Almost 10,000 Australians have signed a petition which calls for a “full-scale†review of gun laws after the July 5 shooting in which John Edwards killed his children 15-year-old Jack and 13-year-old Jennifer in West Pennant Hills in the city’s west before returning to his home and killing himself.
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Posts Tagged Law
Class Action Against Google
From The Truth About Guns:
To qualify, a person or company must have had its AdWords/AdSense account suspended or terminated by Google LLC between March 2014 and September 2017 based on the fact their websites advertised “any products that (i) were designed to injure an opponent in sport, self-defense or combat such as knives, crossbows and guns or (ii) which comprised any part or component necessary to the function of a gun (iii) or which were intended for attachment to a gun†in violation of Google’s “dangerous products or services policy.â€
Chicago Judge Acquitted On Firearms Charge
A Cook County judge facing a misdemeanor weapons charge was found not guilty after officials couldn’t prove the gun in question actually existed.
Background Checks Aren’t Working
From Bearing Arms:
If background checks were the least bit effective, then maybe expanding background checks might make sense. But they haven’t done a whole hell of a lot.
It doesn’t do a thing to deal with black market guns. It doesn’t prevent the theft of firearms from law-abiding gun owners–you know, the people who passed their background checks in the first place.
Washington Gun Control Measure Allowed Despite Problems
The billionaires behind I-1639 — at least two of whom apparently enjoy armed guards for themselves — didn’t bother to put the full text of the measure on the initiatives people signed: it-is-not-there. That is not even questionable. There is the proposed law and there is what people signed: the two documents are-not-the-same. Here, used with the permission of, is the initiative people signed. The red ink indicates where the language has been altered, ignored or changed. This is-not-the-full-text of the measure.
Oregon Petition To Stop Future Gun Ban Legislation
From Gun Dynamics:
Petitioners for the Right to Bear Arms Charter Amendment were given a deadline of August 7 to turn in the necessary signatures from the public. Organizer Jason Williams said they turned in more than 8,000 signatures required by the election office. That’s 2,000 more than they needed.
Despite Laws LA Schools Fail Safety Test
From Daily Caller:
A Blue Ribbon Panel on School Safety, organized by Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer, cautioned that Los Angeles schools may not be meeting adequate safety measures, even though the city and state of California has tough gun laws, according to a report released Monday.
Explanation Of Futile Injunction Against Defense Distributed
Posted by Brian in News, Threat Watch on 2/Aug/2018 12:58
From National Review:
We are in the grips of a bizarre political panic that is disconnected from the facts and the law but is deeply connected not just to the larger culture war over gun rights in the United States but also to the deep suspicion of virtually any action taken by the Trump administration. There was a time when we could have greater confidence in federal courts to take a breath, soberly consider the issues, and introduce a measure of reason and rationality to legal debate. In some courts — especially when Trump administration actions are at issue — those days are long past.
Interstate Gun Ban May Be Headed To Supreme Court
The thin majority agreed that the longtime ban on selling handguns over the counter to out-of-state residents is in the public interest. The minority vehemently disagreed with the concept, which predated today’s modern instant criminal background check process, holding it was against the Second Amendment and was confusing when compared to the ability to sell rifles and shotguns without such prohibitions.
SAF and NRA Sue Seattle Over Gun Storage
From The Hill:
The NRA, a gun rights group called The Second Amendment Foundation and two gun-owning Seattle individuals accuse the city of violating the state’s preemption statute with its new “safe storage†gun law, according to KOMO News.
Gun Prohibitionists Will Never Be Satisfied
Posted by Brian in Law, News, Threat Watch on 18/Jul/2018 12:53
From Bearing Arms:
ANGER is mounting over laws which allowed a murderous Sydney dad to legally purchase two powerful handguns — one of which he used to kill his two children in a sickening home attack.
Court: Impossible Doesn’t Mean Unconstitutional
The majority of the court went further, though, and eliminated the possibility that its own rule could be applied to make the law inoperative in this or any other case: “Neither the text nor the purpose of the Act contemplates that a showing of impossibility can excuse compliance with the statutory requirement once the statute goes into effect,†adding that Section 3531 did “not authorize courts to independently carve out exceptions for impossibility†once the certification had been made.
Micro Stamping Law Upheld In California
Posted by Brian in Law, News, Threat Watch on 29/Jun/2018 18:00
California’s high court on Thursday sided with the state in a long-running case brought by firearms industry groups who say the state’s microstamping requirement is unattainable.
“Impossibility can occasionally excuse noncompliance with a statute,†Justice Goodwin Liu said for the majority. “But impossibility does not authorize a court to go beyond interpreting a statute and simply invalidate it.â€
Police Draw Guns On Open Carriers
Gun rights advocates are livid after Miami Beach Police on Sunday briefly detained a group of fishermen on a public pier over questions on their holstered handguns.
The anglers, members of Sunshine State gun rights group Florida Carry, are shown in a live-streamed video of the event being interviewed by responding officers who have their sidearms drawn. While the advocates, who were ultimately released after two hours, hold they were within their rights as state law allows for legal open carry while hunting or fishing, police feel they responded within guidelines.
Supreme Court Denies Another Gun Case
From Townhall:
The Supreme Court declined to hear a civil rights lawsuit brought about by the Calguns Foundation and the Second Amendment Foundation, reason reported. The two pro-gun groups decided to challenge Alameda County, California’s zoning laws that effectively ban gun stores, saying it violates county residents’ Second Amendment rights.
NRA Carry Guard: Self Defense Insurance
About Carry Guard:
An armed encounter is likely to be the most stressful moment of someone’s life. We can do our best to avoid trouble, but bad things sometimes happen to good people. That’s why right behind your firearm, your second most important protection is a rock-solid carry policy.
NRA Carry Guard is a two-pronged program. It was created to provide insurance coverage to those who legally defend themselves with a firearm, and to offer an elite, one-stop training option. The insurance provides a comprehensive set of benefits and protection that will help spare gun owners from costly financial and legal consequences, even if they did everything right. The training was developed by an expert team of military and law enforcement veterans and focuses on the unique legal, mental and physical circumstances you must be prepared to face after pulling the trigger.