Posts Tagged border patrol

Fast and Furious Redux

From Ammoland:

U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released a series of whistleblower documents that raise the ghosts of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) ill-fated Operation Fast & Furious. That was the Department of Justice (DOJ) operation that allowed firearms to be illegally smuggled across the U.S. border to Mexico, except once they crossed, they were never tracked.

One of those illegally-trafficked firearms was used to murder U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

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Former CPB Head Never Spoke With President or VP

From The Federalist:

“I’ve never had one conversation with the president or the vice president,” said Raul Ortiz in a sit-down interview with CBS’s flagship program, “60 Minutes.” “I was the chief of the Border Patrol, I commanded 21,000 people. That’s a problem.”

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Haitians Swarm Texas Border

From The Daily Mail:

Horrific photos have emerged of the squalid and fetid migrant camp in Del Rio, Texas that is currently home to thousands of Haitian migrants who’ve flocked to the US in the latest border crisis to hit Joe Biden. 

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Texas’s Duty To Enforce The Border

From The Federalist:

Because our states are sovereigns — with their own constitutions, laws, and obligations to their citizens — and not mere appendages of our federal government, they are authorized to wield substantial, non-symbolic power within their own territories. An assertion that states function in a realm of permission-based or symbolic authority is just flat wrong.

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Border Patrol Capture Two Men On Terror List

From The Federalist:

Agents arrested the first illegal alien, a 33-year-old male, on January 29 in the middle of the night. In addition to discovering that the migrant was on both watch lists, border patrol also “found a cellular phone sim card hidden underneath the insole of his shoe” before transferring him into Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody.

Border patrol apprehended the second alien, a 26 year-old-male, in the same area at the end of March before discovering that he was on both watch lists as well. The second man is in “federal custody pending removal.”

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Border Patrol Sees Significant Drop In Crossings

From Zero Hedge:

A sharp dropoff in the number of illegal border crossers coming into the United States from Mexico is “nothing short of miraculous,” National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told C-SPAN on Monday.

As far as the Trump administration’s efforts on immigration, this is something they campaigned heavily on.

We have never seen such a drop that we currently have.

There’s a vibe, there’s an energy in the Border Patrol that’s never been there before in 20 years that I’ve been in the patrol.  –Brandon Judd

Judd went on to say that Trump’s two Executive Orders instructing border agents to fully carry out laws is in sharp contrast to the Obama administration, which kept agents from performing their sworn duties.

The Washington Examiner reports a 53% decrease in apprehensions at the Southwest border compared to last year - a 6 year low.

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Border Patrol Wants Your Twitter, Facebook Accounts

From The Register:

Under new proposals, each traveler filling out an I-94 travel form or applying for an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) visa will be asked for “information associated with your online presence/social media identifier.”

In other words, you’ll be asked to hand over your Twitter and Instagram handles, Facebook and LinkedIn URLs, and so on, so you can be watched.

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Illegals Smuggled In From Middle East

From The Washington Times:

Those smuggled included Palestinians, Pakistanis and the Afghan man who Homeland Security officials said had family ties to the Taliban and was “involved in a plot to conduct an attack in the U.S. and/or Canada.” He is in custody but the Times is withholding his name at the request of law enforcement to protect ongoing investigations.

“It’s disturbing, in so many ways,” said Joe Kasper, Mr. Hunter’s chief of staff. “The interdiction of this group validates once again that the southern border is wide open to more than people looking to enter the U.S. illegally strictly for purposes of looking for work, as the administration wants us to believe. What’s worse, federal databases weren’t even synched and Border Patrol had no idea who they were arresting and the group was not considered a problem because none of them were considered a priority under the president’s enforcement protocol. That’s a major problem on its own, and it calls for DHS to figure out the problem — and fast.”

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Border Patrol Says Canadian Border Being Neglected

From CBS New York:

“We see alien smuggling. We see narcotic smuggling. We see currency smuggling,” Border Patrol Operations Officer Brad Brandt said.

Agents said much of that activity is heading directly to New York City and our suburbs where the product is sold on our streets.

“There is a significant amount of violence that is associated with these drugs,” Drug Enforcement Administration Agent Michael Laravia said.

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Border Patrol Helicopter Takes Gunfire Near Mexican Border

From Business Insider:

“The rounds penetrated and damaged the aircraft, forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing,” Lee told Reuters. The pilot was not injured and no one on the ground was affected by the emergency landing, she said.


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Obama Admin Tells Border Patrol Not To Arrest Drunk Drivers

From Judicial Watch:

Obtained by Judicial Watch this week, the notice is titled “Enforcement Options With Alcohol-Impaired Drivers” and directs the 4,000-plus U.S. Border Patrol agents in the Tucson, Arizona sector to “release” individuals under the influence and “allow them to go on their way.” The document acknowledges that this feels counter-intuitive for Border Patrol agents, but eases concerns by answering a hypothetical question for the officers who have sworn to uphold the law: “If you allow this driver to continue down the road and they kill someone, aren’t you liable?” The answer is no, according to the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo. “There is no legal requirement for a Border Patrol agent to intervene in a state crime, including DUI,” the order says, adding that “therefore there is generally no liability that will attach to the agent or agency for failing to act in this situation.”

This is another example that police and/or the federal government are not responsible for your safety even though they will tell you otherwise in different venues.

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Some Border Patrol Agents Without Rifles

From News 4 Tucson:

We learned that U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Offices of Border Patrol and Training and Development are inspecting the quality of agents’ M4 carbines throughout Border Patrol sectors nationwide. But agents tell us, some of those M4s have not been replaced. And, we’ve learned, agents are required to share rifles amongst each other.


Customs and Border Protection released a statement to the News 4 Tucson Investigators last week, stating: “CBP’s Offices of Border Patrol and Training and Development are jointly inspecting the serviceability of M4 carbines throughout Border Patrol Sectors nationwide. Some of (the) inspected M4 carbines were deemed unserviceable and removed from inventory to alleviate safety concerns. Inspections will continue to ensure the unserviceable M4 carbines are repaired or replaced for reintroduction into the field. No further information is available at this time.”


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Border Patrol Shoots at Militia

From the AP:

Border Patrol spokesman Omar Zamora said agents had been chasing a group of immigrants east of Brownsville Friday afternoon when an agent saw a man holding a gun near the Rio Grande. The agent fired four shots, but did not hit the man. The man then dropped his gun and identified himself as a member of a militia. Zamora said no other details were immediately available.

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Border Agent Detains Boy Scout Troop

From Fox News:

Jim Fox, the leader of the Mid-Iowa Boy Scout Troop 111, said the incident occurred earlier this month at a checkpoint along the Alaska – Canada border. The scouts and their leaders were on a 21-day trek from Iowa to Alaska – a trip that had been three years in the planning.

As their vans were moving through a checkpoint into the United States, one of the scouts snapped a photograph. Agents stopped the van and ordered all the passengers to get out. They told the underage photographer that he had committed a federal crime. It was unclear which agency with the Department of Homeland Security’s CBP agency was involved in the incident.

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Border Agent Murdered By Illegals

From KRGV:

Border Patrol spokesman Omar Zamora told CHANNEL 5 NEWS the agent was shot in the chest Sunday night after an attempted robbery. According to Zamora, the gunmen saw the agent had a gun in his holster and opened fire.

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