Posts Tagged credit cards

California Now Requires Sales Code For Gun Stores

This new law is a workaround to the Fourth Amendment by requiring companies to “tattle” on their customers to the government.

From The Truth About Guns:

As reported earlier, a California law went into effect today that mandates credit card networks like Visa and Mastercard to assign special retail codes to gun stores, enabling banks to track their sales. Advocates believe this measure could help identify suspicious purchases and prevent mass shootings.

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Credit Card Companies To Start Using Tracking Codes In California

From Bearing Arms:

Major credit card companies are moving to make a merchant code available for firearm and ammunition retailers in order to comply with a new California law that will allow banks to potentially track suspicious gun purchases and report them to law enforcement, CBS News has learned.

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How Credit Cards and Banks Attack Gun Companies

From Fudd Busters:

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VISA CEO Skeptical Of New Merchant Codes For Gun Stores

From Bearing Arms:

So if [Visa’s Chief Communications Officer] K.C. Kavanagh goes into a gun store and buys three thermoses and a tent, and you go in and buy a rifle and five rounds of ammunition, all I know is you both went to the same gun store. I know what gun store, I know when you went, and I know how much money you spent. But I don’t know what you bought.

I don’t think the code was necessary. But it doesn’t matter; the code is in place. It’s now an international standard and we adopt international standards.

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Florida Attacks Credit Card Tracking Gun Purchases

From NSSF:

“This is the United States of America. You don’t get penalized for exercising a Constitutional right. The Second Amendment is nonnegotiable, and here in Florida, we are going to fight to protect the rights of Floridians,” Republican state Sen. Danny Burgess recently proclaimed.

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Bank CEO That Pushed Credit Card Gun Code Wants To Report On Citizens’ “Suspicious” Activity

From Ammoland:

“‘Detection scenarios’ are in the works that, if triggered, would prompt banks to file a Suspicious Activity Report to the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network,” the story elaborates, citing Amalgamated Bank Chief Executive Officer Priscilla Sims Brown.

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Affirm Payments Denying Gun Purchases

From Legally Armed America:

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Credit Card Code Is A “First Step” To Gun Prohibition

From Cam and Company:

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State AGs Warn Credit Card Companies About Guns

From Ammoland:

A coalition of 24 state attorneys general sent a letter warning the CEOs of three major credit card companies that a recently announced Merchant Category Code (MCC) for processing gun purchases “is potentially a violation of consumer protection and antitrust laws.”

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Credit Card Companies To Single Out Gun Stores

From Cam and Company:

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Stop Using Credit Cards To Buy Guns

From Reason:

Rep. Jennifer Wexton’s (D–Va.) “Gun Violence Prevention Through Financial Intelligence Act” would require the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to “request information from financial institutions for the purpose of developing an advisory about the identification and reporting of suspicious activity.” The bill’s aim is to identify a consistent purchasing pattern among people who buy firearms and firearm accessories in order to conduct “lone wolf acts of terror” and expose how the firearms market in the United States is exploited by would-be mass shooters.

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Finance As Gun Control

From National Review:

Waters’s Democrats are going to pressure banks, credit unions, and payment companies to severely curtail and even terminate their relationships with firearm manufacturers, licensed gun retailers, and law-abiding citizens exercising their right to purchase and own firearms. In other words, they will use political pressure to force private institutions into creating social policy that threatens constitutional rights.

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NYT Wants Credit Cards To Discriminate Against Gun Owners

From Breitbart:

The Times suggests banks are “unwittingly financing mass shootings” by allowing individuals to use their cards to buy firearms and related accessories.

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Firearms Dealers Being Denied By Payment Processors

From Daily Signal:

“Being shut out from mainstream payment processors makes us feel like we are part of some type of shady business when, in fact, there is more regulation and documentation required for federally licensed firearms dealers than most businesses,” said Trevor Blandford of Terminal Performance Associates in Caroline, Va.


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