Posts Tagged Ammo

NJ Hollow Point Ban Challenged

From Bearing Arms:

Gun Owners of America (GOA), Gun Owners Foundation (GOF), and the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners, alongside plaintiff Heidi Bergmann-Schoch, have filed a lawsuit challenging New Jersey’s unconstitutional ban on possessing hollow point ammunition for self-defense outside the home. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, argues that the state’s restrictions violate the Second and Fourteenth Amendments by preventing law-abiding citizens from possessing and carrying the most effective forms of self-defense ammunition. 

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How The US Military Stores Its Guns And Ammo

From Ammoland:

Every step in weapon handling is meticulous. When troops check out firearms, serial numbers are logged, and the weapons are inspected for safety. After training or missions, returned weapons are cleaned, inspected, and re-logged. Yellow tags mark firearms needing maintenance, ensuring no damaged weapon is inadvertently issued.

One standout example is the 341st Security Support Squadron Armory at Malmstrom Air Force Base. This 24/7 facility supports nuclear security, maintaining weapons used to guard missile fields and base assets. Such facilities are a testament to the military’s commitment to precision and security.

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Bill Would Ban Excise Taxes On Guns and Ammo

From Bearing Arms:

Idaho Sen. James Risch and California Rep. Darrel Issa are the primary sponsors of the “Freedom from Unfair Gun Taxes Act”, which Risch says would block states from imposing new excise taxes on the sale of firearms and ammunition that channels the revenue to gun control efforts. 

In a press release, Issa stated, “For years, extreme state policies and governors, including from my home state, have targeted the fundamental Second Amendment rights of our fellow Americans. California’s new imposition of a ‘sin tax’ on firearms and ammunition equates a core constitutional freedom with gambling or drug use. Enough is enough. That’s why Sen. Risch and I are joining forces to introduce this key legislation and stop any state tax that seeks to raise the price of self-defense out of reach for any American.”

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Company Producing Ammo Vending Machines

From Ammoland:

The vending machines in question, from American Rounds, use computer technology to validate age with picture ID. If the person attempting to purchase ammunition is over 21 years old, they may purchase the ammunition using a picture ID, which the machine validates using facial recognition software. Only credit or debit card purchases seem possible. There does not appear to be any way to pay with cash on the face of the machine. This means a double check of identification takes place, as the person whose identification is validated must also use a credit card, which has to be separately validated.

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Czech Group Get Approval To Buy US Ammo Brands


The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States has given the green light to the proposed acquisition of Vista Outdoor’s varied and iconic ammunition brands to the Czechoslovak Group. 

In a release from Vista on Wednesday, the company announced it had received written notice from CFIUS that the federal regulator has concluded its review and investigation of the proposed transaction “and has determined that there are no unresolved national security concerns.” The clearance by CFIUS was the final governmental regulatory approval required for the deal to proceed. U.S. Federal Trade Commission had previously cleared the acquisition from an antitrust perspective. 

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Allowing Postal Service To Ship Ammo Will Undermine Anti-gun States’ Restrictions

From Bearing Arms:

In a recent article, I talked about cloning pro-abortion states’ “Shield Laws” in the context of ammunition. The basic idea is that if pro-abortion states get to undermine anti-abortion states’ laws by shipping abortion pills, why shouldn’t pro-Second Amendment states copy the idea and undermine the unconstitutional laws of anti-Second Amendment states by shipping ammunition?

The postal service is one of the few federal services that is constitutionally mandated in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7. Everyone, including gun owners, pays taxes to support this constitutionally-mandated service. In other words, it’s OUR postal service, not just the gun control supporters’ personal courier.

The ban on USPS shipping ammunition is obviously a political restriction, not a technical one, and can be traced back to the Gun Control Act of 1968. But, for argument’s sake, let’s say that the ban on USPS shipping ammunition is based on technical reasons associated with hazardous materials. In that case, the postal service should be mandated to build the capability to handle ammunition shipments like UPS and FedEx.

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Chinese Gunpowder Shortage

From Tactical S#*t News:

The Great Powder Shortage of 2024 Is Said To Be Imminent. Many importers & manufacturers’ are claiming that nitrocellulose, a core component of gunpowder that originates from the cotton plant in China, is facing a shortage.

According to industry insiders, allegedly the shortage is a direct result of China refusing to sell nitrocellulose to Western nations or Europe & Only supplying Russian Interests.

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US Ammo Plant To Be Controlled By Foreign Corporation

From Eurasia Review:

The deal would give CSG control 70% of the manufacturing capacity for ammunition primers, ownership of ammunition brands Federal,  Remington, Speer, CCI,  Hevi-Shot, and Alliant Powder, and management of the U.S. Army’s Lake City Army Ammunition Plant. The transaction was criticized by U.S. Senators J.D. Vance and John Kennedy, Representatives Mike Waltz and Clay Higgins, and the National Sheriffs Association. (CSG currently has a 70% stake in Italian munition maker Fiocchi Munizioni which is widely available in the U.S.)

