Almost 10,000 Australians have signed a petition which calls for a “full-scale†review of gun laws after the July 5 shooting in which John Edwards killed his children 15-year-old Jack and 13-year-old Jennifer in West Pennant Hills in the city’s west before returning to his home and killing himself.
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Posts Tagged gun ban
Defense Distributed Legal Fund
Posted by Brian in News, Threat Watch on 4/Aug/2018 16:21
Defense Distributed is allowing people to support them with monthly donations to raise money for the many legal challenges against them.
You can join the cause here:Â
Explanation Of Futile Injunction Against Defense Distributed
Posted by Brian in News, Threat Watch on 2/Aug/2018 12:58
From National Review:
We are in the grips of a bizarre political panic that is disconnected from the facts and the law but is deeply connected not just to the larger culture war over gun rights in the United States but also to the deep suspicion of virtually any action taken by the Trump administration. There was a time when we could have greater confidence in federal courts to take a breath, soberly consider the issues, and introduce a measure of reason and rationality to legal debate. In some courts — especially when Trump administration actions are at issue — those days are long past.
Rights Supporters Made To Feel Like Criminals
Posted by Brian in Law, Opinion, Threat Watch on 2/Aug/2018 07:29
From Forbes:
But gun business owners who say they want to engage in a real dialogue about how to make America safer say they aren’t sure they can – both because of the lack of information on the other side of the issue, and because they’re losing trust that gun control advocates are acting in good faith. Most people, says Jeff Wait, the owner of Okeechobee Shooting Sports in Central Florida, think more gun laws will be a quick fix to a really hard problem. He doesn’t believe gun laws could fix anything.
Lies And Fear Mongering About “Undetectable Guns”
Posted by Brian in Law, News, Threat Watch on 1/Aug/2018 15:17
Defense Distributed Dodges Final Shot From Gun Banners
Posted by Brian in Law, News, Threat Watch on 29/Jul/2018 17:09
From The Truth About Guns:
“A U.S. judge on Friday rejected a last-ditch effort by gun control groups to block the Trump administration from allowing the public to download blueprints for 3-D printable guns, declining to intervene just days before the designs are expected to go online.†So reports Reuters.
What Could Have Been In Toronto Shooting
Posted by Brian in News, Opinion, Threat Watch on 29/Jul/2018 07:11
The shooting that took place in Toronto (Canada) on Sunday was, in one way, similar to the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Paris on January 7, 2015. In the latter case, people took smartphone videos of fleeing terrorists shooting at policemen and killing an unarmed one. In Toronto, there were several powerless witnesses, and at least one person, apparently from an apartment overlooking the scene, videoed the killer as he was firing from the sidewalk below. In both cases, if a video taker had had a pistol instead of a smartphone, he could have engaged the killer, at least slowing him down, and saved lives or prevented serious bodily injuries.
Gun Banners Rush To Stop 3D Printing
However, with news of the looming settlement circulating far and wide on mainstream media, the three largest national gun control groups — Brady, Everytown, and Giffords — banded together to intervene in the legal case, now in an Austin federal court.
On Wednesday, the groups submitted a 22-page filing seeking a temporary restraining order in the settlement, arguing that to allow DefDist to publish the files — some of which have been in the public domain for decades and are already widely available in multiple formats — would cause “immediate and irreparable harm†and contribute to the arming of felons and terrorists.
Interstate Gun Ban May Be Headed To Supreme Court
The thin majority agreed that the longtime ban on selling handguns over the counter to out-of-state residents is in the public interest. The minority vehemently disagreed with the concept, which predated today’s modern instant criminal background check process, holding it was against the Second Amendment and was confusing when compared to the ability to sell rifles and shotguns without such prohibitions.
Age Discrimination and Guns
Eighteen-year-olds have not been prohibited from purchasing and possessing rifles and shotguns at the federal level, and in the vast majority of states, since the founding of our country. Nonetheless, because of the violent acts of one individual, we have seen an onslaught of legislation throughout the country that seeks to raise the minimum age to purchase and/or possess rifles and shotguns from 18 to 21. Because common sense has taken a back seat to raw emotionalism in today’s gun control debate, some of these efforts have seen success.
9th Circuit Prevents Magazine Confiscation
From Reason:
Today the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a federal district count injunction against a California law to confiscate firearms magazines that hold over 10 rounds. The Ninth Circuit’s 2-1 opinion is here, and the dissent is here. My analysis of the 2017 district court opinion is here.
Gun Prohibitionists Will Never Be Satisfied
Posted by Brian in Law, News, Threat Watch on 18/Jul/2018 12:53
From Bearing Arms:
ANGER is mounting over laws which allowed a murderous Sydney dad to legally purchase two powerful handguns — one of which he used to kill his two children in a sickening home attack.
Ohio Bump Stock Ban Unconstitutional
Posted by Brian in Law, News, Threat Watch on 16/Jul/2018 17:00
From BearingArms:
A judge ruled this week that Columbus’ citywide ban on bump stocks is unconstitutional.
If that ruling holds, Cincinnati’s ban could be next to fall — though its main sponsor says he thinks that’s unlikely and a ways off.
NY Politician Won’t Admit Wanting Gun Ban
Posted by Brian in News, Threat Watch on 13/Jul/2018 14:33
From Bearing Arms:
A Democratic congressional candidate in New York state said she supports a ban on some firearms, but admitted that she will never say so in public out of fear of losing the election.
“When I was at this thing today, it was the first table I was at, a woman said, ‘How do you feel about assault rifles?’ And I said they should be banned,†Tedra Cobb is heard telling a group of teens in a video posted Monday, the Washington Free Beacon reported.
Czechs: Free Countries Don’t Disarm People
Posted by Brian in Law, News, Threat Watch on 7/Jul/2018 07:00
Czech president MiloÅ¡ Zeman has put his name to a petition opposing an EU diktat which would clamp down on legal gun-owners and backed a constitutional amendment which would guarantee citizens’ right to keep arms for self-defence and protection of the homeland.
Every Gun An “Assault Weapon”
Posted by Brian in Law, Opinion, Threat Watch on 5/Jul/2018 12:05
From Bearing Arms:
Following the Santa Fe High School shooter and the Capital Gazetteshooter both using shotguns, though, it seems that anti-gunners are trying to use that to open the door on broader restrictions.