Archive for September, 2024

Congressman Massie Introduces National Constitutional Carry

From Ammoland:

The National Constitutional Carry Act (HR 9534) would remove permitting requirements for Americans to carry firearms nationwide. Most US states do not have permitting requirements to carry a gun. The bill will also remove the states’ and territories’ ability to prevent Americans who are not a prohibited person from carrying guns in public. Any regulations passed by the states to restrict one’s ability to carry a firearm would not have the force of law. Rep. Massie believes that an American shouldn’t have to seek a permission slip from the government to exercise an inalienable right.

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Costly Gun Licenses Hurt The Poor The Most

From Cam and Company:

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Never Forget

A Tale of Two Towers is one of the best documentaries of September 11th.

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Armed Citizen Fends Off Five Attackers

From The Truth About Guns:

According to the Tulsa Police Department (TPD), the homeowner and 47-year-old Marco Richardson had been involved in an ongoing argument that had already led to previous confrontations. Police say that on the night of the incident, Richardson, his son and three others exited two vehicles at the suspect’s house and rushed him.

While the five men had the homeowner, who has not been identified, pinned against a vehicle in the yard and were assaulting him, he drew his gun and began shooting, hitting Richardson in the chest and also hitting another of his attackers.

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Missouri’s Gun Sanctuary Law Struck By Federal Court

From The Federalist:

Both the District Court and the Eighth Circuit saw things differently, and by enjoining Missouri’s law, have forced the state to use resources and its employees to enforce federal gun laws. That could include materially supporting the compilation of gun owner records for the ATF’s gun registry, the enforcement of President Joe Biden’s “zero tolerance” policy against Missouri gun dealers, or helping a hypothetical Kamala Harris administration in confiscating AR-15s under a future “assault weapons” ban.

The precedent is clear, the federal government has no authority whatsoever to compel a state to enforce a federal law. So, what’s the difference here? Sadly, all too many federal judges stubbornly believe the Second Amendment is a second-class right. In the case of the recent ruling against SAPA, the Eighth Circuit simply invoked the Constitution’s supremacy clause, and gave the back of its judicial hand to Missouri and every other state that might question the constitutionality of a federal law — at least a federal gun law. 

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There Are Now More Programs For Ranges As The Number Of Shooters Increases

From The Truth About Guns:

Some of the biggest demand for new ranges exists in urban and suburban communities. That poses its own set of unique obstacles, especially for suitable land that is affordable for public shooting ranges and addresses existing concerns for noise issues associated with recreational shooting ranges.

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Fifth Circuit Says It’s Unconstitutional To Ban Pot Users From Gun Possession

From Ammoland:

The government tried to use laws from the founding era that disarmed people who felt they were dangerous. One example that was given is the banning of British Loyalists from having firearms. The judges rejected that argument, stating that the ban on marijuana users owning firearms would be more akin to the founders banning people who drank alcohol from owning guns. The judges pointed out that the founders drank copious amounts of alcohol. The judge stated the government may be able to prevent someone who is intoxicated from carrying a firearm. Still, Ms. Connelly was not under the influence of drugs at the time of the arrest and was not a dangerous person.

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