Posts Tagged pennsylvania

Trump Would-Be Assassin Bought Gun From Dad

From Bearing Arms:

“The weapon that he used for the attempted assassination was an AR-style rifle that was purchased legally,” Wray said. “We believe, based on what we’ve seen, that his father, after purchasing the gun, legally sold the gun to his son.”

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You Are Responsible For Your Own Safety

From Ammoland:

In Pittsburgh, police staffing shortages are currently so critical that the Department has just announced its officers will no longer respond to calls involving theft, harassment, criminal mischief, burglary, etc, during the hours of three to seven am. That time gap is, of course, already expanding as staffing continues to decline and will soon embrace the entire day.

In plain English, police officers will not be arriving as a result of any call from a City resident unless shots are being fired and there are dead bodies lying around!

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Reality Hits Jews Who Don’t Like Guns

From Post-Gazette:

Under the keen eye of a trained instructor, who was also Jewish, David was surprised at how comfortable he was handling a gun. As someone who grew up in a community in which owning guns was unthinkable, he was surprised at how many of his friends also owned guns.

“Growing up, the mere thought of owning a gun or handling a gun was taboo. However, once I started having conversations with people after Tree of Life, I found the reality is everybody might be somebody who would buy a gun. It just depends on what it takes to get one,” he explained.

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Third Circuit Affirms Gun Rights For Misdemeanor Conviction

From The Truth About Guns:

Range sued, arguing that he’d been wrongly deprived of his right to keep and bear arms. Today, an en banc Third Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with Mr. Range, restoring his Second Amendment rights.

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Did NBC Break The Law For Anti Gun Story?

From The Truth About Guns:

To be clear, NBC’s “Inside look at the rising ‘ghost gun’ market in the U.S.” is without a doubt the most unethical, factually bankrupt hit-piece I have ever. There is not even a close second. Its badness is unrivaled, without peer.

Most gun owners don’t even realize that journalists have ethics they must follow, because when it comes to gotcha stories about guns, most journalists throw the ethics right out the window. Hillyard and his production crew were no different. They certainly didn’t let ethics or even facts get in the way of the biased story they wanted to tell.

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Philly CCW Waiting List A Year Long

From Bearing Arms:

According to several reports in the PAGuns community on Reddit, those attempting to apply for a concealed carry license in the city are now being scheduled for appointments in September of 2021. Not an appointment to pick up your license, mind you, just an appointment to pick up an application to apply for your license.

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Judge Stops Pennsylvania’s Arbitrary “Partially Manufactured” Gun Law

From The Truth About Guns:

The “indefiniteness of PSP’s new enforcement policy on what constitutes a firearm in this Commonwealth creates the potential for arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement,” Judge Brobson explained in today’s opinon. “The public policy of this Commonwealth does not favor such vague laws.” And while there “are many ills that our society faces, and government can be an effective force in combatting them,” the “laudable intentions and policy goals of a government agency, however, cannot override limits on governmental power. Simply put, the ends cannot justify the means.”

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Pennsylvania Gov Declares Unfinished Firearms Same As Firearms


“My Office is taking the initial step of clarifying – through my official, legal opinion – that under Pennsylvania law, 80 percent receivers are firearms and can be treated, regulated, and enforced as such,” Shapiro said at a news conference with Wolf and State Police officials.
The six-page opinion, issued to Col. Robert Evanchick, the State Police Commissioner, concludes that a partially-manufactured receiver is a firearm if it is designed in a way that it “may be readily converted” to a completed receiver. This would result in such items being treated under the law as factory-produced firearms, with serial numbers, federal background checks and the like.

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Police Can’t Force Your Password

From EFF:

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a forceful opinion today holding that the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects individuals from being forced to disclose the passcode to their devices to the police. In a 4-3 decision in Commonwealth v. Davis, the court found that disclosing a password is “testimony” protected by the Fifth Amendment’s privilege against self-incrimination.

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Man’s Gun Collection Maybe Destroyed Because He Was Depressed

From NBC News:

His family has the right to petition for the weapons, which have been put into storage. If not, or if the police deem the weapons unsafe, they will be destroyed and melted down after a certain period of time.

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PA Law Challenged On Due Process

From Bearing Arms:

On July 3, 2019, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and its legal arm, Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) — in cooperation with local gun groups — filed an Amici Curiae brief with the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. The brief is supporting gun owners who had their constitutional right to keep and bear arms violated by Section 302 of the Pennsylvania Mental Health Procedures Act (MHPA).

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More Calls For Banning ARs

From The Morning Call:

“Allentown has now joined the pantheon no city ever wanted to be in: Cities which have seen mass shooting with someone using an AR-15,” state Rep. Mike Schlossberg said.

The legislation would effectively ban the possession, purchase, transfer, use or manufacture of those weapons in Pennsylvania, with exceptions for military and law enforcement. But it would allow people who owned the weapons prior to the date of enforcement to continue doing so.

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Pennsylvania Strengthens 2nd/4th Amendments

From National Review:

Unless a police officer has prior knowledge that a specific individual is not permitted to carry a concealed firearm, and absent articulable facts supporting reasonable suspicion that a firearm is being used or intended to be used in a criminal manner, there simply is no justification for the conclusion that the mere possession of a firearm, where it lawfully may be carried, is alone suggestive of criminal activity.

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Hunters Donate Game Meat


Since 1991, a venison donation program that enlists hunters to share their extra harvest with food banks across the Keystone State has fed thousands.

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DUI Can’t Strip Gun Rights

From Washington Free Beacon:

A federal judge restored the rights of a Pennsylvania man on Friday after determining that his misdemeanor driving under the influence convictions were not serious enough to justify a lifelong restriction on his Second Amendment rights.

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