Posts Tagged fourth amendment

California Now Requires Sales Code For Gun Stores

This new law is a workaround to the Fourth Amendment by requiring companies to “tattle” on their customers to the government.

From The Truth About Guns:

As reported earlier, a California law went into effect today that mandates credit card networks like Visa and Mastercard to assign special retail codes to gun stores, enabling banks to track their sales. Advocates believe this measure could help identify suspicious purchases and prevent mass shootings.

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Arkansas AG Backtracks On Demands From ATF Raid

From The Truth About Guns:

After the ATF shot and killed 53-year-old airport executive Bryan Malinowski in his home during a botched SWAT raid, Griffin had questions about the ATF’s use of force, which Malinowski’s family and most everyone else said was excessive. Griffin publicly called on ATF to release the videos from their bodycams, stating “information from a camera helps fill the vacuum of conspiracy and all this other stuff.”

However, a story published last week revealed that ATF agents wore no bodycams March 19 during their fatal raid, and since then, Griffin – not unlike the ATF agents he called out for their lack of transparency – has gone silent about the killing. Now, Griffin lets his spokesman field questions about ATF’s raid.

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Arkansas AG Wants ATF Bodycams From Raid

From Ammoland:

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin has serious questions for ATF officials about their botched March 19 SWAT team raid, which killed Little Rock Airport executive director, Bryan Malinowski, in his home. And if ATF has bodycam footage of the fatal raid, Griffin wants to see that, too.

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FISA Stopped By Just A Few Brave Republicans

From The Federalist:

Nineteen Congressional Republicans helped tank a procedural vote on Wednesday, preventing the House from advancing a bill — backed by “Republican” Speaker Mike Johnson — that would renew government spying on American citizens without a warrant.

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BoA Gave Up Customer Data Without A Warrant

From Open Source Defense:

As part of the oversight conducted by the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, the Committee and Select Subcommittee received testimony from retired FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst George Hill on February 7, 2023. Mr. Hill testified that Bank of America (BoA) provided the FBI — voluntarily and without any legal process — with a list of individuals who had made transactions in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area with a BoA credit or debit card between January 5 and January 7, 2021, and that individuals who had previously purchased a firearm with a BoA debit card or credit card were elevated to the top of the list regardless of when or where the purchase was made.

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Ring Will Not Automatically Cooperate With Police Requests

From Electronic Freedom Foundation:

Amazon’s Ring has announced that it will no longer facilitate police’s warrantless requests for footage from Ring users. This is a victory in a long fight, not just against blanket police surveillance, but also against a culture in which private, for-profit companies build special tools to allow law enforcement to more easily access companies’ users and their data—all of which ultimately undermine their customers’ trust.

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California Sued By SAF For Requiring Video Of All Gun Sales

From The Truth About Guns:

The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit in California challenging that state’s law requiring firearms dealers to video record all transactions, calling it a violation of First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights.

“Requiring firearms retailers to video record their transactions is not only an egregious violation of privacy,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “it involves an expense that is both cost-prohibitive, and could literally drive small dealers out of business. In addition, it would be impossible to record such transactions at gun shows, because at such events, dealers are merely vendors, operating in a large facility where such equipment would be impossible to install.”

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Police Can Trick Phones To Connect To Fake Cell Sites, Google/Apple Working To Prevent It

From EFF:

Apple has also finally taken steps to protect users against cell site simulators after being called on to do so by EFF and the broader privacy and security community. Apple announced that in iOS 17, out September 18, iPhones will not connect to insecure 2G mobile towers if they are placed in Lockdown Mode. As the name implies, Lockdown Mode is a setting originally released in iOS 16 that locks down several features for people who are concerned about being attacked by mercenary spyware or other nation state level attacks. This will be a huge step towards protecting iOS users from fake base station attacks, which have been used as a vector to install spyware such as Pegasus

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Bank of America Snitches On Gun Owners

From Ammoland:

FBI whistleblowers have come forward with damning allegations against Bank of America (BoA). According to Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the banking giant has been revealing information to the FBI about its customer’s gun purchases without a warrant. 

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FBI Lies To Commit Biggest Bank Heist In History

From The Federalist:

There is no denying anymore that our federal agencies have weaponized their power against the political adversaries of the left. But if you think the feds’ abandonment of all standards only affects outspoken critics of the regime, think again. More allegations of FBI corruption and hubris are coming to light after a lawsuit last week revealed FBI agents misled a judge so they could illegally seize and withhold property from innocent American citizens.

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State Rep Urging People To Tattle On Friends and Family

From The Truth About Guns:

One of the gun control measures Rep. Stoneback helped push over the line before being elected was the Firearms Restraining Order Act, Illinois’ version of a red flag confiscation law. Once in office, she helped expand the law so that more people, including ex spouses and those with common children, can drop a dime on a gun owner and move to confiscate their firearms.

Now Rep. Stoneback is taking steps to make sure that all of her constituents know about the law and can easily petition a court to grab the guns of someone they know and love (or just someone with whom they have a beef).

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ATF Scrambling To Explain Why Agents Interrogated Man About Gun Purchases

From Ammoland:

Both the Washington Times and the Daily Caller began asking ATF questions about the incident. The ATF sent them similar statements:

“The ATF defended itself in a statement to The Washington Times, saying the agents’ actions were ‘entirely appropriate.’ ‘We are unable to comment on the details of any ongoing investigations; however, interviews are an entirely appropriate part of the investigative process for any law enforcement agency,” the Washington Times reported.

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ATF Agents Demonstrate The Danger Of Gun Lists With Surprise Visit To Home

From Ammoland:

The homeowner, who did not want his name used in this story, is a small businessman – a law-abiding citizen who even ATF acknowledged had done nothing wrong. He went to his front door hesitantly. He left his doorbell camera running to record the encounter.

The older ATF agent told him they were assigned to a task force investigating straw purchases. A straw purchase – a federal felony – occurs when someone buys a firearm on behalf of another person, who is unable to legally purchase a firearm themselves.

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Texas Police Dept Refuses To Return Seized Firearms

From Bearing Arms:

China Grove, Texas is probably best known for being the “sleepy little town down around San Antone” immortalized by the Doobie Brothers in the 1970s, but the south Texas burg of about 1,200 people is making local headlines for the wrong reasons these days. According to one woman, the China Grove police improperly seized several firearms belonging to her and her husband almost four years ago, and despite the fact that no charges have ever been filed against the couple, they’ve been unable to get their property returned to them.

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