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Posts Tagged florida
Rubio Proposes Anti Gun Bill
From The Federalist:
Individuals, the legislation states, do not have to be guilty for the FBI director and the Joint Terrorism Task Force to be alerted when they attempt to purchase or receive a transferred firearm. The U.S. attorney general is also notified and retains the power to stall the process for up to 10 business days and file an emergency petition to halt the gun procedure until a court can rule on it as long as the individual is notified.
Journalist Banned From Owning A Firearm With No Criminal Record
From Laura Loomer:
While I have NEVER been convicted of a felony, domestic violence, and I’ve never been adjudicated mentally unfit by a judge, my name was placed in the Federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and I have been prohibited from ever owning or even touching a firearm.
Sheriff Says He Will Deputize Citizens
From Gateway Pundit:
He announced that violence and destruction will not be allowed in his county and that if the police are overwhelmed by brutish BLM and Antifa thugs, he will have no choice but to make the gun owners of Clay County “special deputies†in order to quell domestic terrorist and insurrectionist activity.
NRA Challenges Florida Ban On Adults 18-20 Buying Guns
In its initial complaint, NRA made clear that Florida’s age restriction violated the U.S. Constitution on multiple counts. First, NRA noted that the ban was unconstitutional on its face – as the “ban infringes upon, and imposes an impermissible burden upon, the Second Amendment rights​.” Second, the complaint made clear that the new prohibition was an unconstitutional violation of the Second Amendment as applied to young women ages 18-20, who, as a cohort, are responsible for a minuscule percentage of overall violent crime.
Challenge To Florida’s Under 21 Gun Ban Allowed To Continue
From The Truth About Guns:
A federal judge has refused to dismiss the National Rifle Association’s challenge to a 2018 state law that blocked people under age 21 from buying guns.
Florida Republicans Exempt Themselves From Gun Law
From The Truth About Guns:
Coincidentally, both bills grant an exemption to Florida lawmakers and elected officials from the CCW ban. Currently, under Statute 790.06(12)(a)(7), it is illegal for a licensed concealed weapons permit holder to carry at:
7. Any meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special district.
That’s apparently inconvenient for the lawmakers, therefore something must be done. They wish to amend the law and grant themselves and their minor league municipal political teammates an exemption to the prohibition. The wording of the proposed bills states the following:
7. Any meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special district, except that nothing in this section precludes an elected member of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special district licensed under this section from carrying a concealed weapon or firearm to a meeting of the governing body of which he or she is a member;
Unarmed On Military Bases
From Ammoland:
The military has been used to indoctrinate service members for social engineering since at least WWII. Progressivism, as a philosophy, is anti-Second Amendment in its DNA. Within the elite, military people are expected to disdain, look down upon, and discourage the actual carry of weapons.
Candidate Trump may have underestimated the political correctness within the military brass. President Trump was never a bureaucrat. In Bureaucracies, there is a long known and practiced method of preventing superiors from implementing policies you disagree with. It is defiance by compliance.
Why Are Military Personnel Disarmed On Base?
From Ammoland:
“Action†that needs to be taken is to implement an audacious new policy where all military officers and S/NCOs are to be continuously armed with issue M17/18 pistols at all times, on and off base.
That is the only way we can adequately protect our military members from terrorists, something at which we’re obviously failing miserably now.
Bishop Ignores Past Religious Persecution, Wants More Gun Regulations
From Angelus News:
Over the years, he said, the bishops have supported “common sense” actions such as an assault weapon ban, limits on large capacity magazines, a federal law to criminalize gun trafficking, mandatory gun lock and safe storage requirements, improved access to mental health services and assessment of the impact of the portrayal of violence in various media on society.
Op-Ed Thinks More Freedom Is A Step Backward
From Gainesville.com:
The bill would also reverses a law passed in the wake of the deadly Parkland shooting — allowing those under 21 to legally purchase weapons again.
Finally, perhaps the most dangerous proposal: that of what’s called “reciprocity.†It would require Florida to recognize concealed weapons licenses and prerogatives from all other states, including those with stauncher or looser requirements.
Florida Teachers Can Now Be Armed
From The Washington Times:
Florida teachers are now allowed to carry guns in their classroom thanks to a controversial new law that went into effect Tuesday.
School districts can now choose to opt in or out of arming teachers.Â
Armed Teachers In Florida
From Guns.com:
DeSantis eschewed calls from gun control groups and signed SB 7030 into law this week. The move allows school or contract employees, as well as law enforcement officers, to be armed under Florida’s new Guardian Program provided they are appointed by the local district superintendent and approved by the school board. The current program is more limited in who can participate, in most cases specifically excluding teachers.