY Firearms

From Ammoland:

The case, Vanderstok v. Garland, was brought by the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and challenged the ATF’s decision to reclassify unfinished frames and receivers as firearms. Biden and other anti-gun zealots have railed against Americans building their own guns in the privacy of their own homes. The anti-gun side of the debate has propagandized these items as tools of criminals and has labeled the items as “ghost guns.”

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Interview With Print Shoot Repeat

From Skillset Magazine:

Whenever the subject of cool and unique 3D-printed guns comes up, the name Print Shoot Repeat will follow soon after. The undisputed king of 3D-printed guns on YouTube and social media, well at least when it comes to getting banned and deleted anyway. 

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Reason Interviews Cody Wilson About New 0% Pistol

From Reason TV:

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NY Attacks First and Second Amendment With One Law

From Ammoland:

New York is tackling the 3D-printed gun community by trying to ban the 3D printing of firearms and prevent the sharing of computer-aided design (CAD) files.

New York State Senator Brad Hoylman is sponsoring the bill. The Democrat says he wants to “attack the manufacture” of 3D Printed firearms. It would not only make it a felony to print guns but also ban the intentional sharing of files, raising First Amendment concerns. Writings like the Anarchist Cookbook and the guide to build a Luty machine gun have been determined to be protected speech. Many believe that these files are also protected speech.

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YouTube Cracking Down On Gun Videos

From Bearing Arms:

On Monday, he tweeted, “Just a heads up to firearm YouTubers. It is now against community guidelines, meaning you will get a strike, to insert a 30 round magazine into a gun. YouTube considers that a ‘weapon modification.’ I am not joking.”

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