Posts Tagged racism

When You Go Looking For Racists And Can’t Find Any

The Demand For Racists Doesn’t Equal The Supply

From The Federalist:

A new report said Pentagon programs to sniff out “white supremacists” in the U.S. military came up empty-handed and were even counterproductive to military readiness and morale.

“Just as private companies have abandoned the toxic advice of DEI consultants and programs, military leaders should end social engineering based on critical race theory and restore approaches that promote character and merit,” said Donald Critchlow, Director of the Center for American Institutions at ASU.

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Gun Control Groups Ignore Mass Shooters Own Words

From The Federalist:

But Everytown ignores those quotes. Nor does the organization mention that the Buffalo mass murderer self-identified as an “eco-fascist national socialist” and a member of the “mild-moderate authoritarian left.” The shooter expressed concern that minority immigrants have too many children and will damage the environment. “The invaders are the ones overpopulating the world,” he wrote. “Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation and by doing so save the environment.” 

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Maj Toure Discusses Black Guns Matter and Empowering Communities: LANGUAGE WARNING

From Reason:

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NY Returns To Its Racist Past With New Gun Law

From Ammoland:

Maj Toure has always said all gun control is racist. If you think the racism that led to gun control laws in the past is dead, you would be wrong.

One of the most bigoted laws that the Supreme Court recently knocked down was New York State’s laws surrounding the concealed carry of a firearm. The so-called “Sullivan Laws” was set up by the Irish in New York to prevent Italian immigrants from obtaining firearms legally by adding the “proper cause” clause to the law. This allowed New York to deny the right to carry a firearm to anyone it chose. The Supreme Court rightfully knocked down the law, only to see New York pass the Concealed Carry Improvement Act (CCIA) that put a “moral character” clause into effect.

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Rewriting The Second Amendment Continues

From The Federalist:

Just like every other aspect of the American Founding, the ratification of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is rooted in nothing more than white supremacy. Or at least, that’s what scholar Carol Anderson wants you to believe.

In her latest book, “The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America,” Anderson argues that the “well regulated Militia” inscribed in the Second Amendment was created to provide states with a mechanism to quell potential slave uprisings.

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MTV: Gun Control Is Racist

From MTV:

States passed laws forbidding African-Americans from carrying weapons. In South Carolina, slaves — who were “of barbarous, wild savage natures” according to Colony Law — could not have unsupervised access to weapons and could be killed freely, provided the murder wasn’t “wanton.” In Florida, white “citizens patrols” were permitted to search the homes of free African-Americans for guns “and other offensive or improper weapons, and may lawfully seize and take away such arms, weapons, and ammunition.” The message was clear: guns — like the ballot box, marriage, and the right to free assembly — were for white Americans only.

Many resisted, and did so with the very weapons they were forbidden to own. Harriet Tubman rescued more than 300 people from slavery with a gun under her arm. Frederick Douglass wrote in 1854 that a good revolver was critical to staying free: “Every slave hunter who meets a bloody death in his infernal business is an argument in favor of the manhood of our race.”

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Increase In Attacks On Asian Americans

From Bearing Arms:

Amidst a rise in attacks on Asian-Americans in cities like San Francisco and Oakland, a growing number of members of the community are choosing to protect themselves and others with a firearm. In a lengthy account, the Washington Post details how the attacks are impacting Asian-Americans and prompting them to think carefully about how best to stay safe while the violence continues to grow.

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Killer Mike On Blacks Embracing Self Defense

From Colorlines:

In fact, following Arbery’s death, I issued a statement urging Black people and people of color to take seriously their Second Amendment rights. I was urging people who look like me to take seriously shooting, training, and the protection of our rights. I put this statement out because the police cannot always get to you on time, and the world is not a just place. I also released these remarks because we cannot assume that everyone who wears a police uniform is just and fair. The high number of people killed by police (1,099 people were killed by police in 2019) proves my point.

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The Racism Of Gun Control

From Daily Caller:

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Ayan Hirsi Ali On America

From Gatestone Institute:

“When I hear it said that the U.S. is defined above all by racism, when I see books such as Robin DiAngelo’s ‘White Fragility’ top the bestseller list, when I read of educators and journalists being fired for daring to question the orthodoxies of Black Lives Matter—then I feel obliged to speak up… America looks different if you grew up, as I did, in Africa and the Middle East”.

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Racist Gun Control Continues

From Page Two:

As Wells had pointed out, in 1892, armed black men in Jacksonville, Florida thwarted a lynch mob that was attempting to break into a prison in order to murder a black prisoner. In the next legislative session, the Florida legislature enacted a new gun control law. It required a license to carry or possess ‘‘a pistol, Winchester rifle or other repeating rifle.’’

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Racism And Gun Control

From The Epoch Times:

How do you stop a lynch mob? With a Winchester repeating rifle. That was the advice of Ida B. Wells, the great journalist who led the fight against lynching. To frustrate her work, a new form of gun control was introduced.

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Fireside Chat From Dennis Prager

From PragerU:

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Gun Control’s Racist Roots

From The Hill:

One month after the Confederate surrender in 1865, Frederick Douglass urged federal action to stop state and local infringement of the right to arms. Until this was accomplished, Douglass argued, “the work of the abolitionists is not finished.”

Kansas Senator Samuel Pomeroy extolled the three “indispensable” “safeguards of liberty under our form of government,” the sanctity of the home, the right to vote, and “the right to bear arms.” So “if the cabin door of the freedman is broken open and the intruder enter…then should a well-loaded musket be in the hand of the occupant to send the polluted wretch to another world.”

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Sheriff David Clarke: Gun Control Was A Tool Of Racists

From PJ Media:

“The fight by the abolitionists, post-slavery, for blacks to be able to be armed — do you know that gun control, early gun control, was really about keeping guns out of the hands of black people? We as black people have been so separated from our history it’s astounding to me. We should be some of the most ardent supporters of the Second Amendment because our history was not being able to possess arms to be able to defend ourselves from mobs, kidnappings and lynchings,” he said during a Heritage Foundation event, “The Right to Arms and the War on Guns.”

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