Posts Tagged whistleblower

Jan. 6 FBI Whistleblower Receives Backpay and Security Clearance

From The Washington Post:

Mr. Allen had his security clearance suspended after the bureau accused him of having conspiratorial views about the Jan. 6, 2021, protest at the U.S. Capitol and of sympathizing with criminal conduct.

According to a November 2023 protected whistleblower disclosure sent by a SecD employee to lawmakers, Senior SecD officials Dena Perkins and Jeffrey Veltri launched an investigation against Mr. Allen because he emailed several news items within his office related to former President Donald Trump that were deemed conspiratorial.

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FBI Whistleblower Says They Taught Him Pro-lifers Were More Dangerous Than Islamic Extremists

From The Federalist:

In an interview with the Tennessee Informer last month, Friend recalled his experience at the FBI Academy in 2014: “We were shown a video that was produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center.” The film, Friend said, “ranked people who oppose abortion, pro-life activists, as a greater threat than Islamists.”

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ATF Agent Pleads Guilty To Sending Docs To Gun Rights Groups

From UPMatters:

Christodoulos Santafianos has agreed to plead guilty to theft or conversion of a government record. He faces up to a year in prison and up to a $100,000 fine. As part of the plea agreement, Santafianos must also resign from ATF.

Santafianos starting working for ATF in 2015, court records say. In 2019, he started releasing records to someone connected with gun rights advocacy groups; he sent hundreds of records and communications to the guns rights activist over the next few years, court records say. The advocacy groups often made information in the records public, sometimes the day after Santafianos sent them over, court records say.

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Whistleblower Says ATF Is Scamming Taxpayers

From Ammoland:

The whistleblower only identified as Joe told CBS that multiple employees filed for and received “LEAP” pay even though they did not qualify for the bonus scale. LEAP stands for “Law Enforcement Availability Pay.” It is meant for paying law enforcement officers for on-call hours where they are required to work long and odd hours. The pay is not meant for non-law enforcement employees of the ATF, and non-LEO is expressly prohibited from collecting the income. The ATF pays a rate of 25% over base pay. If an employee makes a base salary of $100,000, that officer could be paid $125,000 with LEAP pay.

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Whistleblower Claims Vegas Shooting Was Linked To ISIS

From PJ Media:

Former FBI special agent John Guandolo told Turning Point USA in a recorded interview (below) that there’s a 90% certainty that the Las Vegas attack was a jihadi operation and Stephen Paddock was the conduit through which the terrorist organization attacked America.

In the interview, Guandolo said, “When you look at what actually transpired and put it together from a counter-espionage attack and counter-espionage look, the probability that was an ISIS attack is well over 90%.”

He said the special agent in charge of the Las Vegas FBI field office “got angry and dismissed it, and when presented with the information, FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., dismissed it out of hand.”

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FBI Exaggerating “Domestic Terror” Threat To Target Conservatives

From NY Post:

Bombshell allegations by FBI Special Agent Steve Friend contained in a whistleblower complaint filed late Wednesday with the Department of Justice inspector general reveal a politicized Washington, DC, FBI field office cooking the books to exaggerate the threat of domestic terrorism, and ­using an “overzealous” January 6 ­investigation to harass conservative Americans and violate their constitutional rights.

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Why Didn’t Trump Pardon Snowden and Assange?

From Glenn Greenwald:

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Whistleblower Claims CCP Intentionally Released Covid At Military Games

From The Daily Mail:

Ex-Chinese Communist Party insider Wei Jingsheng said The World Military Games in October 2019 could have acted as the virus’ first superspreader event.

The international tournament for military athletes was held in Wuhan – the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic – two months before China notified the World Health Organisation about its first cases.

Mr Jingsheng claimed it was no coincidence some of the 9,000 international athletes who gathered for the event reportedly became sick with a mystery illness.

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Officer Claims Maine Used Gun Owner Data Illegally

From Bearing Arms:

A state trooper in Maine has filed a whistleblower lawsuit against the state police, alleging that the law enforcement entity illegally collected and maintained data on a number of residents, including those who had submitted background checks to purchase firearms.

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Fast and Furious Book Censored

From The Washington Times:

The ACLU is slated to become involved in the case Monday, informing ATF it is representing Mr. Dodson and filing a formal protest to the decision to reject his request to publish the already written book, sources told The Times, speaking only on the condition of anonymity.

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