Posts Tagged gun culture

David Yamane Interview With Bearing Arms

From Cam and Company:

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Proposals For Gun Friendly States

From Bearing Arms:

1) Repeal all carry permit fees

The right to keep and bear arms is a right. Creating permits around it is an infringement. Just yesterday, I wrote about how poor people are burdened with fees in Michigan and New York. Permitless carry is the way forward as the majority of states have done already. However, permitless carry states are still issuing permits partly to help their citizens traveling to other states. Those states need to zero out any and all fees for concealed carry permits, period.

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Bringing In Newbies To The Gun Community

From Tactical Business:

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Actual Gun Ownership May Be Closer To 60%!

From The Washington Examiner and The Reload:

At the lowest end, it’s likely that at least 40% of Americans own guns, according to a groundbreaking study of those who lie to pollsters about firearms.

The study from Rutgers University’s New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center is spreading like wildfire in the industry, which for years has tried to accurately estimate United States gun ownership and determine why polls show support for gun control, but then there is little follow through when legislation is proposed.

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Assessing Risk

From Gun Curious:

I have been writing quite a bit lately about negative outcomes with firearms for my book on American gun culture. As I’ve stated repeatedly state on this blog and in various publications over the years, unlike most scholars studying guns, my starting point is not the deviance of guns but their normality.

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A Response To NYT’s Article On Gun Classes

From David Yamane:

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History of Gun Culture From 1968

From Nuclear Vault:

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The Case For AR15 Story Hour

From Handwaving Freakoutery:

Here’s the idea.

Get a guy in a Hawaiian shirt, a desert camo plate carrier, a helmet, night vision goggles, and an unloaded and safely carried AR-15 battle rifle, to sit on a chair in a library and read kids books to them, totally unrelated to guns. Fox in Socks, Berenstain Bears, whatever. Acclimate the kids to being around an AR-15, the way DQSH acclimates children to transgenders. That’s it. Nothing more.

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Hollywood’s Propaganda Against Armed Citizens

From The Federalist:

Entertainment programs always show defensive gun uses going wrong (the sole exception in the last decade is Paramount’s “Yellowstone”). Typically the citizen fails to defend himself and ends up murdered, accidentally shoots a loved one, or poses a danger to himself and the police. After the Supreme Court decision this past June striking down New York’s restrictions on concealed handguns, television shows have begun to demonize concealed-carry permits.

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YouTube Cracking Down On Gun Videos

From Bearing Arms:

On Monday, he tweeted, “Just a heads up to firearm YouTubers. It is now against community guidelines, meaning you will get a strike, to insert a 30 round magazine into a gun. YouTube considers that a ‘weapon modification.’ I am not joking.”

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38 Straight Months Of Over 1 Million Gun Sales

From Bearing Arms:

Americans might not be buying guns at the dizzying pace we saw throughout much of 2020 and 2021, but for the 38th straight month gun sales topped 1-million, according to the latest figures from the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

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NBC Coming To Terms With Expanding Gun Culture

From NBC News:

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How To Talk About Guns

From NRA Women:

Thinking about the person to whom you’re talking and asking, “How have you understood or used firearms in your life?” will likely give you some information to help you tailor your conversation.

If I know that the woman with whom I’m speaking has never shot a firearm, and her family never owned one, I will talk about different things than, say, when talking to my friend whose dad doesn’t think shooting and hunting is ladylike. My advice is to strive to prevent others from feeling judged or ignorant. There are facets of people’s upbringing over which they did not have control. We can share how excited we are for them to learn, though! Personally, I try to let the positives that I find in shooting, competing, feeding my family through hunting—all the good things I see in firearms ownership—shine through in how I talk.

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Chuck Rossi of Open Source Defense on the We Like Shooting Podcast

From We Like Shooting:

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Vice’s Episode On The Expanding Gun Culture

From Vice:

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