Posts Tagged emergency

Florida City Council Members May Have To Pay Fines For Enacting Gun Restrictions

From Ammoland:

The five-member Okeechobee, Florida city council and Police Chief Donald Hagan may each be forced to pay $5,000 personally – without using taxpayer dollars – for violating Florida’s powerful preemption statute, which only allows the state legislature to regulate firearms.

As previously reported, the city adopted an illegal ordinance shortly before Hurricane Helene made landfall, which banned the sale of guns and ammunition and prohibited firearm possession in public by anyone other than law enforcement or members of the military.

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New Orleans Police Response Time Is Two and A Half Hours

From Bearing Arms:

It is one of the most startling crime stats to emerge in recent months: It takes New Orleans police an average of 2½ hours to respond to a 9-1-1 call, according to a new analysis presented to the City Council on Wednesday.

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Finding A Community

From The Truth About Guns:

“Forget the super shelter,” he said. Instead, got together with a group of like-minded people with skill sets you will need in a location that allows for the safety and security of the inhabitants. This might be in Small Town, USA or it might be on a farm with enough shelter for a large group.

Either way, you want to join up with people with diverse skill sets. For example, you probably want medical professionals as well as those skilled in animal husbandry, agriculture, communications, dentistry, canning, marksmanship, tracking, security and so forth. (Odd how he didn’t mention lawyers on that list, isn’t it?)

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Body Armor Sales Dramatically Rise

From Business Wire:

Increased demand for body armor has allowed Body Armor Direct to manufacture in the USA and hire throughout the pandemic. “Manufacturing in the USA allows us to provide confidence the vest will perform in a time of need. We are under strict Governmental oversight” said Goldberg.
The election, pandemic, quarantine, civil unrest, and de-fund the police protests have increased demand. There are no background checks or holding period to purchase body armor. Body Armor Direct vision is to be the largest direct to consumer body armor company in the nation.

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Dems Attack Gun Rights When Citizens Need Them Most

From NBC News:

As Americans, our constitutional rights and individual liberties are not just a source of patriotic pride but the lifeblood of our democracy. The founders knew that the right of citizens to bear arms was essential to the preservation of democracy and liberty. The Second Amendment ensures that Americans can protect themselves, their families and their businesses, especially when the government is unwilling or unable to do so. And many Americans are indeed now choosing to exercise their Second Amendment rights; a national indicator for gun sales is at an all-time high.

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Media Always Denigrates Gun Owners

From Houston Courant:

But who expects the press to actually care about the facts that make a gun owner look good? There may be exceptions, but in general, mainstream media has about the same amount of unbiased characterization of gun owners as Elizabeth Warren has Indian blood. It just ain’t so, y’all.

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Atlanta Guns and Ammo Flying Off the Shelves


“First time buyers are buying .38 special revolvers and 9mm pistols,” said Wallace. “We’ll get a shipment in one day and the entire stock of what we put out in one day will be gone in one day.”
Wallace said a shipment of a hundred guns will be gone on the same day. He told Jose manufacturers are running 24 hours a day to keep up with demand.

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Lots Of Democrats Bought Guns This Year

From The Epoch Times:

More than 1 in 9 registered Democrats recently bought a firearm, according to a late-August Epoch Times Big Data Poll.

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Gun Sales May Not Translate To Votes

From The Trace:

Yamane cautioned that acquiring a gun does not guarantee a shift in attitude toward firearms regulation and that Americans are too politically entrenched for the high sales alone to swing the debate or bring about a further loosening of laws. “A huge influx of new gun owners is not going to change the political dynamics of California, for instance, or Oklahoma,” Yamane said.

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What Can You Do To Protect Your Vehicle?

From US Law Shield:

Imagine – you’re getting ready to walk out of the grocery store and head towards your car in the parking lot. To your surprise, when you exit the store, you see that a violent mob has descended on the parking lot and is vandalizing vehicles. What can you do? What should you do? What if this happens in your driveway at home, rather than a public place? What rights do you have to defend your vehicle and property? These are more complicated questions than you might think.

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Guns Selling Out

From Business Insider:

“If you were to walk into any big-box store or any small corner gun store, you would see the shelves are bare, and they are bare because of demand,” said Marc Oliva, a representative for the National Shooting Sports Foundation. “Manufacturers are working around the clock to be able to keep up with that demand.”

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Gun Sales Continue Record

From NPR:

Fears over the pandemic and protests are driving millions of Americans to buy guns at a record pace. And nearly half of them appear to be first-time gun owners.

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Anti-gun Group Thinks People Buying Guns Is A Reason For More Gun Laws

From Center For American Progress:

Just as the coronavirus pandemic has exposed gaps within the U.S. health care and economic systems, the surge in gun sales during this period brings to the forefront weaknesses in the current laws and systems governing the sale and ownership of firearms and ammunition. Far too many gun sales are allowed to proceed without background checks, and gun owners face minimal legal requirements to ensure that guns are handled and stored safely. These gaps in the law create risks for all U.S. communities vulnerable to gun violence, and both federal and state policymakers should take this opportunity to strengthen these laws to help reduce gun violence.

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Riots Made Me Buy A Gun

From The Federalist:

I bought a gun last weekend. It’s not a purchase I wanted to make, and I pray I never have to use it, but with mayhem recently engulfing cities across the United States, I and many others are biting the bullet and purchasing firearms.

I’ve pondered the purchase for years but always found a reason to put it off. The carnage that has rocked the country over the last couple of weeks, however, sealed the deal. After all, I have a duty to protect my family as best I can, and when the government’s protections begin to break down, a firearm becomes my only option.

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Do More Gun Owners Mean More Gun Rights

From The Truth About Guns:

Data over the last several months showing record breaking increases in gun sales has built a false sense of security for many 2nd Amendment supporters. Folks are looking at these numbers believing the writing is on the wall for gun control advocates, and that public opinion is favorably shifting.

I believe that couldn’t be further from the truth. While the gun rights movement may see a net gain in support, we are still currently on the losing side of this fight.

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