Posts Tagged trump

Trump Would-Be Assassin Bought Gun From Dad

From Bearing Arms:

“The weapon that he used for the attempted assassination was an AR-style rifle that was purchased legally,” Wray said. “We believe, based on what we’ve seen, that his father, after purchasing the gun, legally sold the gun to his son.”

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The Attempted Assassination Of Trump Was A Near Miss For Him and The Country

From Ammoland:

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump was not a fluke but instead the latest in a long series of attacks and attempted attacks against conservative public figures, typically preceded by hyperbolic political rhetoric.

But forget all that. All is well again, thanks to the man who branded not only Trump but any MAGA American an “existential threat to democracy,” who called Trump “semi-fascist,” who said “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” and who now proclaims that you should “turn down the temperature.”

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Make Sure Your Gun Owning Friends Are Registered To Vote

This is surprising, shocking, and altogether unacceptable. Voting is a Sacred Right and a tremendously important responsibility. The Arbalest Quarrel looked into the failure of millions of gun owners to register to vote. We learned that Ten Million American gun owners have not registered to vote in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. This is no small number and can have a decisive impact on the outcome of Federal Elections.

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Gun Advocates Stick To Principles After Assassination Attempt

From Bearing Arms:

 … the media is filled with stories about how the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump should prompt gun control. So far, no one in the Republican Party is saying any such thing, though. That’s not overly surprising since, as I feel obligated to point out far too often now, they didn’t fold on guns after the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia.

But it seems the folks over at Vox are upset that Republicans aren’t changing everything right now in how they view guns.

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Anti-Gunners Use Trump Assassination Attempt To Push More Bans

From Bearing Arms:

After narrowly dodging a bullet from an AR-15 rifle, former US President Donald Trump, now vying for the 2024 presidential bid under the Republican banner, may find himself pondering anew on his stance regarding gun rights. The attempt on Trump’s life at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday night casts a significant shadow over the upcoming Republican National Convention, set to begin on Monday in Milwaukee. Trump has often championed the cause of citizen gun ownership, yet amid mass shootings events before, there were fleeting moments where he entertained the notion that some form of regulation might be prudent.

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Does Hunter Biden Deserve A Pardon?

From Bearing Arms:

But there’s a case to be made that, whatever other crimes Trump may accuse the Biden family of committing, he should announce he’ll pardon Hunter Biden on the gun charges if he’s reelected in November. 

There are a substantial number of gun owners (me included) who think that at least one of the statutes Hunter Biden was convicted of violating is an unconstitutional infringement on our Second Amendment rights. Should “unlawful” users of drugs be barred from possessing firearms? Or rather, can they be prohibited from exercising their Second Amendment rights simply because they use illegal drugs? 

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Supreme Court Rahimi Decision More Important With Trump Conviction

From Bearing Arms:

I think there’s an incredibly strong change that Trump’s conviction will be thrown out on appeal, but that could still be years away. In the meantime, the Supreme Court is probably Trump’s best bet to keep his Second Amendment rights intact, and the Court’s impeding decision in U.S. v. Rahimi provides a perfect vehicle for the justices to give Trump and others convicted of non-violent felonies relief from current federal law. 

In Rahimi, the justices are expected to decide whether someone subject to a domestic violence restraining order can be prohibited from possessing or purchasing a firearm. We don’t know how the Court will rule, but it’s certainly not out of the question that a majority will conclude that Zachey Rahimi and others in similar circumstances can be barred from owning a gun; not solely because of a domestic violence restraining order, but based on a particularized finding of “dangerousness”. 

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The Gun Rights Implications Of Trump’s Guilty Verdict

From The Truth About Guns:

With 34 felony convictions being delivered to President Donald J. Trump Thursday afternoon by a New York jury—in what is questionably a rigged trial and unquestionably a politically motivated trial—there remain a number of questions on what will actually happen next and how it will play out. One thing that is not in question, at least until a successful appeal is decided on, is that Trump is now barred from owning or possessing firearms.

Journalist Stephen Gutowski over at The Reload was quick to report on some of the obvious ironies this situation creates for gun rights in this country.

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Was The FBI Prepared To Shoot Secret Service, Trump?

From The Federalist:

The FBI was authorized to use “deadly force” against former President Donald Trump when the Biden administration agency raided Mar-a-Lago in search of classified documents, according to newly unsealed court documents shared on X by independent journalist Julie Kelly.

A newly unsealed operations order reveals the FBI was authorized to use deadly force against the former president if need be, Kelly reported.

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Poll: Americans Admit To Possible 2020 Election Fraud With Mail-in Ballots

From The Federalist:

The Heartland Institute/Rasmussen survey, which was conducted from Nov. 30 to Dec. 6, asked likely voters who cast ballots in 2020 questions about fraudulent activities, without telling them such actions were a form of voter fraud. The results were stunning. One in five people who voted by mail admitted to engaging in at least one kind of potential voter fraud, seriously calling into question the security of widespread mail-in balloting.

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FISA Stopped By Just A Few Brave Republicans

From The Federalist:

Nineteen Congressional Republicans helped tank a procedural vote on Wednesday, preventing the House from advancing a bill — backed by “Republican” Speaker Mike Johnson — that would renew government spying on American citizens without a warrant.

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Another Attempt To “Fortify” An Election

From Rolling Stone:

Over the past year, Team Biden has been conducting war games, crafting complex legal strategies, and devoting extensive resources to prepare for, as one former senior Biden administration official puts it, “all-hell-breaks-loose” scenarios. The preparations include planning for a contingency in which Biden’s margin of victory is so razor-thin that Trump and the GOP launch a tidal wave of legal challenges and political maneuvers to rerun his 2020 election strategy: declare victory anyways, and try to will it into existence.

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Wisconsin Dem Found Guilty Of 2020 Voter Fraud

From Gateway Pundit:

A Milwaukee County jury has reached a verdict in the trial of Kimberly Zapata – and found Zapata guilty on all counts against her.

Zapata is the fired Milwaukee Election Commission deputy director accused of illegally requesting military ballots and sending them to the home of State Rep. Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls).

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The Threat of the US vs Itself

From The Truth About Guns:

Let’s start with a dose of realism, and point out that Red Dawn was fiction. I loved that film as much as anybody, but fantasies about running into the hills and fighting off Joe Biden’s fighter jets are not worthy of further discussion. Civil conflicts have not resembled nation state vs nation state warfare for almost a century. Instead, we’re more likely to see John Robb’s “Bazaar of Violence”, which looks a lot like Mexico.

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The Problem With The FBI

From Robert Barnes:

Full video can be watched here

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