Archive for February, 2011

Top Shot Season 2 Premiers Tonight

The History Channel Top Shot show, Season 2 can be seen every Tuesday night at 10/9c and premiers Tuesday, February 8.

Professional Shooter Maggie Reese.

The Marksmen

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The Real Enemy in Afghanistan – Corruption


Afghanistan is easily one of the most corrupt countries most Americans have ever been to and conducting counter insurgency in this environment is extremely taxing and difficult.  Corruption starts from the highest level official and goes to the lowest level private.



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Teens Murdered In Mexico


Carlos Mario Gonzalez Bermudez, 16, was a sophomore at Cathedral High School in El Paso, said Nick Gonzalez, the Roman Catholic brother who is the principal. Another victim, Juan Carlos Echeverri, 15, had been a freshman at the private all-boys Catholic school last year but left to study in Ciudad Juarez, Gonzalez said.

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Egypt, Israel and a Strategic Reconsideration

Egypt, Israel and a Strategic Reconsideration is republished with permission of STRATFOR.

By George Friedman

The events in Egypt have sent shock waves through Israel. The 1978 Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel have been the bedrock of Israeli national security. In three of the four wars Israel fought before the accords, a catastrophic outcome for Israel was conceivable. In 1948, 1967 and 1973, credible scenarios existed in which the Israelis were defeated and the state of Israel ceased to exist. In 1973, it appeared for several days that one of those scenarios was unfolding.

The survival of Israel was no longer at stake after 1978. In the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, the various Palestinian intifadas and the wars with Hezbollah in 2006 and Hamas in Gaza in 2008, Israeli interests were involved, but not survival. There is a huge difference between the two. Israel had achieved a geopolitical ideal after 1978 in which it had divided and effectively made peace with two of the four Arab states that bordered it, and neutralized one of those states. The treaty with Egypt removed the threat to the Negev and the southern coastal approaches to Tel Aviv.

The agreement with Jordan in 1994, which formalized a long-standing relationship, secured the longest and most vulnerable border along the Jordan River. The situation in Lebanon was such that whatever threat emerged from there was limited. Only Syria remained hostile but, by itself, it could not threaten Israel. Damascus was far more focused on Lebanon anyway. As for the Palestinians, they posed a problem for Israel, but without the foreign military forces along the frontiers, the Palestinians could trouble but not destroy Israel. Israel’s existence was not at stake, nor was it an issue for 33 years. Read the rest of this entry »

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Video: First Flight for Navy’s Killer Drone

“America’s fleet of 11 big-deck aircraft carriers just got a lot closer to becoming a lot more dangerous. On Friday afternoon, Northrop Grumman’s X-47B, a prototype for the Navy’s first carrier-capable killer drone, flew for the first time from Edwards Air Force Base in California.”

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LWRC M6 PSD Short Barreled Rifle


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Barret 6.8 Ammo and Mags

When it comes to defending yourself, you have to be able to depend on your rifle. You can eliminate all doubt when you equip your REC7® with Barrett’s 30-round 6.8 SPC rifle magazine. These magazines are constructed of high-carbon steel and heat-treated to ensure dependability and extended service life. Barrett machine-tumbles the magazine to remove burs and create smooth feeding. Designed to meet Barrett’s standard of perfection, this magazine will keep your REC7 supplied when you need it most.

When you choose a Barrett magazine, don’t forget to fill it with genuine Barrett ammunition. 6.8 SPC is available for the high-capacity magazines, and .50 BMG M33 Ball for the full line of Barrett’s legendary .50 caliber products.

Check out this 30-round magazine, and the full line of Barrett ammunition, in the Barrett online store.

PO Box 1077 Murfreesboro, TN 37133 / 615.896.2938 T / 615.896.7313 F /


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Comment by Watcher3223:

ANY handgun round won’t provide protection if:

1. You are a bad shot.

2. You subscribe to the notion of one shot kills with handgun loads.

3. You don’t have a gun.

It’s been said that the purpose of a pistol is to fight your way back to a rifle. That said, a 9x19mm is effective for its intended purpose.

While you want to get as large a caliber as you can handle, the truth is you do not want your body invaded by a bullet of ANY kind. Even a well-placed shot with .22LR can kill your target.

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SLUGS @ 200 YARDS (Remington 870)

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Social Media as a Tool for Protest

Social Media as a Tool for Protest is republished with permission of STRATFOR.

By Marko Papic and Sean Noonan

Internet services were reportedly restored in Egypt on Feb. 2 after being completely shut down for two days. Egyptian authorities unplugged the last Internet service provider (ISP) still operating Jan. 31 amidst ongoing protests across the country. The other four providers in Egypt — Link Egypt, Vodafone/Raya, Telecom Egypt and Etisalat Misr — were shut down as the crisis boiled over on Jan. 27. Commentators immediately assumed this was a response to the organizational capabilities of social media websites that Cairo could not completely block from public access.

