Archive for August, 2024

Polymer80 Lawfared Into Bankruptcy

From Husky Armory:

The Nevada-based company, known for its “ghost gun” kits that allowed law-abiding citizens to build their own firearms, cited overwhelming legal costs as the primary reason for its closure. For many Second Amendment advocates, this marks a troubling development in the ongoing battle for gun rights in America.

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NYCPD Now Issuing CHL For Out Of State Permits

From Ammoland:

The New York City Police Department (NYPD) will start processing concealed carry permits for out-of-state residents to avoid a possible lawsuit. NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban signed the new rule on August 1, and NYC Mayor Eric Adams signed the order on August 6. It was released to the public on August 9. The new rule goes into effect immediately.

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Gun Ownership Is Not An Excuse For Fourth Amendment Violations

From Bearing Arms:

Today, however, a three-judge panel on the court got it absolutely right when it ruled that a Connecticut police officer isn’t entitled to qualified immunity after handcuffing, detaining, and conducting a warrantless search on a resident after he produced a valid handgun permit. 

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The Case For Privateers

From The Federalist:

Privateering has a rich and storied history. Some 500 years ago, European nations issued letters of marque to supplement their naval forces. The practice allowed private individuals and ships to capture enemy vessels and cargo, effectively outsourcing naval warfare. 

Privateers played a significant role in American history, particularly during the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, where they disrupted British supply lines and captured valuable prizes. The last time the United States used privateers was during the War of 1812 — though the Confederacy employed the practice in the Civil War. 

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Eighth Circuit Joins Fifth Circuit, Rejects ATF Brace Rule

From Bearing Arms:

On Friday, a three-judge panel on the Eighth Circuit overturned a lower court’s refusal to issue an injunction against the rule, sending the case back down to district court for a do-over. In its ruling, the panel concluded that the plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of their arguments that the ATF rule is arbitrary and capricious

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Gun Culture As A Check On Government

From Open Source Defense:

The value of gun ownership doesn’t come from firing the gun in anger. Most guns will never be used in that way. That’s the ultimate backstop, but most of the value of gun ownership is about the culture it builds.

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Trump’s Gun Views Haven’t Changed Since Assassination Attempt

From Townhall:

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Skeet Shooter Banned By Meta

From The Truth About Guns:

Just last week, NSSF highlighted the Big Tech bias against the USA Shooting, when YouTube and Meta shadow-banned McKenna Geer, a Paralympic shooter who will represent Team USA in Paris for the 2024 Paralympics.

“I have always feared the day the media would censor my sport and speech just because I use firearms,” Greer wrote on Instagram after her account was blocked. “That day has finally come.”

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Fourth Circuit Manipulating Procedure To Advance Anti-2A Rulings

From Ammoland:

Mark Smith, a constitutional attorney and gun rights advocate, has long speculated about judicial misconduct within the Fourth Circuit. His suspicions were recently confirmed through a detailed dissent in the Bianchi case, revealing how anti-gun judges played dirty to suppress a pro-Second Amendment ruling.

This passage reveals that the initial panel had reached a pro-Second Amendment decision by December 2022. However, a dissenting judge delayed circulating their dissenting opinion, effectively stalling the release of the majority decision. This delay allowed another panel to issue an anti-Second Amendment ruling in a separate case (United States v. Price), which conflicted with the Bianchi decision. This conflict prompted the Fourth Circuit to rehear the Bianchi case en banc, ultimately leading to an anti-Second Amendment ruling. This strategic stalling and procedural maneuvering illustrate the manipulation within the court to suppress a favorable Second Amendment ruling. ​

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Mexican Lawsuit Tossed Against 6 of 8 Gun Companies

From The Truth About Guns:

On Wednesday, a federal District Court judge in Boston dismissed six of the eight respondents from the lawsuit on jurisdictional grounds. Companies dismissed from the lawsuit by U.S. District Judge Dennis Saylor included Sturm, Ruger and Company, Glock, Barrett Firearms, Colt’s Manufacturing, Century International Arms and Beretta. Companies still involved in the lawsuit include gunmaker Smith & Wesson and wholesaler Whitmer Public Safety Group.

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New Jersey CCW Applications Soar After Bruen

From The Truth About Guns:

According to a recent article in the New Jersey Monitor, more than 41,000 New Jerseyans applied for carry permits in the two years since the Bruen decision. That number is more than 25-times the number of citizens—1,588—who applied for a permit in the two years prior to the court ruling.

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Anti-Gun Courts’ Dishonest Theory: No Right To Buy A Gun

From The Truth About Guns:

The ability to freely approach the gun counter to legally purchase a firearm is paramount to exercising the Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. There is no “keeping” of firearms if there is no legal right to lawfully acquire those same firearms. The ramifications of this flawed legal reasoning are self-evident. The government could simply ban the buying (and selling) of firearms and therefore eviscerate the Second Amendment all without infringing upon the right.

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Bill Would Ban Excise Taxes On Guns and Ammo

From Bearing Arms:

Idaho Sen. James Risch and California Rep. Darrel Issa are the primary sponsors of the “Freedom from Unfair Gun Taxes Act”, which Risch says would block states from imposing new excise taxes on the sale of firearms and ammunition that channels the revenue to gun control efforts. 

In a press release, Issa stated, “For years, extreme state policies and governors, including from my home state, have targeted the fundamental Second Amendment rights of our fellow Americans. California’s new imposition of a ‘sin tax’ on firearms and ammunition equates a core constitutional freedom with gambling or drug use. Enough is enough. That’s why Sen. Risch and I are joining forces to introduce this key legislation and stop any state tax that seeks to raise the price of self-defense out of reach for any American.”

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Censorship Of Guns Includes Olympic Events

From The Truth About Guns:

However, instead of celebrating these triumphs, Meta chose to shadow-ban her for simply sharing sports-related content. Earlier this month, McKenna posted a photo on Instagram of the air rifle she uses to qualify for the Paralympic Games. Meta flagged the photo as violating their guidelines, placing her on a censorship list.

This shadow-banning is not some small speed bump on the road to stardom; it is a deliberate attempt to silence her voice, an attack against her and her sport. She is not just any other athlete. She is a Paralympian who won a bronze medal in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro games. A Big Tech giant that cares more about promoting its antigun agenda than embracing an extraordinary athlete will not permit McKenna to share her journey, engage her fans and attract much-needed sponsors.

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What’s Next For The NRA?

From Bearing Arms:

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