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NY Judge Cites Religiously Discriminatory Law To Uphold Background Checks For Ammo

From Bearing Arms:

A federal judge in New York has dismissed a challenge to the state’s requirement that every ammunition sale go through a background check, citing a colonial Virginia statute barring Catholics from owning or possessing arms that he says demonstrates a “national tradition” of keeping guns from dangerous people. 

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Caribbean Island To Jail American For Ammo In Luggage

From Ammoland:

The recent plight of Ryan Watson, an American tourist facing a possible 12-year sentence in Turks and Caicos for inadvertently carrying common ammunition in his luggage.

This is not just a simple case of international travel gone wrong but a stark reminder of the challenges Americans face abroad, especially where local laws harshly intersect with GOD-given Rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

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20 State AGs Want To Ban Lake City Ammo For Civilians

From The Truth About Guns:

NY Attorney General hates the thought of everyday Americans owning firearms.  She works tirelessly to attack gun owners at every turn, including trying to run the NRA out of business. As if her current civil corruption trial of Wayne LaPierre isn’t enough, on Wednesday she launched a new front in her war for civilian disarmament: surplus Lake City 5.56 ammo.

She’s partnered with 19 other state attorneys general to prod the Biden Administration to shut down civilian sales of excess Lake City 5.56×45 ammunition. While that might not sound like a big deal, that ammo represents 30% of civilian sales of that flavor of AR-food.

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Claim: Mass Shootings Are Far-Right Terrorism

From War on the Rocks:

Today, however, the terrorists’ preferred tactic is the mass shooting. As we argue in our new book, God, Guns, and Sedition: Far-Right Terrorism in America, assault-style rifles have replaced explosives. And the perpetrators come mostly from the far right. Eschewing the time-intensive preparations involved in the careful construction and placement of explosive devices — as seen in Oklahoma City in 1995 and at the Atlanta Olympics the following year — domestic terrorists now prefer shooting, a far simpler tactic that is facilitated by the Second Amendment and entails simply opening fire on a group of ordinary citizens going about their daily lives. 

The authors’ claim that far-right extremism is causing mass shootings is negated by their later claim that most of the people committing the shootings have some kind of mental disorder. They further cite online “far-right” groups being formed and led by 13 year-olds! Do they or anyone else actually believe that? I find it hard to imagine. This is clearly an example of teens wanting to be “edgy” by adopting the current taboo thing. I don’t believe that any early teen is mature enough to have a well thought out political philosophy. The authors have to have willful ignorance to believe teens like that are a true threat. Lastly the authors are stuck in a 90s mindset by referring to “cop killer” bullets. I haven’t heard that term in a two decades. Hollow point ammo is widely used in self defense guns because it is more likely to stay inside the intended target thus increasing the safety of others in close proximity. Using full metal jacket ammo would mean a higher probability of the bullet going through the target and hitting an innocent by stander. Hollow point ammo is safer if a self defense situation involving deadly force is required.

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Maintain Shooting Skills With This Course Of Fire Drill

From The Truth About Guns:

In case you didn’t already know it, if you don’t continue to shoot over time, you will slowly lose your shooting skills. Ammunition is more reasonable that it was a couple of years ago, but you still want to make the most of your training dome and dollars. How do you maintain your skill set without burning through a lot of ammunition? Simple: take your time and make every shot a count.

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The Attempt To Ban Ammunition Has Begun

From The Truth About Guns:

Everything you need to know about the newspaper’s “investigation” is summed up in the story’s secondary headline: “In recent years, the factory has also pumped billions of rounds of military-grade ammunition into the commercial market, an investigation by The New York Times found, leaving the ‘LC’ signature scattered across crime scenes, including the sites of some of the nation’s most heinous mass shootings.”

In other words, mass shootings aren’t just the fault of the mass shooter. In NYT-world, the ammunition manufacturer somehow bears responsibility as well.

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Dems Want To Ban Bulk Ammo Sales


The 13-page Ammo Act would echo California’s background check requirement – under threat of a fine of up to $250,000 – but use the FBI’s National Instant Check System as a vetting database. To help fund the massive increase in checks, the bill authorizes $150 million in additional funds for NICS. This would eliminate home delivery in most cases, forcing those who buy ammo online to have it delivered to a local FFL for transfer, inevitably with a fee. Those completing a check would have to show a valid identification and include their name, address, and signature on a form devised by the U.S. Department of Justice. 

Further, the proposal would restrict what it deems to be “bulk ammunition sales” which it defines as “more than 100 rounds of .50 caliber ammunition or more than 1,000 rounds of any other caliber of ammunition in any period of five consecutive days.”

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