Posts Tagged gun ownership

Democrat Tries To “Own Republicans” By Promoting Black Gun Ownership

From Bearing Arms:

Normally, gun control involves taking guns away from people, but one Texas lawmaker is endorsing a plan to push for a gun ban by giving AR-15s away. State Rep. Ron Reynolds told Houston news anchor Isiah Carey that “desperate times call for desperate measures”, which is why he’s all in favor of a plan to give Black men semi-automatic rifles; convinced that conservative Caucasians will be so freaked out that they’ll almost immediately fall in line behind a gun ban. 

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The Gun Rights Implications Of Trump’s Guilty Verdict

From The Truth About Guns:

With 34 felony convictions being delivered to President Donald J. Trump Thursday afternoon by a New York jury—in what is questionably a rigged trial and unquestionably a politically motivated trial—there remain a number of questions on what will actually happen next and how it will play out. One thing that is not in question, at least until a successful appeal is decided on, is that Trump is now barred from owning or possessing firearms.

Journalist Stephen Gutowski over at The Reload was quick to report on some of the obvious ironies this situation creates for gun rights in this country.

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David Yamane Interview With Bearing Arms

From Cam and Company:

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TV Shows Now Attacking Legal Gun Possession

From Bearing Arms:

Why are two characters in search of “the perfect nanny”? Lopez fired her nanny towards the beginning of the episode because a gun fell out of the nanny’s purse. The way ABC set the stage made the nanny look like a rogue cowboy. A purse got moved and the gun fell out of it, not in a holster or anything.

If there were to be a complaint here, it’d revolve around ways a person could achieve responsible off-body carry. But that’s not how it all went down. “What the hell is a gun doing in your purse?” Lopez asked the nanny. She replied, “It’s for protection. I have a permit.” Lopez declared, “Not in my house you don’t.”

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Philippines Allows More Gun Ownership Due To Chinese Threat

From Bearing Arms:

This week, however, the Philippine National Police announced that soon civilians will be able to purchase and possess semi-automatic rifles; a major change to the country’s gun laws that’s being applauded by groups like Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption, whose founder believes the change will help increase national security at a time when China is ramping up its aggression against Philippine interests. 

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More Americans Than Ever Live In House With A Gun

From The Washington Post:

Last week, NBC News presented a surprising bit of data: for the first time in its two decades of asking, a majority of respondents to its national poll indicated that they lived in a home with a firearm. In 2013, a poll of American adults found that 42 percent lived in households in which there was a gun. In the most recent poll, questioning registered voters, 52 percent said they did.

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Gun Ownership Means Nothing Without The Right To Self Defense

From Highly Respected:

Gun ownership still needs to be protected. The right to bear arms is critical to the right to self-defense. However, the expansion of gun rights comes at the same time that the right to self-defense is being infringed. The  Kyle Rittenhouse, Daniel Perry, Jake Gardner, Ian Cranston, and Daniel Penny cases show this fundamental right is in jeopardy. 

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One Million Gun Sales Per Month For The Last Four Years

From The Truth About Guns:

First, the NSSF’s adjusted number is really a minimum. It doesn’t account for sales of multiple firearms in on transaction and it doesn’t include sales in states that don’t require background checks for carry permit holders (never mind private sales).

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Gun Owners Lie To Polls, Skewing Results

From Reason:

“The implications of false denials of firearms ownership are substantial,” claim the authors. “First, such practices would result in an underestimation of firearms ownership rates and diminish our capacity to test the association between firearm access and various firearm violence-related outcomes. Furthermore, such practices would skew our understanding of the demographics of firearm ownership, such that we would overemphasize the characteristics of those more apt to disclose. Third, the mere existence of a large group of individuals who falsely deny firearm ownership highlights that intervention aimed at promoting firearm safety (e.g., secure firearm storage) may fail to reach communities in need.”

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How Much It Costs To Get Carry Permits That Cover 44 States and DC

From School of the American Rifle:

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How You Can Combat “Gun Violence”

From The Federalist:

The obvious political response to this deliberate cultural and social destruction is to vote Republican, warts and all. Parents and working families of all races are indeed fleeing the Democratic Party, which has been captured by leftist ideologues.

The next practical personal response to rising crime and cultural disintegration is to prepare to protect yourself, your family, and your community. The 2020 riots sold a lot of guns to normal people who realized their government might not protect them. And many gun owners decided to become dedicated to training for the same reason.

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Gun Ownership As Optimism

From Open Source Defense:

Far from withdrawing from societal trust, gun ownership is about strengthening a well-functioning society. It’s the idea that if society drops the ball for a second and isn’t able to have your back, you’re ready to do your part and have society’s back, filling the gap for yourself until help arrives.

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2021 National Firearm Survey

From Gun Curious:

30.2% of gun owners have owned an AR-15 style rifle.

That’s some 25 million people. This is the first survey that I can recall that asked about ownership of this particular rifle. The results confirm its popularity.

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Bret Weinstein: The Liberal Case For Gun Ownership

From Unherd:

The terrifying carnage that derives from the right to bear arms must, in the end, be compared to the cost of not having that right, not only for the individual, but for the republic and its neighbours at a minimum. If you imagine that tyranny cannot happen in America due to some safeguard built into our system, or by virtue of some immunity residing in the population itself, then perhaps there is nothing left to discuss.

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Politico: Dems Need To Drop The Gun Rhetoric

From Politico:

Democrats need to learn how to talk about firearm rights and crime issues without demonizing millions of voters who own guns. What Democrats don’t realize is that the very voters they are losing by the tens of thousands each cycle are also the people who account for the largest surge of new firearm sales.

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