Posts Tagged technology

Bump Stock Ban Now In Effect


As gun rights groups and Second Amendment advocates sought a nationwide injunction against the move with the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday, the pending rule change by government regulators to reclassify bump stocks as “machine guns” was set to become effective on March 26. In response, RW Arms, the leading retailer of the devices, announced they would seek to turn in their remaining inventory of bump stocks to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

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3D Printing Guns

From Free The People:

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Former CBS Reporter Sues Govt For Hacking Her Computer

From Real Clear Politics:

A federal appeals court recently heard oral arguments in my lawsuit against former Attorney General Eric Holder, unnamed “John Doe” federal agents at the FBI and Justice Department, and others. At issue are the intrusions into my computers while I worked as an investigative reporter for CBS News, revealed by multiple forensic investigations showing use of proprietary government surveillance programs. 

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California Law Requires Impossible Technology Effectively Banning Guns

From Reason:

A California statute requires that all new models of semi-automatic handguns stamp the handgun’s serial number in two locations on each round of ammunition. It is possible for a handgun’s firing pin to stamp the serial number onto the cartridge’s primer, which is a disk in the center of the back side of the ammunition. It not possible to stamp a serial number in two locations, as an erudite amicus brief from the Cato Institute explains. Nevertheless, California Attorney General Kamala Harris in May 2013 declared that all conditions for implementation by the statute had been met. Accordingly, all pistol models created since May 2013 are prohibited from commercial sale in California.

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NJ Attacks 1st Amendment To Kill 2nd Amendment


A federal lawsuit that Defense Distributed and Second Amendment groups filed late Tuesday is challenging New Jersey’s attempt to rid the internet of information about how to make 3D-printable firearms.

The First Amendment lawsuit is a response to New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal’s ongoing campaign to restrict firearm-related manufacturing instructions, which escalated to a threat of criminal prosecution on February 2.

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HP Thinks It Can Stop 3D Guns

From Fox News:

The Silicon Valley-based company – one of the world’s biggest sellers of personal computers and printers – cited its “regular use” policy that precludes it from allowing its printers from being used to make homemade guns.

HP did not say how it would stop people from using its products to make ghost guns — weapons that are untraceable and unregulated — and it was unclear how the policy would limit their production.

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National Gun Trader To Launch Jan 1st

From The Truth About Guns:

The People of the Gun have been bemoaning the lack of a large scale, professional online marketplace for firearms and gear. We’ve been clamoring for someone to step in and fill an obvious void in the marketplace, thanks to so many retail outlets and financial institutions who’ve made it difficult or impossible for retailers and consumers to do business.

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Australia Wants Backdoors In Software

From Signal:

One of the myriad ways that the “Assistance and Access” bill is particularly terrible lies in its potential to isolate Australians from the services that they depend on and use every day. Over time, users may find that a growing number of apps no longer behave as expected. New apps might never launch in Australia at all.

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Signal App Adds More Security

From Wired:

A key part of what makes Signal the leading encrypted messaging app is its effort to minimize the amount of data or metadata each message leaves behind. The messages themselves are fully encrypted as they move across Signal’s infrastructure, and the service doesn’t store logs of information like who sends messages to each other, or when. On Monday, the nonprofit that develops Signal announced a new initiative to take those protections even further. Now, it hopes to encrypt even information about which users are messaging each other on the platform.

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Australia Bans Possession of Gun Blueprints

From Policy Forum:

In 2015 New South Wales amended its laws to outlaw the possession of digital blueprints for firearms and strengthen existing laws prohibiting the manufacture of weapons.

Since 2015 Australian police have made a handful of seizures of 3D-printed firearms. A loaded 3D-printed handgun was seized by Queensland police in a raid on a methamphetamine lab allegedly associated with the Lone Wolf Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMCG). In December 2016, Victorian police seized a 3D printer, firearms, and drugs from properties raided in Melbourne. Cases have also been reported in Japan, the UK and the US where 3D-printed AR-15 rifles were used in two murder sprees reported in California.

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Facebook Political Purge

From Reason:

On Thursday, October 11, Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook’s Head of Cybersecurity Policy and Oscar Rodriguez, Product Manager, announced the company was shutting down 559 pages and 251 accounts “created to stir up political debate.” Allegedly, the targets were guilty of “coordinated inauthentic behavior” intended “to mislead others about who they are, and what they are doing.” The targeted pages and accounts included many pages, and their administrators, who have gained popularity by voicing ideas outside the mainstream—including skepticism of violent and intrusive police tactics and support for libertarian ideas.

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Crypto Currency For Guns

From Bearing Arms:

Rob McNealy, OCC’s Cofounder, said: “As gun owners, and ardent defenders of the right to self-defense, we know that the gun industry is constantly under attack. We wanted to create a gun-centric crypto to act as a “continuity of business” payment system for gun retailers. Due to their decentralized nature, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies simply can’t be shut down by “activist” banks.”

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Amazon’s Gun-Blueprint Ban Is Dangerous

From The Federalist:

For $3, you can buy Karl Marx’s “Communist Manifesto,” a book that indirectly led to the deaths of upwards of 100 million people worldwide. You can also purchase a copy of the “U.S. Army Improvised Munitions Handbook,” which promises “step-by-step instructions on how to assemble weapons and explosives from common and readily available materials.” Amazon sells hundreds of books teaching readers how to build guns (and the website even sells many of the tools necessary to do it).

Seeing this precedent, I uploaded a 3D printable gun file to Amazon … as a book.

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The Powers That Be Are Trying Everything To Stop Defense Distributed

From Lawfare Blog:

Cody Wilson’s legal battle to post his plastic gun schematic is awful, pitting speech values against human lives, raising the specter of more mass shootings, and casting a dark shadow on what should be the bright new technology of 3-D printing. In times like these, it’s tempting to wish that a few magic words could make the schematic—and all its legal and moral baggage—simply disappear.

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Defense Distributed Press Conference

From Defense Distributed:

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