Posts Tagged china

Chinese Gunpowder Shortage

From Tactical S#*t News:

The Great Powder Shortage of 2024 Is Said To Be Imminent. Many importers & manufacturers’ are claiming that nitrocellulose, a core component of gunpowder that originates from the cotton plant in China, is facing a shortage.

According to industry insiders, allegedly the shortage is a direct result of China refusing to sell nitrocellulose to Western nations or Europe & Only supplying Russian Interests.

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Red Dots and Chinese Manufacturers

From Forgotten Weapons:

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Philippines Allows More Gun Ownership Due To Chinese Threat

From Bearing Arms:

This week, however, the Philippine National Police announced that soon civilians will be able to purchase and possess semi-automatic rifles; a major change to the country’s gun laws that’s being applauded by groups like Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption, whose founder believes the change will help increase national security at a time when China is ramping up its aggression against Philippine interests. 

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The Case Against General Milley

From The Washington Times:

Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, should be subject to an Article 32 Hearing under the provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice for his conduct and statements as memorialized in the Bob Woodward book “Peril,” and the Aug. 8, 2022, New Yorker magazine excerpt of a forthcoming book by Susan B. Glasser and Peter Baker

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Chinese Invasion Of American Institutions

From The Federalist:

Numerous pieces have been published discussing the inexorable rise of China, and the likelihood of the Chinese economy overtaking the United States’ economy. More concerning, though, is the fact that Chinese companies closely aligned with Beijing are directly influencing operations in the United States. They are buying up land, influencing news and media networks, and shaping the narratives on college campuses. The Chinese assault is less of a swift invasion and more of an endless infiltration.

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US Government Ignores External Threats While Creating Fake Internal Threats


P4x says he was later contacted by the FBI but was never offered any real help to assess the damage from North Korea’s hacking or to protect himself in the future. Nor did he ever hear of any consequences for the hackers who targeted him, an open investigation into them, or even a formal recognition from a US agency that North Korea was responsible. It began to feel, as he put it, like “there’s really nobody on our side.” 

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Defund Communist China

From The Federalist:

This needs to stop. This is why I am crafting legislation to force American university endowments to either divest from China or give up the benefits they receive from the American taxpayer. This provision would also apply to any pension funds that receive tax breaks from the federal government, so that the retirement security of tens of millions of Americans totaling more than $10 trillion is not tied to the success of America’s greatest enemy.

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Enes Kanter Has More Balls Than Lebron James

From Breitbart:

On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Boston Celtics center Enes Kanter Freedom discussed his criticism of Venezuela’s dictatorship and said that he’s going to use his platform to call out “all the dictatorships around the world. And I’m going to get them one by one.”

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Chinese Propaganda Movie Shows USA As The Bad Guy

From National Review:

In Wolf II, China is the only powerful, responsible, and benevolent world power. Chinese workers help Africans build their economy. Chinese doctors work to discover a cure for a deadly endemic. And the film unabashedly takes several swipes at the U.S. When African and Chinese civilians inside a factory are under attack by rebels and mercenaries, the only good American in the movie, Rachel Smith, a Chinese-American volunteer, fanatically tries to contact the U.S. embassy for help. Leng asks her, “Why are you calling the Americans? Where are they? It is a waste of time.” After she tells him that she tried to reach American government by Twitter, Leng responds that “the Americans are good for nothing.”

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National Review: US Should Defend Taiwan

From National Review:

The fundamental reason is, counterintuitively, China’s awesome power, and the very real danger that this power, if allowed to expand too far, will pose to Americans’ prosperity and freedom. The United States should defend Taiwan because it is important to deny China hegemony over Asia, by far the world’s largest market area. If China could dominate Asia, as it has made increasingly clear it seeks to do, Beijing would determine the terms, tempo, and distribution of global economic power. This would have the most profound and direct implications for Americans’ economic fortunes and, because our economic security is tightly linked to our freedom, it would ultimately endanger our liberties. A China dominant over Asia would have the power and wealth to dictate to Americans, fundamentally altering — and undermining — our national life.

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Republic of China (Taiwan) Upgrading Its F-16 Fleet

From The War Zone:

Originally, the ROCAF expected to receive 144 F-16Vs, which are conversions of its existing F-16A/B jets, but this number has since been reduced to 141 through attrition in its existing Viper fleet. Lockheed Martin upgraded the first two ROCAF F-16Vs, the first of which took to the air in October 2015, and these served as pattern aircraft for Taiwan’s Aerospace Industry Development Center (AIDC) to complete the remaining upgrades locally.

Work to retrofit the whole fleet is due for completion by the end of 2023. The next wing to be equipped with the upgraded jets will be the 5th TFW at Hualien Air Base on the northeast coast. While the F-16V name is applied almost universally to these aircraft, AIDC still confusingly refers to them as F-16A/B Block 20 MLUs.

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Official Resigns Over Pentagon’s Weak Cybersecurity Plans


But Chaillan quit on September 2. In his departing LinkedIn post, he cited the Pentagon’s reluctance to make cybersecurity and AI a priority as a reason for his resignation.

Speaking to the Financial Times in his first interview since leaving, Chaillan said China is streets ahead of the United States.

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Republic of China President Takes Bold Stance Against CCP

From The Federalist:

Taiwan will not bend the knee to an increasingly aggressive communist China, the country’s president says, warning that the defeat of the island nation would signal that “authoritarianism has the upper hand over democracy” in today’s “global contest of values.”

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Whistleblower Claims CCP Intentionally Released Covid At Military Games

From The Daily Mail:

Ex-Chinese Communist Party insider Wei Jingsheng said The World Military Games in October 2019 could have acted as the virus’ first superspreader event.

The international tournament for military athletes was held in Wuhan – the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic – two months before China notified the World Health Organisation about its first cases.

Mr Jingsheng claimed it was no coincidence some of the 9,000 international athletes who gathered for the event reportedly became sick with a mystery illness.

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CNN Uses China To Defend Gun Control

From CNN:

“When my friend told me about the shooting, I thought it was the United States,” one person wrote on the Chinese social media platform Weibo. Another user wrote, “Using a gun to kill people in China? Am I watching an American movie?”

That disbelief widely reflects how rare gun crime is in China — in contrast to it being a daily reality in the US.

The difference is stark when it comes to public safety. Despite being the world’s most populous country, with 1.4 billion residents, China only records a few dozen gun crimes a year. And more broadly, violent crime has continued falling, reaching its lowest level in 20 years in 2020, according to state-run news outlet Xinhua.

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