The role of social media in protests and revolutions has garnered considerable media attention in recent years. Current conventional wisdom has it that social networks have made regime change easier to organize and execute. An underlying assumption is that social media is making it more difficult to sustain an authoritarian regime — even for hardened autocracies like Iran and Myanmar — which could usher in a new wave of democratization around the globe. In a Jan. 27 YouTube interview, U.S. President Barack Obama went as far as to compare social networking to universal liberties such as freedom of speech.

Social media alone, however, do not instigate revolutions. They are no more responsible for the recent unrest in Tunisia and Egypt than cassette-tape recordings of Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini speeches were responsible for the 1979 revolution in Iran. Social media are tools that allow revolutionary groups to lower the costs of participation, organization, recruitment and training. But like any tool, social media have inherent weaknesses and strengths, and their effectiveness depends on how effectively leaders use them and how accessible they are to people who know how to use them. Read the rest of this entry »

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al-Qaeda on the verge of manufacturing a nuclear weapon?

“Documents released by Wikileaks disclose that al-Qaeda is on the verge of manufacturing a nuclear weapon.

At a Nato meeting in January 2009, security chiefs briefed member states that al-Qaida was plotting a program of “dirty radioactive IEDs”, makeshift nuclear roadside bombs that could be used against British troops in Afghanistan.

As well as causing a large explosion, a “dirty bomb” attack would contaminate the area for many years.

Freight trains were found to be carrying weapons-grade nuclear material across the Kazakhstan-Russia border, highly enriched uranium was transported across Uganda by bus, and a “small time hustler” in Lisbon offered to sell radioactive plates stolen from Chernobyl.

In one incident in September 2009, two employees at the Rossing Uranium Mine in Namibia smuggled almost half a ton of uranium concentrate powder – yellowcake – out of the compound in plastic bags.”

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Female Vets Much More Likely to Commit Suicide, Study Finds

“The suicide rate among young female U.S. military veterans is nearly three times higher than among civilian women, a new study has found.”

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Alert from National Association for Gun Rights

from Dudley Brown, Executive Director:

“I’ve just received word from inside sources in the U.S. Senate.

Senate Democrats are planning to execute a sneak attack on gun rights as soon as TODAY!

Their plan is to sneak Carolyn McCarthy’s Magazine Ban into law as an amendment to the Federal Aviation Administration Bill, a routine piece of generally non-controversial legislation.

And they hope YOU won’t notice.

That’s why you and I need to make our voices heard RIGHT NOW!

We need to let them know we’re watching them like a hawk!”

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Mubarak Declines to Run for Re-Election

This report republished with permission of Stratfor.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said Feb. 1 he would not seek another term as president in elections slated for September but that he will complete his current term. In a televised national address, his second since the Egyptian unrest began the previous week, Mubarak said he would use the remainder of his term to oversee the transition of power. He also called on the parliament to amend the Egyptian Constitution’s Article 76 (which narrows the pool of potential presidential candidates) and Article 77 (which allows for unlimited presidential terms). It is currently unclear whether these measures will be considered.

The opposition immediately rejected the pronouncement. Each political concession offered during this crisis by the Egyptian political establishment — which until this point had ruled with absolute authority since the 1950s — has only emboldened the opposition. Unrest is thus likely to continue, which means the Egyptian military likely will attempt to force Mubarak to step down before the elections. However, even this will not likely resolve matters, as the need to create a neutral caretaker government until elections can be held will be the basis for further struggles between the regime and the opposition.

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Ed Schultz interview with Joe Zamudio

“The solution is not more laws, the solution is helping people.”

Zamudio: “Sir, when I came through the door I had my hand on my pistol and I clicked the safety off. I was ready to kill him, but I didn’t have to do that and I was very blessed that I didn’t have to go to that place…all I had to do was help.”

Schultz: “You would have used that firearm?”

Zamudio: “You’re damn right. This is my country, my town, you don’t get to walk around hurting people, killing innocents and little girls – it’s not right, man.”

Schultz: “How do you feel about the gun laws in Arizona?”

Zamudio: “You know, I carry a gun everywhere I go, sir. Honestly, I believe that you can make as many laws as you want , people who want guns are going to get them…criminals can get guns any way they want.

You can make as many laws as you want, it’s not going to stop anybody…that’s not the solution, the solution is helping people, taking care of people…I think our answer is to help people and not to argue about whether or not we’re allowed to own guns. We live in America and we’re allowed to own guns.”

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