Posts Tagged pentagon

When You Go Looking For Racists And Can’t Find Any

The Demand For Racists Doesn’t Equal The Supply

From The Federalist:

A new report said Pentagon programs to sniff out “white supremacists” in the U.S. military came up empty-handed and were even counterproductive to military readiness and morale.

“Just as private companies have abandoned the toxic advice of DEI consultants and programs, military leaders should end social engineering based on critical race theory and restore approaches that promote character and merit,” said Donald Critchlow, Director of the Center for American Institutions at ASU.

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Marines Are First Military Branch To Pass Financial Audit

From Defense News:

The milestone — something the Defense Department and the other armed services still have not achieved — comes after almost two decades of trying to prepare the Corps’ records and several failed audits along the way.

During this two-year audit, the Marine Corps had independent third-party auditors from Ernst and Young vet the value of all its assets listed on financial statements. The Corps also had to prove that every single item existed and was where the service said it was.

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Biden Admin Sends More Arms To Ukraine, Depleting Domestic Stock


“This announcement is the Biden Administration’s 44th tranche of equipment to be provided from DoD inventories for Ukraine since August 2021,” noted the Pentagon in a simple release. Besides “over 12 million rounds of small arms ammunition,” the withdrawal includes additional 155mm and 105mm artillery rounds, 120mm tank ammunition, as well as additional munitions for Patriot air defense systems and HIMARS rocket systems.

The running tally sheet of the more than $43 billion in American equipment transferred to Ukraine by the Biden administration since February 2022 includes “more than 300,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition,” a figure first broached in June. 

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DOD Wants Tyrannical Gun Laws For Service Members

From Ammoland:

Under the laughable pretext of “lethal-means reduction,” a new DOD report, “Preventing Suicide in the U.S. Military: Recommendations from the Suicide Prevention and Response Independent Review Committee” [embedded below], consists of a demand for active-duty troops to “register” all privately-owned guns, even those troopers who are in possession of valid, state-issued CCW permits.

This will, of course, immediately bring about a demand on the part of “woke” base commanders that all privately-owned guns (now “registered”) be subsequently removed from homes (on-base or off) of troopers, including officers and NCOs, and locked-up “for safe-keeping” within a base armory.

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The Case Against General Milley

From The Washington Times:

Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, should be subject to an Article 32 Hearing under the provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice for his conduct and statements as memorialized in the Bob Woodward book “Peril,” and the Aug. 8, 2022, New Yorker magazine excerpt of a forthcoming book by Susan B. Glasser and Peter Baker

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Whistleblower: Lower Standards For Women In Military

From The Federalist:

The female captain dropped out of physically demanding combat controller course exercises several times, but unlike male trainees with similar difficulties, Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) officials kept extending special concessions to keep her in the program.

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Official Resigns Over Pentagon’s Weak Cybersecurity Plans


But Chaillan quit on September 2. In his departing LinkedIn post, he cited the Pentagon’s reluctance to make cybersecurity and AI a priority as a reason for his resignation.

Speaking to the Financial Times in his first interview since leaving, Chaillan said China is streets ahead of the United States.

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US Has No Idea How Much Equipment The Taliban Captured

From The Independent:

The Pentagon has admitted it has no idea how much of its military hardware has been seized by the Taliban and said it has no plan to try and retrieve it.

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What Happened On 9/11

I never thought there would be a need for this video.
From PragerU:

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Unarmed On Military Bases

From Ammoland:

The military has been used to indoctrinate service members for social engineering since at least WWII. Progressivism, as a philosophy, is anti-Second Amendment in its DNA. Within the elite, military people are expected to disdain, look down upon, and discourage the actual carry of weapons.
Candidate Trump may have underestimated the political correctness within the military brass. President Trump was never a bureaucrat. In Bureaucracies, there is a long known and practiced method of preventing superiors from implementing policies you disagree with. It is defiance by compliance.

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President Signs Military Pay Raise

From The Daily Wire:

President Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, a bill authorizing an increase of over 15,000 troops as well as a long-overdue pay raise for soldiers. The military spending package includes $717 billion for national defense in the next fiscal year, according to the White House.

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Army Looking For Better, Bigger Rifle


U.S. Army weapon officials just opened a competition for a new 7.62mm Interim Service Combat Rifle to arm infantry units with a weapon potent enough to penetrate enemy body armor.

“The Army has identified a potential gap in the capability of ground forces and infantry to penetrate body armor using existing ammunition. To address this operational need, the Army is looking for an Interim Combat Service Rifle (ICSR) that is capable of defeating emerging threats,” according to an Aug. 4 solicitation posted on

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Pentagon To Test More Camo For Afghanistan


Remember that story about the inspector general report that said the U.S. wasted millions on HyperStealth camouflage for Afghan soldiers? Well now the Pentagon is going to do an assessment to see if there are any other camouflage patterns that work well in Afghanistan.

John Sopko, special inspector general for Afghanistan Reconstruction, told lawmakers today that the Defense Department spent $94 million on a proprietary camouflage pattern – known as HyperStealth Spec4ce Forest — for Afghan army forces “without determining the pattern’s effectiveness in Afghanistan compared to other available patterns.”

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Navy Pilots Refuse To Fly Due To Oxygen System

From Fox News:

More than 100 U.S. Navy instructor pilots are refusing to fly in protest of what they say is the refusal of top brass to adequately address an urgent problem with training jets’ oxygen system, multiple instructor pilots tell Fox News.

Vice Adm. Mike Shoemaker, head of naval aviation, told Fox News in an exclusive interview that the training jet issue is the “number one safety priority” across naval aviation right now.

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Army Awards Contract To Aimpoint

From The Daily Caller:

Aimpoint, the worldwide leader in reflex sight technology, has been awarded a contract for supply of 30,000 M68 Close Combat Optics (M68CCO) to the U.S. Army. The Aimpoint CompM4s sight is type-classified as the M68CCO when used by the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force. These sights will be supplied with a killFlash® anti-reflection device, rubber lens covers, and adapters which allow the sights to be deployed on all versions of the M16 rifle, M4 Carbine, and light machineguns such as the M240 and M249.

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