Archive for September, 2010

Why you just might need a gun, reason number 872:

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Chappell Hill, TX Bank – Concealed Carry Supported And Encouraged

Video Here:

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Pakistan and the U.S. Exit From Afghanistan

Pakistan and the U.S. Exit From Afghanistan is republished with permission of STRATFOR.

By George Friedman

Bob Woodward has released another book, this one on the debate over Afghanistan strategy in the Obama administration. As all his books do, the book has riveted Washington. It reveals that intense debate occurred over what course to take, that the president sought alternative strategies and that compromises were reached. But while knowing the details of these things is interesting, what would have been shocking is if they hadn’t taken place.

It is interesting to reflect on the institutional inevitability of these disagreements. The military is involved in a war. It is institutionally and emotionally committed to victory in the theater of combat. It will demand all available resources for executing the war under way. For a soldier who has bled in that war, questioning the importance of the war is obscene. A war must be fought relentlessly and with all available means.

But while the military’s top generals and senior civilian leadership are responsible for providing the president with sound, clearheaded advice on all military matters including the highest levels of grand strategy, they are ultimately responsible for the pursuit of military objectives to which the commander-in-chief directs them. Generals must think about how to win the war they are fighting. Presidents must think about whether the war is worth fighting. The president is responsible for America’s global posture. He must consider what an unlimited commitment to a particular conflict might mean in other regions of the world where forces would be unavailable.

A president must take a more dispassionate view than his generals. He must calculate not only whether victory is possible but also the value of the victory relative to the cost. Given the nature of the war in Afghanistan, U.S. President Barack Obama and Gen. David Petraeus — first the U.S. Central Command chief and now the top commander in Afghanistan — had to view it differently. This is unavoidable. This is natural. And only one of the two is ultimately in charge. Read the rest of this entry »

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Saiga 12 AK47 Shotgun

Saiga-12, an AK47 12 gauge shotgun: semi-auto shotgun with some of the accessories like;
Modified pistol grip (with SAW style US pistol grip), Wire Folding Stock, Cobra Red Dot Optic and US made 10 and 12 round magazines

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Remington 870 Takedown

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Poll: Immigration Reform -Should America Follow Arizona’s Lead?

In a poll by Personal Liberty Digest, with 496,550 people (with a clearly conservative Republican background) having voted at this time, the following results were gathered:

1) Should America follow Arizona’s lead when it comes to immigration reform?
96% voted: Yes
3% voted: No
0% voted: Undecided

2) Do you believe illegal immigrants take jobs U.S. citizens want?
84% voted: Yes
10% voted: No
5% voted: Undecided

3) Do you feel being asked for proof of citizenship is a violation of your civil rights?
4% voted: Yes
94% voted: No
1% voted: Undecided

4) Would you like to see your state pass a similar immigration law?
92% voted: Yes
3% voted: No
0% voted: Undecided
3% voted: I live in Arizona

5) For whom did you vote in the 2008 presidential election
9% voted: Obama/Biden
79% voted: McCain/Palin
12% voted: Other


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Troops Drop Off Needed School Supplies

10th Mountain soldiers stationed at Camp Mike Spann and Afghan National Army soldiers from Camp Shaheen visited Aliabad school in the Nahr-e Shahi District to deliver school supplies during a humanitarian mission. Before the supplies were distributed, several distinguished guests gave speeches about the future of Afghan education. Religious Cultural Advisor Col. Ahmad Sha Ariawi, ANA 209th Corps, stated that it is the ANA’s responsibility to provide freedom and peace to the region so that Afghan children can pursue a meaningful education. The ceremony also included a blessing from an imam before participants placed the first foundation stones at the site where the school will undergo construction for an expansion. The 10th Mountain donated several chalk boards, writing paper and pencils. Photo by Tech. Sgt. Casey Martin

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Bilbray: Rewarding Lawbreaking Sends the Wrong Message

Rep. Brian Bilbray, the Chair of the House Immigration Caucus, is one of the best spokesmen for the cause of immigration sanity because he grasps the psychology of the issue to wannabes.

Bilbray understands that as long as Washington rewards the behavior of illegal immigration, the foreigners will continue to come any way they can. Whenever news arrives in rural Mexican villages that another amnesty is proposed, hope is further renewed that America is still not serious about border and workplace enforcement, even during the worst jobs depression since the 1930s.

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Rasmussen Poll: Voters Think Government Supports Illegal Immigration

illegal aliens continue to pour into America, despite Washington’s claims of border security.

“An increasing percentage of voters now believe that Washington acts in support of open borders and unlawful entrance of foreigners, in comparison with polling last fall.

Most Voters Say Government Encourages Illegal Immigration Rasmussen Reports, September 27, 2010

While the headlines have cooled a bit in recent weeks, voters feel more strongly than ever that the federal government is encouraging illegal immigration and that states like Arizona have the answer to the problem.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 62% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the policies and practices of the federal government encourage people to enter the United States illegally, up six points from October of last year.

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Anti-drug raid in East Texas; suspect links with Mexican cartel

Dallas, Texas (Notimex) – Dozens of FBI agents burst into a ranch in East Texas to question residents of the place about the exchange of arms for drugs with a Mexican cartel.

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Narco-submarine captured in Pacific

Bogota, Colombia (Notimex) – Colombian authorities discovered a narco-submarine with the capability of transporting eight tons of cocaine out of the country. According to Naval officials, the submersible was discovered in an operation carried out along the Pacific coast near Satinga in western Colombia.

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More killings in Mexico

Tied to Barbed Wire Fence Posts and Executed, Firing Squad Style


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Angry Citizens Kill Kidnappers, Force Policemen Out: The Lessons of Ascencion, Chihuahua

“In Ascencion, Chihuahua, a small farming and ranching town of about 10,000 on the road to Casas Grandes, townspeople beat to death two teenage boys participating in a kidnapping of a seventeen year old girl.

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Mexico: State Police Arsenal Raided in Chihuahua City

“CHIHUAHUA, Chihuahua – Around 02:00 on the morning of Monday, September 27, at least 6 men dressed in CIPOL state police uniforms with tactical gear & riding in a white Dodge Ram entered the State Security Complex (CIPOL compound) & raided the arsenal.

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Action gamers make better drivers, soldiers, surgeons

Stateside brain experts say that their latest research indicates that playing action video games makes people more able to make correct decisions quickly under time pressure – potentially turning them into superior drivers, soldiers or surgeons.

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