Posts Tagged election

Make Sure Your Gun Owning Friends Are Registered To Vote

This is surprising, shocking, and altogether unacceptable. Voting is a Sacred Right and a tremendously important responsibility. The Arbalest Quarrel looked into the failure of millions of gun owners to register to vote. We learned that Ten Million American gun owners have not registered to vote in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. This is no small number and can have a decisive impact on the outcome of Federal Elections.

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Poll: Americans Admit To Possible 2020 Election Fraud With Mail-in Ballots

From The Federalist:

The Heartland Institute/Rasmussen survey, which was conducted from Nov. 30 to Dec. 6, asked likely voters who cast ballots in 2020 questions about fraudulent activities, without telling them such actions were a form of voter fraud. The results were stunning. One in five people who voted by mail admitted to engaging in at least one kind of potential voter fraud, seriously calling into question the security of widespread mail-in balloting.

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Another Attempt To “Fortify” An Election

From Rolling Stone:

Over the past year, Team Biden has been conducting war games, crafting complex legal strategies, and devoting extensive resources to prepare for, as one former senior Biden administration official puts it, “all-hell-breaks-loose” scenarios. The preparations include planning for a contingency in which Biden’s margin of victory is so razor-thin that Trump and the GOP launch a tidal wave of legal challenges and political maneuvers to rerun his 2020 election strategy: declare victory anyways, and try to will it into existence.

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Wisconsin Dem Found Guilty Of 2020 Voter Fraud

From Gateway Pundit:

A Milwaukee County jury has reached a verdict in the trial of Kimberly Zapata – and found Zapata guilty on all counts against her.

Zapata is the fired Milwaukee Election Commission deputy director accused of illegally requesting military ballots and sending them to the home of State Rep. Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls).

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Elon Interviews RFK Jr.

Recorded from an interview on X:

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NSSF Creates New Super PAC

From Protect Liberty PAC:

The Protect Liberty Political Action Committee (PAC) launched with the express goal of electing candidates who are dedicated to preserving and protecting liberty, freedoms and the Constitutional rights of all Americans. This especially includes the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Protect Liberty PAC will take a leading role and be more dynamic and outspoken in the electoral process in order to protect the firearm industry, beginning at the ballot box.

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Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Talks To Colion Noir

From Colion Noir:

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Biden and Obama Were Aware Russia Investigation Was A Hoax

From Breitbart:

Then-President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden were personally briefed by then-CIA Director John Brennan in 2016 that the CIA had evidence of Hillary Clinton planning to falsely link then-presidential candidate Donald Trump to Russia, according to a report by Special Counsel John Durham released Monday.

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The Questions No One Is Asking About Jan 6

From Glenn Beck:

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States Violated Their Own Laws In 2020

From Lifesite News:

“States across the country changed election policies and procedures last minute. Due to the pandemic, election officials claimed these emergency actions and deviations from election laws were necessary,” he explained. But we now know those changes were, in fact, violations of the law.

For example, the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) authorized a multitude of local officials to set up ballot drop boxes.

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Evidence Of Election Irregularities In Georgia

From Fox News:

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Anti-gun Activist Attempted To Shoot Mayoral Candidate

From Courier-Journal:

Quintez Brown, 21, was charged late Monday with attempted murder and four counts of wanton endangerment after Greenberg was shot at in his campaign headquarters that morning.

No one was injured in the shooting, but a bullet grazed Greenberg’s sweater and shirt.

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Newsweek: Questioning The Next Election is Wanting To Overthrow The Government

From Newsweek:

America’s massive and mostly Republican gun-rights movement dovetails with a growing belief among many Republicans that the federal government is an illegitimate tyranny that must be overthrown by any means necessary. That combustible formula raises the threat of armed, large-scale attacks around the 2024 presidential election—attacks that could make the January 6 insurrection look like a toothless stunt by comparison.

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Generals Afraid The Wrong Person Might Win The Next Election

From The Washington Post:

In short: We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding next time.

The potential for a total breakdown of the chain of command along partisan lines — from the top of the chain to squad level — is significant should another insurrection occur. The idea of rogue units organizing among themselves to support the “rightful” commander in chief cannot be dismissed.

All service members take an oath to protect the U.S. Constitution. But in a contested election, with loyalties split, some might follow orders from the rightful commander in chief, while others might follow the Trumpian loser. Arms might not be secured depending on who was overseeing them. Under such a scenario, it is not outlandish to say a military breakdown could lead to civil war.

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Former NYT Employee Admits The Times Held Kenosha Riot Report Until After The Election

From Nellie Bowles:

When I was at the New York Times, I went to Kenosha to see about this, and it turned out to be not true. The part of Kenosha that people burned in the riots was the poor, multi-racial commercial district, full of small, underinsured cell phone shops and car lots. It was very sad to see and to hear from people who had suffered. Beyond the financial loss, small storefronts are quite meaningful to their owners and communities, which continuously baffles the Zoom-class.

Eventually the election passed. Biden was in the White House. And my Kenosha story ran. Whatever the reason for holding the piece, covering the suffering after the riots was not a priority. The reality that brought Kyle Rittenhouse into the streets was one we reporters were meant to ignore. The old man who tried to put out a blaze at a Kenosha store had his jaw broken. The top editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer had to resign in June 2020 amid staff outcry for publishing a piece with the headline, “Buildings Matter, Too.” 

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