Posts Tagged biden administration

ATF Redefines Gun Sellers, One Step Closer To Banning Sales

From Cam and Company:

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Fast and Furious Redux

From Ammoland:

U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released a series of whistleblower documents that raise the ghosts of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) ill-fated Operation Fast & Furious. That was the Department of Justice (DOJ) operation that allowed firearms to be illegally smuggled across the U.S. border to Mexico, except once they crossed, they were never tracked.

One of those illegally-trafficked firearms was used to murder U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

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US Nuclear Powerplant Restarted

From ZeroHedge:

In a move which may force the lunatic greens to storm the White House, on Wednesday the federal government announced that it would provide a $1.5 billion loan to restart a nuclear power plant in southwestern Michigan. NJ-based Holtec International acquired the 800-megawatt Palisades plant in 2022 with plans to dismantle it, but with support from the state of Michigan and the Biden administration, the emphasis has shifted to restarting the nuclear power plant by late 2025 instead. 

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DOJ Sets Up Federal “Red Flag” Center, Usurping Congress


The Center was announced on Saturday in conjunction with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the latter of which earned its “Bloomberg” in 2001 following nearly $3 billion in donations from gun control advocate Michael Bloomberg. Funded by a DOJ grant, a public-facing website developed for the center offers an easy-to-use interface to help those curious navigate the process to obtain a “red flag” gun seizure order in 21 states and the District of Columbia, typically within two or three clicks from the homepage. 

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DHS Colludes With Gaming Companies To Monitor “Extremist” Gamers

From The Intercept:

The exact nature of the cooperation between federal agencies and video game companies, which has not been previously reported, is detailed in a new Government Accountability Office report. The report draws on interviews conducted with five gaming and social media companies including Roblox, an online gaming platform; Discord, a social media app commonly used by gamers; Reddit; as well as a game publisher and social media company that asked the GAO to remain anonymous.

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Former CPB Head Never Spoke With President or VP

From The Federalist:

“I’ve never had one conversation with the president or the vice president,” said Raul Ortiz in a sit-down interview with CBS’s flagship program, “60 Minutes.” “I was the chief of the Border Patrol, I commanded 21,000 people. That’s a problem.”

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The Undermining Of The American Military and Police

From The Federalist:

One of the numerous reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire was an overreliance on foreigners serving in its military. American leadership would be wise to heed that lesson.

Rather than learn from these past mistakes, America’s political leaders seem destined to repeat them. Case in point: the halls of Congress, where Democrat Rep. Pat Ryan of New York and Republican Rep. John James of Michigan introduced legislation earlier this month to fast-track a path to citizenship for foreign nationals who sign up to serve in the U.S. military. Both congressmen indicated the measure was crafted to alleviate the military’s recruiting crisis.

LA Police Using Illegal Immigrants:

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is hiring illegal border crossers with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status and equipping them with guns to police American citizens in California.

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ATF and DOJ Want To Regulate Every Gun Purchase

From The Federalist:

President Joe Biden’s Department of Alcohol, Tabacco, and Firearms is working with the Department of Justice to regulate private gun sales into oblivion by mandating background checks for personal firearm exchanges, according to whistleblower group Empower Oversight.

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Commerce Dept Questioned About Gun Export Pause

From Bearing Arms:

The agency hasn’t said if there were any specific concerns that led to the highly unusual move, which is ostensibly meant to “further assess current firearm export control review policies to determine whether any changes are warranted to advance U.S. national security and foreign policy interests” and “enable the Department to more effectively assess and mitigate risk of firearms being diverted to entities or activities that promote regional instability, violate human rights, or fuel criminal activities.”

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Commerce Dept Issues 90 Day “Pause” On All Gun Exports

From The Truth About Guns:

President Biden’s Commerce Department issued a new and unprecedented edict that bans the export of firearms, ammunition and certain accessories to most overseas markets. The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security posted a notice of a 90-day “pause” for the exports on a Friday afternoon – on the Frequently Asked Questions Section that’s listed on the bottom the BIS website.

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OK State Rep Wants ATF Agents Investigated

From Ammoland:

If Oklahoma State Representative Justin “JJ” Humphrey gets his way, the ATF agents who raided his constituent’s home last June will all be arrested and charged with multiple state crimes as well as civil rights violations.

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Is There A Coordinated Attack on Civilian Ammo and Training?

These recent events could just be a coincidence:

ATF bans less-lethal training ammo:

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE, aka the ATF) has directed the Ultimate Training Munitions company to cease all sales to civilians in the United States, leading the company to announce it will no longer sell to civilians.

Rumor Biden admin orders Lake City to cancel civilian contracts:

However, we started hearing from a number of people late this week that Lake City had moved to cancel all of its commercial contracts. We’ve also been told that distributor supplies of .223/5.56 had begun to be drained, as a result of the move by Lake City and in anticipation of higher civilian ammunition demand following last week’s terrorist attacks in Israel. Then Staple Defense published this report.

Explosion at Hornady plant:

One woman died and two men were injured Friday morning in an explosion at a Hornady Manufacturing plant west of Grand Island.

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Biden Does 180, Signs Bill Funding Hunting and Shooting Sports

From Fox News:

President Biden signed bipartisan legislation Friday that reverses his own administration’s decision to defund school shooting sports courses nationwide.

The president signed the Protecting Hunting Heritage and Education Act, which restores federal funding for elementary and secondary school hunting and archery programs after the Department of Education began withholding such funding earlier this year. According to the White House, the legislation “clarifies that Federal funds may be used to provide certain weapons or training in the use of weapons within educational instruction or enrichment activities.”

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ATF Backdown After GOA Lawsuit

From The Truth About Guns:

Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) are excited to announce that the ATF has backed down from attempting to revoke the FFL license of Morehouse Enterprises in Valley City, North Dakota.

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Hunter Biden Will Actually Face Gun Charges

From The Truth About Guns:

Federal prosecutors will seek an indictment of Hunter Biden for illegally possessing a gun as a drug user by Sept. 29, according to a new court filing on Wednesday.

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