Posts Tagged banking

Idaho Credit Union Still Scrambling After User Agreement Debacle

From The Truth About Guns:

There’s a credit union in Idaho that’s been feeling some heat lately, and thanks to feedback, they’re seeing the light. The Idaho Central Credit Union felt the heat of TTAG’s story yesterday about their member agreement that precluded ammo and gun purchases with ICCU accounts as of a few days earlier.

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Bank of America Reverses Stance On Gun Investments

From The Spokesman-Review:

Bank of America Corp. is loosening restrictions on lending to the firearms and energy industries amid pressure from anti-ESG politicians in Texas and Florida.

The bank backed off its ban on lending to companies that make assault-style guns used for non-military purposes. Rather, the firm will make such decisions on a case-by-case basis with senior risk officers, according to its latest environmental and social risk policy framework. The Charlotte, North Carolina-based bank also made similar changes to its energy lending policies – it no longer has a blanket ban on financing for Arctic drilling.

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BoA Gave Up Customer Data Without A Warrant

From Open Source Defense:

As part of the oversight conducted by the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, the Committee and Select Subcommittee received testimony from retired FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst George Hill on February 7, 2023. Mr. Hill testified that Bank of America (BoA) provided the FBI — voluntarily and without any legal process — with a list of individuals who had made transactions in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area with a BoA credit or debit card between January 5 and January 7, 2021, and that individuals who had previously purchased a firearm with a BoA debit card or credit card were elevated to the top of the list regardless of when or where the purchase was made.

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Feds Attack Gun Owners As “Extremists” In Another Leaked Document

From National Review:

Federal law enforcement lumped together conservative positions on guns and immigration with violent extremism in guidance given to financial institutions to help them monitor people’s transactions, a congressional investigation found.

The House Judiciary Committee and its Weaponization Subcommittee released a report Wednesday detailing the efforts by federal agencies and large financial institutions to surveil Americans’ private financial transactions in the wake of the January 6 protests.

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Gun Banners Attack Credit Company Credova

From Cam and Company:

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Georgia Credit Union To Block Gun and Ammo Purchases

From Bearing Arms:

According to Dobbins, “The highlighted portion that was shared was under the section of the Online Banking User Agreement as it pertains to person to person payments.”  She added, “Georgia United Credit Union offers its members a convenient person-to-person payment service, allowing for digital transactions using a phone number or email.”

Basically, this is something like Zelle or Venmo, where you can transfer money from your account to someone else without having to use a credit card or something else.

Dobbins notes that Georgia United Credit Union uses a third-party for this service, though she didn’t clarify exactly who the third-party was, despite me asking. As such, it’s unclear if this was the credit union’s decision or the third-party’s.

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How Credit Cards and Banks Attack Gun Companies

From Fudd Busters:

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Intuit Reverses Discriminatory Gun Policy

From NSSF:

Sen. Cruz, in his capacity as Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, recently wrote to Intuit, a payment processor, that reversed their discriminatory policies of denying QuickBooks services to firearm manufacturers and retailers. The change came only after Senate inquiries into the discriminatory practices. Intuit claimed the policy was directed to them by JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America, both banks that hold discriminatory policies against the firearm industry and refuse banking services in an effort to starve them of essential financial services.

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Anti-Gunners Target SAFE Banking Act

From Bearing Arms:

The SAFE Banking Act seeks to address the issue by allowing marijuana businesses to participate in the financial industry like any other lawful business. Customers would thus be able to transact with marijuana businesses using credit cards and electronic payments, taking cash  out of the equation and making transactions safer for both the businesses and their customers. This would result in fewer incidents of “gun violence,” which our friends in the gun control organizations purportedly care about.

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Bank of America Snitches On Gun Owners

From Ammoland:

FBI whistleblowers have come forward with damning allegations against Bank of America (BoA). According to Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the banking giant has been revealing information to the FBI about its customer’s gun purchases without a warrant. 

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VISA CEO Skeptical Of New Merchant Codes For Gun Stores

From Bearing Arms:

So if [Visa’s Chief Communications Officer] K.C. Kavanagh goes into a gun store and buys three thermoses and a tent, and you go in and buy a rifle and five rounds of ammunition, all I know is you both went to the same gun store. I know what gun store, I know when you went, and I know how much money you spent. But I don’t know what you bought.

I don’t think the code was necessary. But it doesn’t matter; the code is in place. It’s now an international standard and we adopt international standards.

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Texas To Stop Business With Citigroup Over ESG, Gun Rights

From Bearing Arms:

Citigroup says it’s doing everything right, but Texas says it’s not.

However, in a statement, the NSSF notes that Citigroup’s own website tells a completely different story.

“Their own website, however, demonstrates that the corporate bank refuses business with firearm businesses that do not comply with their unconstitutional restrictions,” the statement reads, noting that the bank requires things such as bump stock bans, age-based restrictions, and magazine restrictions.

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Florida Attacks Credit Card Tracking Gun Purchases

From NSSF:

“This is the United States of America. You don’t get penalized for exercising a Constitutional right. The Second Amendment is nonnegotiable, and here in Florida, we are going to fight to protect the rights of Floridians,” Republican state Sen. Danny Burgess recently proclaimed.

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Bank CEO That Pushed Credit Card Gun Code Wants To Report On Citizens’ “Suspicious” Activity

From Ammoland:

“‘Detection scenarios’ are in the works that, if triggered, would prompt banks to file a Suspicious Activity Report to the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network,” the story elaborates, citing Amalgamated Bank Chief Executive Officer Priscilla Sims Brown.

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FBI Lies To Commit Biggest Bank Heist In History

From The Federalist:

There is no denying anymore that our federal agencies have weaponized their power against the political adversaries of the left. But if you think the feds’ abandonment of all standards only affects outspoken critics of the regime, think again. More allegations of FBI corruption and hubris are coming to light after a lawsuit last week revealed FBI agents misled a judge so they could illegally seize and withhold property from innocent American citizens.

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