Posts Tagged technology

1.5 Million Gun Plans Downloaded


As a federal court considers an order to continue blocking files for 3D printed guns by a political activist, those same files have been downloaded more than 1.5 million times from another website backed by pro-gun groups.

The website,, has generated 1.491 million hits and 4.51 TB of data since launching July 31, said Craig DeLuz, of the Firearms Policy Coalition. He added the site averages more than 10,000 new visitors per week.

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Is Gun Control Dead?


In present times, gun rights have been under assault at the state and federal level. With blatant calls for the repeal of the Second Amendment and a bipartisan consensus rallying around the need for sweeping gun control legislation, gun rights appeared to be on the chopping block.

Despite the roadbloacks ahead, Defense Distributed has given concerned owners a bit of breathing room and is opening up new avenues for human freedom.

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Reddit Cracks Down On 3D Files

From Townhall:

Reddit’s policy against transactions involving prohibited goods or services

Content is prohibited if it uses Reddit to solicit or facilitate any transaction or gift involving certain goods and services.

You may not use Reddit to solicit or facilitate any transaction or gift involving certain goods and services, including

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The Future Of Gun Laws In America

From Wired:

So why is everyone freaking out, including the attorneys general of several states that are suing Defense Distributed to stop? First, they are misunderstanding the technology, and believing Star Trek replicator fantasies around 3-D printing and guns. Second, and more seriously, advances in gun modularity and manufacturing now make most gun regulation obsolete.

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Cody Wilson To Sue Shopify


Cody Wilson is no stranger to litigation. Having spent the better part of five years locked in a battle against the State Department over the legality of 3D printed files, Wilson finally won his case and earned the right to publish his digital blueprints. Now, just a month after his victory, Wilson is looking to, again, step into the courtroom but this time against e-commerce platform Shopify.

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Corporate Censorship Of Alex Jones

From Spiked:

 Radicals and liberals declared themselves ‘very glad’ that these business elites enforced censorship against Jones and Infowars. We should be ‘celebrating the move’, said Vox, because ‘it represents a crucial step forward in the fight against fake news’. Liberals for capitalist censorship! The world just got that bit odder, and less free.

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Shopify Shuts Cody Wilson’s Account

From The Washington Free Beacon:

Shopify shut down Wilson’s Defense Distributed storefront at 7:07 am EDT according to an email from the company’s legal team to Wilson. The email said the account, which had been operating in good standing for over two years, was going to be shuttered in the next week and the storefront it was operating would be immediately inaccessible to the public.

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Facebook Censoring Links To Gun File Site

From The Washington Free Beacon:

Brandon Combs, president of the Firearms Policy Coalition, told the Free Beacon that links to have been blocked by Facebook, and Amazon has taken the site down from its servers. The website, which has republished the gun-design files at the center of the Wilson case, is a joint project of the Firearms Policy Coalition, Firearms Policy Foundation, Calguns Foundation, and California Association of Federal Firearms Licenses. Combs said publishing the files was within their First Amendment rights and the actions taken by employees at the tech giants is an attempt to censor them that he believes may have wide-ranging consequences

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What’s The Point Of A Printed Gun?


This gun is a manifestation of the new digital reality: the physical world has become information-based. The only way to control it is to muzzle people, violate free speech rights, and fundamentally transform a principle we have come to believe about the relationship between the individual and state.

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Social Media Purge Has Begun

From Zero Hedge:

One day after what appeared to be a coordinated attack by media giants Facebook, Apple, Spotify and Google on Alex Jones, whose various social media accounts were banned or suspended in a matter of hours, the crackdown against alternative media figures continued as several Libertarian figures, including the Ron Paul Institute director, found their Twitter accounts suspended.

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Slate Defends 3D Gun Plans

From Slate:

We protect speech so strongly under the First Amendment in part because we want to ensure unfettered discussion of policy matters. We want a well-informed citizenry that can engage in the hard task of self-governance. With the new rush of legislation concerning 3D-printed guns, the public and Congress should have access to the controversial files at issue, so they can understand what they are and are not.

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Defense Distributed Legal Fund

Defense Distributed is allowing people to support them with monthly donations to raise money for the many legal challenges against them.

You can join the cause here:

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Explanation Of Futile Injunction Against Defense Distributed

From National Review:

We are in the grips of a bizarre political panic that is disconnected from the facts and the law but is deeply connected not just to the larger culture war over gun rights in the United States but also to the deep suspicion of virtually any action taken by the Trump administration. There was a time when we could have greater confidence in federal courts to take a breath, soberly consider the issues, and introduce a measure of reason and rationality to legal debate. In some courts — especially when Trump administration actions are at issue — those days are long past.

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Apple’s Lip Service To Freedom

From Wired:

In the months since, Wardle has worked on and off to deconstruct that emoji mystery. What he found—and helped Apple fix—wasn’t the targeted hacking of his friend’s iPhone. Instead, it was an unintentional bug in a very intentional censorship feature, one that Apple includes in every iPhone in the world in an apparent attempt to placate the Chinese government. “Basically, Apple added some code to iOS with the goal that phones in China wouldn’t display a Taiwanese flag,” Wardle says, “and there was a bug in that code.”

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New video site from James Yeager:


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