Posts Tagged property rights

FPC CEO Discusses Rahimi Decision

From Bearing Arms:

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Mom Who Defended Herself With A Gun Faces Eviction

From Bearing Arms:

According to FOX 4 in Dallas/Fort Worth, Wallace was told by management at the federally subsidized housing where she lives with her four children that she was being ousted because she had a gun on the property in violation of management’s ban on firearms. State Rep. Carrie Isaac has taken an interest in Wallace’s plight, asking Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office to weigh in along with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.

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Rare Unanimous Supreme Court Decision Supports Individual Rights

From Reason:

The Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously ruled that the government violated the Constitution when it took possession of Geraldine Tyler’s condo over an overdue property tax bill, auctioned the home, and pocketed the proceeds in excess of what she actually owed.

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Un-American San Antonio City Council

From ReasonTV:

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Black Shooting Range Shutdown By Maryland

From MSN:

Some of Bell’s neighbors didn’t share that view. Disturbed by the noise and risk of errant gunfire, nearly 40 of them supported a petition demanding that the range be shut down, the Southern Maryland News reported. Tomlinson, in particular, said he feared for his safety, since his farm sits downrange from a backstop for bullets on Bell’s property that he called “totally ineffective.”

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Seattle Council Considering Poverty As An Excuse For Theft

From Policemag:

The idea, referred to as the poverty defense, was discussed Tuesday by the Seattle City Council’s Public Safety Committee after it was introduced by City Council member Lisa Herbold and Anita Khandelwal, the King County’s director of the Department of Public Defense.

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Koreatown Survived L.A. Riots

From The Truth About Guns:

The LAPD pulled out and basically told folks in the worst-hit areas that they were on their own. But a small section of Los Angeles known as Koreatown, located just north of South Central, didn’t burn. Why? Because the Korean business owners banded together, exercised their Second Amendment rights and protected their property, their businesses, and their livelihoods.

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Showdown In Nevada Between Rancher and the Feds

Armed federal agents from the FBI and Bureau of Land Management have surrounded a ranch in Nevada in order to protect an endangered tortoise.

From The Washington Free Beacon:

His wife, Carol Bundy, said that roughly 200 armed agents from the BLM and FBI are stationed around their land, located about 75 miles outside of Las Vegas. Helicopters circle the premises, and the airspace and nearby roads remain blocked.

As of Monday, officials have seized 234 of Bundy’s 908 cattle. Impounding the cattle alone could cost the government as much as $3 million.

When the priority of the government goes this far astray is when people get hurt. Let’s hope the situation is resolved in a just manner.

Local news report:

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