Posts Tagged immigration

Newsweek Attacks Texas Independence

From Newsweek:

Speaking to Newsweek in December, Joshua Blank, a political scientist at the University of Texas at Austin, said he didn’t believe Texas could leave the U.S. peacefully.

He said: “I think history has made clear that there is no plausible scenario in which Texas could peacefully extract itself from the United States, even were that the will of its populous—which there is no indication of to my knowledge.”

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Fast and Furious Redux

From Ammoland:

U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released a series of whistleblower documents that raise the ghosts of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) ill-fated Operation Fast & Furious. That was the Department of Justice (DOJ) operation that allowed firearms to be illegally smuggled across the U.S. border to Mexico, except once they crossed, they were never tracked.

One of those illegally-trafficked firearms was used to murder U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

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Inconsistent Gun Rulings By Democrat Judges

From American Greatness:

Nothing better illustrates the left’s bizarre, sinister, and downright lawless attitude than two back-to-back gun control decisions from two leftist courts in two infamously blue states, Illinois and Hawaii. Within a single month, “progressive” judges decided that law-abiding Americans do not have the right to freely bear arms, but non-citizens living here illegally do. Yes, you read that correctly.

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Do Illegal Immigrants Have Second Amendment Rights?

From Cam and Company:

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Feds Attack Gun Owners As “Extremists” In Another Leaked Document

From National Review:

Federal law enforcement lumped together conservative positions on guns and immigration with violent extremism in guidance given to financial institutions to help them monitor people’s transactions, a congressional investigation found.

The House Judiciary Committee and its Weaponization Subcommittee released a report Wednesday detailing the efforts by federal agencies and large financial institutions to surveil Americans’ private financial transactions in the wake of the January 6 protests.

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Former CPB Head Never Spoke With President or VP

From The Federalist:

“I’ve never had one conversation with the president or the vice president,” said Raul Ortiz in a sit-down interview with CBS’s flagship program, “60 Minutes.” “I was the chief of the Border Patrol, I commanded 21,000 people. That’s a problem.”

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The Undermining Of The American Military and Police

From The Federalist:

One of the numerous reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire was an overreliance on foreigners serving in its military. American leadership would be wise to heed that lesson.

Rather than learn from these past mistakes, America’s political leaders seem destined to repeat them. Case in point: the halls of Congress, where Democrat Rep. Pat Ryan of New York and Republican Rep. John James of Michigan introduced legislation earlier this month to fast-track a path to citizenship for foreign nationals who sign up to serve in the U.S. military. Both congressmen indicated the measure was crafted to alleviate the military’s recruiting crisis.

LA Police Using Illegal Immigrants:

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is hiring illegal border crossers with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status and equipping them with guns to police American citizens in California.

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New Book By ATF Whistleblower On Fast and Furious

From Ammoland:

The book holds a special interest for me. As the “blogger” who, along with the late citizen journalist Mike Vanderboegh, first reported on the connection between the slaying of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) “walking” guns to Mexico, Forcelli was one of the subjects of our reporting.

In The Deadly Path, Forcelli reintroduces us to many of the other characters and scenarios we covered in our attempts to get corporate media and Congress to investigate for themselves.

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German Immigrant Discusses Guns In Germany vs USA

From Gun Owners Radio:

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Why Was The Synagogue Hostage Taker Allowed In The Country?

From Washington Free Beacon:

U.S. officials confirmed Tuesday that Malik Faisal Akram, who died after law enforcement stormed the Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, on Saturday, was on an MI5 watch list in 2020. That fact, as well as Akram’s previous arrests, should have blocked his entry into the United States, according to immigration experts and lawmakers.

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Haitians Swarm Texas Border

From The Daily Mail:

Horrific photos have emerged of the squalid and fetid migrant camp in Del Rio, Texas that is currently home to thousands of Haitian migrants who’ve flocked to the US in the latest border crisis to hit Joe Biden. 

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Tucker Interviews Hungarian PM Orban

From Tucker Carlson:

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Texas’s Duty To Enforce The Border

From The Federalist:

Because our states are sovereigns — with their own constitutions, laws, and obligations to their citizens — and not mere appendages of our federal government, they are authorized to wield substantial, non-symbolic power within their own territories. An assertion that states function in a realm of permission-based or symbolic authority is just flat wrong.

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The Hypocrisy Of Guns vs Immigration

From Reason:

When state and local officials decline to help enforce federal firearm rules they view as unconstitutional, The New York Times says, they are adopting “a legally shaky but politically potent strategy” with racist roots. But when state and local officials decline to help enforce federal immigration rules they view as “unjust, self-defeating and harmful to public safety,” the Times says, they should be “proud” of “choos[ing] not to participate in deportation crackdowns.”

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Rep. Cuellar Says Biden Playing Shell Game With Immigrants

From Epoch Times:

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) said in an interview on â€œNBC Nightly News” that recent photos showing far less crowded housing conditions for unaccompanied migrant children in Border Patrol custody in Donna, Texas, paint a misleading picture of the border crisis.

“What they’re doing now is they’re moving the kids from the Border Patrol tents over to next door to the HHS facility. With all due respect, it’s all a shell game,” Cuellar said, referring to facilities run by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

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