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Posts Tagged gun control
Are Gun Rights Are Winning Because Of California?
From MSN:
Fast-forward to 19 October 2023 and a case titled Miller v. Bonta, and, better late than never, that aforementioned common sense finally prevailed, as San Diego-based U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez ruled, based upon the U.S. Supreme Court’s (SCOTUS) June 2022 Bruen decision, that – hey, whaddya know – the AWCA was indeed a violation of the Second Amendment and therefore unconstitutional. As Reuters correspondent Nate Raymond reports, “Benitez issued an injunction blocking the law, but put that on hold for 10 days so the state could appeal…Benitez in his decision wrote that there were “no founding era dead ringers or historical twins” for California’s assault weapons ban, and that the state could point to no historical laws before it adopted its ban that restricted rifles as they advanced technologically.”
Govt Failure In Maine Shooting Proves You Have To Rely On Yourself
From The Truth About Guns:
New revelations in the aftermath of the mass shooting which took 18 lives in Maine provide growing evidence authorities failed when they might have prevented the deadly attack, the Second Amendment Foundation is noting, while criticizing calls for a slate of new, restrictive gun control laws.
Gun Banners Have An Emotional Hatred of Freedom
From Bearing Arms:
The real fetishization is with banning guns, not owning them. Rifles are used in just a small fraction of violent crimes, and less than half of all active shooting incidents, yet an “assault weapons” ban remains the Unholy Grail of the gun control lobby. We know that banning drugs hasn’t eradicated overdose deaths any more than banning alcohol a century ago ended drinking. Handgun bans in Washington, D.C. and Chicago failed to reduce violent crime, and in fact homicide and violent crime in general are lower in those cities now than when their bans were in effect. So why are anti-gunners like Bouie and Hogg so adamantly convinced that it’ll somehow be different if we ban so-called assault weapons?
Confiscation Is Their Goal
From Bearing Arms:
While Joe Biden repeated his demand for Congress to pass a ban on so-called assault weapons on Thursday morning in response to the mass murder of 18 people in Lewiston, Maine, Vice President (and head of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention) Kamala Harris upped the ante in a speech on Thursday afternoon at a luncheon for Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, where she lavished praise on Australia’s compensated confiscation, launched in 1997 after an active shooter attack in Port Arthur, Tasmania.
The Marxist Goal Is To Ban Civilian Arms
From Ammoland:
What Mao meant was only the Communist Party should be allowed to have guns. For a Marxist revolution to succeed, the people must be disarmed. The left in the United States has long pushed for the disarmament of the population. Recently, the left has primarily pushed for the banning of those arms that are commonly available and most suitable for militia use.
Dianne Feinstein, Gun Hater, Dead At 90
From AP:
Feinstein died on Thursday night at her home in Washington, D.C., her office said on Friday. Opening the Senate floor, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that “earlier this morning, we lost a giant in the Senate.”
Intuit Reverses Discriminatory Gun Policy
From NSSF:
Sen. Cruz, in his capacity as Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, recently wrote to Intuit, a payment processor, that reversed their discriminatory policies of denying QuickBooks services to firearm manufacturers and retailers. The change came only after Senate inquiries into the discriminatory practices. Intuit claimed the policy was directed to them by JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America, both banks that hold discriminatory policies against the firearm industry and refuse banking services in an effort to starve them of essential financial services.
NY Ammo Background Check Is A Disaster
From Ammoland:
Other ammunition retailers complain that the new system isn’t actually working – apart from the time it takes just to enter the required customer information online, there are significant delays in getting the system up and running and in response times. “It took eight hours between a computer tech and me to play with their website to get their website working,” reported one gun store owner. Only a few days after the system went live, another retailer expressed frustration with delays before a sale could proceed, describing his longest wait time for a response (at that point) as 22 hours.
Gun Sales Spike In Albuquerque After Governor’s Diktat
From Epoch Times:
“Today was the busiest day I’ve had in months,” Arnie Gallegos, owner of ABQ Guns in Albuquerque, told The Epoch Times. “I’ve been getting a lot of people who have never come into a gun shop before who are rightfully concerned about their freedoms.
ATF Backdown After GOA Lawsuit
From The Truth About Guns:
Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) are excited to announce that the ATF has backed down from attempting to revoke the FFL license of Morehouse Enterprises in Valley City, North Dakota.
Resisting Tyranny Is The Reason To Own “Weapons of War”
From The Truth About Guns:
With more and more states passing restrictions on the very sorts of common firearms that would be most suitable for repelling efforts to overthrow our constitutional republic, a renewed focus on this core purpose of the Second Amendment is overdue. This article aims to bring renewed attention to the overwhelming amount of founding-era and 19th century commentary that emphasizes the importance of the Second Amendment right as a tool to resist tyranny. In light of this clear history, so-called “assault weapon” bans and similar laws are incompatible with our historical tradition and should be struck down.
NM Governor Backtracks After Outrage
From The Truth About Guns:
Grisham has lifted the carry ban in Bernalillo County and the city of Albuquerque, and “amended” the ban to now only apply to “parks or playgrounds where we know we’ve got high risk of kids and families.”