Posts Tagged politics

Has Tulsi Gabbard Really Changed?

From Second Legacy:

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Feds Attack Gun Owners As “Extremists” In Another Leaked Document

From National Review:

Federal law enforcement lumped together conservative positions on guns and immigration with violent extremism in guidance given to financial institutions to help them monitor people’s transactions, a congressional investigation found.

The House Judiciary Committee and its Weaponization Subcommittee released a report Wednesday detailing the efforts by federal agencies and large financial institutions to surveil Americans’ private financial transactions in the wake of the January 6 protests.

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Remington Leaves New York For Georgia

From Bearing Arms:

RemArms, the current version of Remington Arms, will close its facility in the Mohawk Valley village of Ilion around March 4, according to the letter sent Thursday. The letter said the company “did not arrive at this decision lightly,” according to the Observer-Dispatch of Utica.

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FBI Targets Trumps Supporters As Terrorists

From The Federalist:

Less than one year before Americans will begin casting their votes in the 2024 election, the FBI is singling out supporters of Republican frontrunner former President Donald Trump as domestic terrorists, a report from Newsweek shows.

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Regular Americans Are Being Radicalized By The Actions of The Elites

From The Federalist:

The echelons of power within the government, the media, and throughout society appear to be wittingly or unwittingly nurturing the seeds of another Timothy McVeigh as they continue to target their political opponents. They are crafting the playbook for the very forces they claim to counter.

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Culture Promotes Freedom, Not Laws Or Judges

From Open Source Defense:

It’s easy to point to moments where the Supreme Court spectacularly discarded people’s rights — Plessy v. FergusonBuck v. BellWickard v. FilburnKorematsu v. U.S., etc. etc. — as the thing that allowed a terrible chain of events. But did they allow the events, or were they caused by those same events? In the case of, say, Korematsu, you had a country that was willing to force everyone on the west coast with Japanese ancestry into camps. Would that country have been stopped by a Supreme Court that in the midst of it all piped up to say, “Hey everyone, you can’t imprison people for being Japanese, ok?” And more to the point, would such an environment produce a Supreme Court that would say that?

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Anti-gun Activist Attempted To Shoot Mayoral Candidate

From Courier-Journal:

Quintez Brown, 21, was charged late Monday with attempted murder and four counts of wanton endangerment after Greenberg was shot at in his campaign headquarters that morning.

No one was injured in the shooting, but a bullet grazed Greenberg’s sweater and shirt.

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Generals Afraid The Wrong Person Might Win The Next Election

From The Washington Post:

In short: We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding next time.

The potential for a total breakdown of the chain of command along partisan lines — from the top of the chain to squad level — is significant should another insurrection occur. The idea of rogue units organizing among themselves to support the “rightful” commander in chief cannot be dismissed.

All service members take an oath to protect the U.S. Constitution. But in a contested election, with loyalties split, some might follow orders from the rightful commander in chief, while others might follow the Trumpian loser. Arms might not be secured depending on who was overseeing them. Under such a scenario, it is not outlandish to say a military breakdown could lead to civil war.

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CNN On The Changing Politics Of Guns

From CNN:

Several studies show most womenLGBTQ and Asian Americans, and an overwhelming majority of Black Americans, tend to vote for Democrats. Women and Black Americans were also the driving forces behind a 40% surge in first-time gun buyers through the first four months of 2020, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a firearms trade group that tracks and analyzes gun sales across the country.NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva said his organization believes many of those first-time gun buyers are Democratic voters.

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USCCA Creates SuperPAC

From The Reload:

One of the largest concealed carry membership organizations has decided to dive into politics. The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA), which boasts nearly 600,000 members, formed a Super PAC in May to influence federal elections and legislation. The new group, headed by chairman of the board Mike Lowney, is green but ready to fight.

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GOA Files FEC Complaint Against Facebook

From Ammoland:

ohn Crump, a regular journalist for AmmoLand News, and Gun Owners of America have filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging violations of provisions of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 by Facebook, the company.

The complaint alleges Facebook (FB), and/or Agence France-Presse (AFP), and Kamala Harris, the candidate for Vice President on the 2020 Democratic ticket, have violated the Federal Election Campaign Act act in the following ways. From the complaint:
1. the prohibition on corporations making in-kind contributions (see 52 U.S.C. §§ 30101(8), 30118);
2. the limitations on making coordinated expenditures (52 U.S.C. § 30116(a)(7));
3. the prohibition on making Independent Expenditures without disclaimers and reporting (52 U.S.C. §§ 30104(g) and 30120(a)); and
4. the prohibition on foreign nationals making in-kind contributions for the purpose of influencing a federal election (52 U.S.C. § 30121).

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YouTuber Attacked For Pro Gun Rights Views

From Bearing Arms:

Do you want to know why we’re so divided as a nation and that’s not going to change anytime soon? It’s because you can’t have a life separate from your politics. Your political beliefs have to become your entire being, and as such, if someone finds out you hold the wrong opinions, that’s just too much and they can’t support you.
At the same time, they won’t allow people to keep their beliefs private. They’ll hound celebrities or influencers until they can learn about their political beliefs, all the while knowing that unless they’re the right beliefs, the mob will come.

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Guns and Dating

From The Truth About Guns:

Pay attention to the woman’s background. This is where social media is a big help. 
I hate to use the word “stereotyping,” but if your lady friend is a big Bernie fan and lists her dream job as being a diplomat at the UN, it’s probably not the wisest approach to take her for a first date to the gun range.
But be careful not to fall into the trap of associating geography with anti-gun sentiment. I dated a girl from New York City who didn’t mind me owning guns at all. And I’ve met more than a few from red state America who support The House of Feinstein.

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2A Rally In Washington D.C. Goes Virtual

From The Truth About Guns:

This year’s 2A Rally will be broadcast live on October 24th. The event will offer thirty speakers with a greet deal of thought diversity addressing the topic of celebrating and defending the rights protected by the Second Amendment.
For more information follow the Rally’s Instagram feed @2Arally, Rally for Your 2A Rights Facebook page and be sure to click “interested” or “going” on their Facebook Event for frequent updates & future announcements!

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Gun Control Groups Took Relief Money

From Washington Free Beacon:

The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence received between $350,000 and $1 million on April 10 to support 41 employees, according to the Small Business Administration. The center is the educational arm of the Brady organization, which also features a political advocacy arm, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, as well as the political action committee Brady PAC. In March, the Brady PAC endorsed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and announced it would spend $4 million to help elect him and other gun-control candidates to office.

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