Posts Tagged gun sales

Online Gun Sales Can’t Be Stopped

From Bearing Arms:

Private gun sales are banned from most social media platforms, including Facebook, but a new Wall Street Journal story shows just how difficult it can be to proactively enforce the ban, given the creative ways that users have found to get around the edict.
According to the WSJ, would-be gun sellers are now posting pictures of stickers for sale alongside a gun company logo. Interested buyers are encouraged to contact the seller for more info, and that’s when the talk can turn from stickers to sidearms.

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The Reason For The Ammo Shortage


“There is no product in the country,” said Rick Friedman, who owns RTSP, which operates gun ranges and stores in Randolph and Union. “Until they start producing more and it is hitting the docks, there is just no product to have. It is beyond a dire situation. The country is literally out of ammunition.”

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North Carolina County Hires 5 People To Deal With Gun Permits

From CBS 17:

A lawsuit was filed earlier this month, claiming Wake County and Sheriff Gerald Baker are breaking the law by not issuing gun permits within 14 days.

Sefton said 5,111 permits were issued in just the last two weeks.
“That is just historic — is has never been done before,” Sefton said.

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Gun Sales Double In NY

From The Truth About Guns:

Here’s a news snippet that’ll warm your gun-loving heart. According to Fox Business, New Yorkers bought more than twice the number of guns in June, 2020 than they did the same month last year. Specifically, there was a 121 percent increase in gun sales in that one-month stretch.

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12 Million Guns Sold In 2020, 13 Million Sold In All Of 2019

From Mediate:

“Our estimates suggest that the market for the first seven months of 2020 now has nearly matched that of the entire year of 2019,”  said Jurgen Brauer, the firm’s chief economist.

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Guns Selling Out

From Business Insider:

“If you were to walk into any big-box store or any small corner gun store, you would see the shelves are bare, and they are bare because of demand,” said Marc Oliva, a representative for the National Shooting Sports Foundation. “Manufacturers are working around the clock to be able to keep up with that demand.”

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Media Continue To Lie About Guns

From National Review:

With the possible exception of religion, there is no issue in American political life that is as poorly covered as guns. At RealClearPolitics, John Lott reports that legacy media outlets often quite literally allow anti–Second Amendment activists to write their news stories on gun policy. Politico hasn’t quite done that today, but . . . well, I’m not sure having reporters dutifully repackaging Everytown USA press releases is any better.

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Gun And Ammo Sales Continue To Soar

From NSSF:

NSSF’s adjusted NICS data shows that a record 10.3 million firearm transactions have been processed by retailers nationwide in the first half of the year. No matter how busy NSSF retail members are handling these millions of transactions, we are thankful that they are always willing to take the time to let NSSF know what they are seeing first-hand in their stores and at their counters.

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Do More Gun Owners Mean More Gun Rights

From The Truth About Guns:

Data over the last several months showing record breaking increases in gun sales has built a false sense of security for many 2nd Amendment supporters. Folks are looking at these numbers believing the writing is on the wall for gun control advocates, and that public opinion is favorably shifting.

I believe that couldn’t be further from the truth. While the gun rights movement may see a net gain in support, we are still currently on the losing side of this fight.

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The Second Amendment Was Made For Times Of Crisis

From The Truth About Guns:

America is waking up to the notion that rights aren’t the only thing reserved for individuals. Responsibility to exercise those rights is shouldered by individuals as well. More than six million background checks were conducted in three months for the sale of a firearm. NSSF retailer surveys discovered nearly 2.5 million people became a first-time gun owner during that time.
That starts at the gun counter. The ability to exercise the right to keep and bear arms starts when law-abiding citizens are free to purchase the firearm they choose to defend themselves and their loved ones. Government interference with that constitutionally-protected right is nothing short of infringement. Deny the right to legally purchase a gun and it’s a violation of a constitutional right, just as it would be for a government to illegally search and seize property or illegally silence free speech.

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Gun Sales Continue To Set Records

From Breitbart:

According to the FBI, there were 2,911,128 background checks conducted in April 2020. The closest any other April came to that figure was in 2019, when 2,334, 294 NICS checks were done.
April’s surge in background checks followed a March that shattered all one-month records. Breitbart News reported March 2020 witnessed 3,740,688 background checks, which were the most checks conducted in any single month since the inception of NICS.

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Anti-Gunners Shocked They Can’t Walk Out With A Gun The Same Day

From Bearing Arms:

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently and the topic of gun sales came up. My friend’s father owns a gun range near me and she said he’s seen a huge amount of liberals coming in to purchase weapons in recent weeks.
How does he know they’re liberals?
“They’re shocked to discover they can’t just walk out of the store with a gun.”

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Gun Sales Continue Surge

From Cam and Company:

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Gun Sales Outpace Post 9/11 Era

From Sentinel Source:

Gun shop owners have never seen such a surge in sales —not after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, not in reaction to mass shootings, not even when Category 5 hurricanes threatened to flatten South Florida.

“Our sales are up 80 percent, with a huge increase in first-time buyers who are worried about martial law, economic collapse, unemployment, shortages, delinquents roaming the streets,” said Alex Elenberg, manager of Charlie’s Armory on West Flagler Street. “If you can’t defend your house and your family, what good are you?”

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Republicans Spreading Bad Idea On Background Checks

From Firearms Policy Coalition:

On September 18, 2019, a purported “idea” document reportedly being circulated among Republican senators and congressmen was leaked to the media. The document, entitled “Idea for New Unlicensed-Commercial-Sale Background Checks”, is both frighteningly vague and callous in its disregard for the Second and Fourth Amendments, as well as the federalist principles that animate the Commerce Clause.
The document suggests that “many commercial sales are conducted outside of FFLs without any background check or record-keeping requirements.” This is either incorrect or uses a definition of “commercial sale” beyond the scope of common understanding. Present law requires anyone “engaged in the business” of selling firearms to acquire a Federal Firearms License. Incidental, intrastate transactions between private individuals are regulated by the states.

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