Posts Tagged Opinion

Op-Ed Tone Deaf On Texas and Gun Rights

From The Austin American-Statesman:

The NRA claims to be “the longest-standing civil rights organization,” with lofty talk of defending the 2nd Amendment and “freedom.” But the NRA sold the freedoms and safety of our communities in exchange for corporate profits a long time ago. Americans cannot pursue happiness while looking over their shoulders and planning escape routes.

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A Response To NYT’s Article On Gun Classes

From David Yamane:

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Opinion: How To Stop School Shootings

From The Truth About Guns:

In my humble opinion, if we truly want to stop school shootings we should harden the staff, not just the buildings, and we should focus on the other bad actors, too, not just the trigger-pullers. It’s time to start holding parents, law enforcement, and the legacy media strictly accountable – criminally, morally and very publicly – for aiding and abetting these preventable deaths.

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Bret Weinstein: The Liberal Case For Gun Ownership

From Unherd:

The terrifying carnage that derives from the right to bear arms must, in the end, be compared to the cost of not having that right, not only for the individual, but for the republic and its neighbours at a minimum. If you imagine that tyranny cannot happen in America due to some safeguard built into our system, or by virtue of some immunity residing in the population itself, then perhaps there is nothing left to discuss.

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Budget Red Dots For 2021

From The Firearm Blog:

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The Myth Of Lone Wolf Terrorism

From Ayaan Hirsi Ali:

In a liberal society, it is appealing to think of suspects of Islamist terror as solitary actors. As a matter of principle, we uphold the importance of individual freedoms, rights, and responsibilities, while our judicial system assumes that individuals are responsible for their actions. We also recognise the importance of not maligning an entire community because of the extremist views of a few of their fellow believers. This is particularly crucial when the historical relationship between a particular minority and their new country is fraught with memories of colonialism.

But while individuals responsible for terrorist attacks may conduct their attacks alone, they still emerge out of communities or networks of like-minded individuals, whether in-person or online. They learn from teachers, imams or instructors the radical ideas that inspire their violence. This is not to say that their entire family or community is extremist — only that these individuals find and are exposed to people who are. Little is known about the background of the murder suspect, Ali, but we can be certain that if found guilty, he would not have plunged a knife into a total stranger, possibly picked at random, wholly of his own accord. Someone or some group would have inspired these actions.

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What’s Best For Home Defense?


Which is best for home defense: pistol, rifle, or shotgun? It’s an age-old question, but why? Possibly because every 30 seconds a burglary takes place in the U.S. That is a lot of home invasions even when you consider the fact that not all burglaries are in the home. Also, if a home invasion is not for a burglary, then the situation is probably much more critical.

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Who’s To Blame For The Capitol Riot?

From Free The People:

With the tear gas smoke cleared, Nancy Pelosi’s new gavel freshly lathed, and hot emotions simmered somewhat down, culpability for the recent calamity at the Capitol can be assigned in a more rational manner. Cooler heads, one hopes, can prevail in our pin-the-responsibility-on-the-right-party game.

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InRange Discusses The Free Market

From InRange:

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AP Discouraging Use Of “Riot”

From National Review:

The Associated Press Stylebook was amended this week to discourage the use of the word “riot” to describe violent protests, instead expanding the definition of “protest” to include violent demonstrations.
“Use care in deciding which term best applies: A riot is a wild or violent disturbance of the peace involving a group of people. The term riot suggests uncontrolled chaos and pandemonium,” said the AP Stylebook, which sets style guidelines followed by many mainstream media publications.

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Massad Ayoob on the State of Self Defense

From Gun Digest:

Given America’s turbulent times the past year, where self-defense has taken centerstage and new gun owners have multiplied, we thought there was no better brain to pick. Luckily, Mr. Ayoob had time to spare from his busy schedule and broke down his perspective on Kenosha, Wisc., expanding gun ownership, training in the era of pandemic and much more. As always with the master, it was enlightening.

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Fireside Chat From Dennis Prager

From PragerU:

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Gun Control Goal: Ban Guns

From Colion Noir:

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The Atlantic: Any Display Of A Gun Is A Threat

From The Atlantic:

The freedom to buy, own, and carry firearms, whatever its scope, is in no respect like the freedom of speech. Speech consists of words and launches ideas. “Symbolic speech” refers to signs, flags, photographs, and gestures that express those words and ideas. A gun is not merely a symbol; it is not like words or ideas. It is an instrument of violence and death, and its display amid a crowd is a threat.

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Woman Can’t Get Over Preconceived Ideas About Guns

From Narratively:

For me, there is no way to recognize the possibility of good when it comes to owning a weapon. I can only see the bad, what makes me fearful. And just like my father, until I can control both the weapon and the power, I’ll refrain from trying to harness either of them, willing to master the skill without actually using it.

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