Posts Tagged gun control

Feds Still Attacking 3D Printed Gun Parts

From Ammoland:

Earlier this month, the government held an event hosted by ATF Director Steve Dettelbach and U.S. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. The government invited federal law enforcement, members of the 3D-printing industry, and academia to the conference in Washington, DC. The goal was to pressure the industry to stem the tide of 3D-printed gun parts.

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Missouri’s Gun Sanctuary Law Struck By Federal Court

From The Federalist:

Both the District Court and the Eighth Circuit saw things differently, and by enjoining Missouri’s law, have forced the state to use resources and its employees to enforce federal gun laws. That could include materially supporting the compilation of gun owner records for the ATF’s gun registry, the enforcement of President Joe Biden’s “zero tolerance” policy against Missouri gun dealers, or helping a hypothetical Kamala Harris administration in confiscating AR-15s under a future “assault weapons” ban.

The precedent is clear, the federal government has no authority whatsoever to compel a state to enforce a federal law. So, what’s the difference here? Sadly, all too many federal judges stubbornly believe the Second Amendment is a second-class right. In the case of the recent ruling against SAPA, the Eighth Circuit simply invoked the Constitution’s supremacy clause, and gave the back of its judicial hand to Missouri and every other state that might question the constitutionality of a federal law — at least a federal gun law. 

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Fifth Circuit Says It’s Unconstitutional To Ban Pot Users From Gun Possession

From Ammoland:

The government tried to use laws from the founding era that disarmed people who felt they were dangerous. One example that was given is the banning of British Loyalists from having firearms. The judges rejected that argument, stating that the ban on marijuana users owning firearms would be more akin to the founders banning people who drank alcohol from owning guns. The judges pointed out that the founders drank copious amounts of alcohol. The judge stated the government may be able to prevent someone who is intoxicated from carrying a firearm. Still, Ms. Connelly was not under the influence of drugs at the time of the arrest and was not a dangerous person.

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Hunters Now Blamed For “Gun Violence”

From The Truth About Guns:

In what may be the most poorly conceived and horribly researched study ever published by The Journal of the American Medical Association during its entire 141-year history, a trio of anti-gun researchers now claims deer hunting is associated with a substantial increase in firearm violence. 

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Beware Of An Anti-Gunner Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

From The Federalist:

As to Walz advocating for states to stop recognizing concealed handgun permits from other states (reciprocity), with more than 22 million concealed handgun permit holders nationwide, there are decades of data on the behavior of permit holders. Some states have particularly detailed data. In Florida and Texas, permit holders are convicted of firearms-related violations at one-twelfth the rate at which police officers are. And police are convicted at just one-twentieth of the rate for the general population. There is no evidence that any permit holder from another state has committed a gun crime in Minnesota.

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Fourth Circuit Manipulating Procedure To Advance Anti-2A Rulings

From Ammoland:

Mark Smith, a constitutional attorney and gun rights advocate, has long speculated about judicial misconduct within the Fourth Circuit. His suspicions were recently confirmed through a detailed dissent in the Bianchi case, revealing how anti-gun judges played dirty to suppress a pro-Second Amendment ruling.

This passage reveals that the initial panel had reached a pro-Second Amendment decision by December 2022. However, a dissenting judge delayed circulating their dissenting opinion, effectively stalling the release of the majority decision. This delay allowed another panel to issue an anti-Second Amendment ruling in a separate case (United States v. Price), which conflicted with the Bianchi decision. This conflict prompted the Fourth Circuit to rehear the Bianchi case en banc, ultimately leading to an anti-Second Amendment ruling. This strategic stalling and procedural maneuvering illustrate the manipulation within the court to suppress a favorable Second Amendment ruling. ​

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Anti-Gun Courts’ Dishonest Theory: No Right To Buy A Gun

From The Truth About Guns:

The ability to freely approach the gun counter to legally purchase a firearm is paramount to exercising the Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. There is no “keeping” of firearms if there is no legal right to lawfully acquire those same firearms. The ramifications of this flawed legal reasoning are self-evident. The government could simply ban the buying (and selling) of firearms and therefore eviscerate the Second Amendment all without infringing upon the right.

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LaPierre Banned From NRA Position For 10 Years

From Ammoland:

On Monday, a New York judge banned National Rifle Association (NRA) former Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre from working with the organization for the next decade while declining to appoint an independent monitor to oversee the gun rights group.

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Lawsuit Blaming Daniel Defense For Mass Shooting Dismissed

From Bearing Arms:

In her initial complaint, Karen Lowy and her attorneys claimed that the companies “have deceptively and unfairly marketed their assault rifles, rifle accessories, and ammunition in ways designed to appeal to the impulsive, risk-taking tendencies of civilian adolescent and post-adolescent males—the same category of consumers Defendants have watched, time after time, commit the type of mass shooting that unfolded again at the Edmund Burke School.” 

Now a federal judge has thrown out the lawsuit, ruling that Lowy failed to back up those claims with facts. 

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Canadian Gun Banner Complains Nothing Was Done After Attempted Trump Assassination

From The Tyee:

But my question for the politicians and media who are obsessing over the attempt on Trump’s life is this. With the country standing knee-deep in gun deaths, with the violence going up like a rocket, where is the resolve and commitment to keep regular people safe?

Why does it seem more important who gets shot, rather than how many other victims fall with virtually no changes to the country’s dreadful gun laws?

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YouTube Starts Crackdown On Gun Videos

From The Truth About Guns:

On Tuesday, Kinman, joined on video by his son and business associate John, announced that a new YouTube policy is making up to 95 percent of Hickok45 videos inaccessible to his fans.

“Some of you may have seen that YouTube changed their policy on gun videos on June 18, and we were not aware how much that was going to affect us until very recently when we talked to our Google rep,” John Kinman said on the video. “And you may notice that our videos posted since June 18 have been removed.”

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Gun Advocates Stick To Principles After Assassination Attempt

From Bearing Arms:

 … the media is filled with stories about how the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump should prompt gun control. So far, no one in the Republican Party is saying any such thing, though. That’s not overly surprising since, as I feel obligated to point out far too often now, they didn’t fold on guns after the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia.

But it seems the folks over at Vox are upset that Republicans aren’t changing everything right now in how they view guns.

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Anti-Gunners Use Trump Assassination Attempt To Push More Bans

From Bearing Arms:

After narrowly dodging a bullet from an AR-15 rifle, former US President Donald Trump, now vying for the 2024 presidential bid under the Republican banner, may find himself pondering anew on his stance regarding gun rights. The attempt on Trump’s life at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday night casts a significant shadow over the upcoming Republican National Convention, set to begin on Monday in Milwaukee. Trump has often championed the cause of citizen gun ownership, yet amid mass shootings events before, there were fleeting moments where he entertained the notion that some form of regulation might be prudent.

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Idaho Credit Union Still Scrambling After User Agreement Debacle

From The Truth About Guns:

There’s a credit union in Idaho that’s been feeling some heat lately, and thanks to feedback, they’re seeing the light. The Idaho Central Credit Union felt the heat of TTAG’s story yesterday about their member agreement that precluded ammo and gun purchases with ICCU accounts as of a few days earlier.

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Anti-gun Justice Sotomayor’s Bodyguard Uses Gun To Prevent Car Jacking

From New York Post:

Two deputy US Marshals shot a would-be carjacker who pulled a gun on him while they were guarding Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s home in Washington, DC, authorities said.

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