Posts Tagged Firearms Policy Coalition

FPC CEO Discusses Rahimi Decision

From Bearing Arms:

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Gun Groups Want Repeal Of Post Office Ban

From Bearing Arms:

The Firearms Policy Coalition and the Second Amendment Foundation are teaming up once again, this time to take on the federal statute that treats all postal facilities as “sensitive places” where guns are banned. 

In a new lawsuit filed in a federal court in Texas, the Second Amendment groups, along with two Texas gun owners, allege the prohibition on firearms is a direct infringement on the right to bear arms. 

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Supreme Court To Rule On ATF Frames and Receivers

From Cam and Company:

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ATF Lawyers Talking Out Of Both Sides Of Their Mouths May Doom Brace Rule

From Armed Scholar:

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FPC’s Vice President of Legal Is Optimistic For Gun Rights

From Cam and Company:

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FPC Tells Supreme Court Chevron Deference Is Unconstitutional

From Ammoland:

“Chevron violates Article III by transferring from the judiciary to the executive the ultimate interpretative authority to say what the law is,” argues the brief. “It violates Article I by incentivizing Congress to abdicate its legislative duties and delegate legislative authority to the executive. As a result, Chevron accumulates legislative, executive, and judicial powers in a single branch of government—which the Founders considered the very definition of tyranny.”

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Court Upholds DIY Firearms

From Ammoland:

The case, Vanderstok v. Garland, was brought by the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and challenged the ATF’s decision to reclassify unfinished frames and receivers as firearms. Biden and other anti-gun zealots have railed against Americans building their own guns in the privacy of their own homes. The anti-gun side of the debate has propagandized these items as tools of criminals and has labeled the items as “ghost guns.”

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Gun Rights Orgs Challenge ATF On Gun Definition

From The Truth About Guns:

In the real world, FPC and Mountain States Legal Foundation have teamed up to sue the ATF and DOJ for rewriting federal law. These agencies are changing decades of precedent individuals, companies, and the industry have all relied on through an “agency rulemaking” that does an end-run around Congress. All because the president couldn’t get Congress to pass a law that he campaigned on that would tread upon millions of people’s rights.

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Judge Block Ban On Self Made Firearms

From Firearms Policy Coalition:

WILMINGTON, DE (September 23, 2022) – Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced that United States District Judge Maryellen Noreika issued an order enjoining Delaware’s bans on self-manufacturing and possession of home-built firearms in its Rigby v. Jennings lawsuit. The opinion and order can be viewed at

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FPC Defends Third Grader’s “Come and take it” Hat

From Bearing Arms:

According to a press release, last week the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced their support of a lawsuit against several school officials. According to the FPC, a third-grader’s First and Fourteenth Amendment rights were violated when she was not allowed to wear her “Come and Take It” hat during their annual hat day. 

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ATF’s Homebuilt Guns Rule Creates More Confusion

From Reason:

“ATF has maintained and continues to maintain that a partially complete frame or receiver alone is not a frame or receiver if it still requires performance of certain machining operations (e.g., milling out the fire control cavity of an AR-15 billet or blank, or indexing for that operation) because it may not readily be completed to house or hold the applicable fire control components,” the document says. 

ATF adds that new restrictions would apply if the partial frame or receiver is indexed or dimpled to indicate where to drill, or through “the aggregation of a template or jig with a partially complete frame or receiver.” Minus such clear markings or accessories, though, unfinished receivers would appear to retain a viable market without having to go to the raw blocks of aluminum and polymer necessarily exempted in the rules (unless you want to subject hardware stores to gun regulations) and with which Ghost Gunner has a distinct advantage. Wilson still sees an opening, though, in states that have tighter rules than those imposed by the ATF.

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ATF Says Forced Reset Trigger Is A Machine Gun

From Ammoland:

Firearms Policy Coalition today issued the following statement regarding the ATF’s “Open Letter to All Federal Firearms Licensees” regarding its classification of some “forced-reset triggers” (FRTs) as “firearms” and “machineguns” as defined in the National Firearms Act (NFA) and Gun Control Act (GCA):

This latest effort by the ATF to punish and stoke fear among peaceable people who purchase protected-arms components specifically designed to comply with federal law is further proof of the agency’s abusive overreach of statutory and constitutional bounds and a manic desire to expand its dominion. Furthermore, by being purposefully vague in saying it “intends to take appropriate remedial action,” the ATF adds to the unscrupulous nature of this action leaving sellers and owners unsure if they’ll be subject to abuse.

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Firearms Policy Coalition Seeking Plaintiffs In Washington Mag Ban


However, before the ink is dry on the prohibition, the Firearms Policy Coalition issued a call for potential plaintiffs from among Washington residents that could be impacted by the ban. 

“By enacting the unconstitutional SB 5078, the State of Washington has further restricted the fundamental human rights of Washington residents and visitors by banning the transfer and other conduct related to so-called ‘large capacity’ magazines,” said the group in a statement. “FPC condemns this latest act of state aggression and will not allow this law to go unchallenged. To that end, FPC Law will be taking aggressive action to fight this immoral law and seek to have it enjoined and declared unconstitutional.”

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Matt Larosiere of the Firearms Policy Coalition discusses homebuilt guns

From The Young Turks:

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Brownells To Donate 2% To Firearms Policy Foundation

From The Truth About Guns:

“We are honored to have the Brownell family and Brownells team standing with us in this incredibly important and pivotal time,” said FPF Chairman and FPC President Brandon Combs. “Their generous support of our work to defend the rights of the People and expand liberty evidences their resolute commitment to the fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms and will allow us to apply critical resources to issues that affect millions of law-abiding people.”

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