Posts Tagged school shooting

Uvalde Families Suing FedEx and UPS, Blame Everyone Except The Shooter

From Ammoland:

We also learn from the Tribune story that “This lawsuit was filed on the same day families of victims and survivors filed wrongful death lawsuits against Instagram parent company Meta, the maker of the Call of Duty video game ‘Activision…’” They’re coming after everybody they can, and not content with eviscerating the Second Amendment, their attack on “marketing” and other media takes aim at the First.

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Frivolous Lawsuit Incoming From Uvalde Families

From The Truth About Guns:

On the second anniversary of the Robb Elementary School attack, families in Uvalde pursued further legal action, suing Meta Platforms, which owns Instagram, and Activision Blizzard, the maker of Call of Duty, claiming these companies bear responsibility for products used by the teenage gunman, AP News reports.

The families also filed a new lawsuit against Daniel Defense, the manufacturer of the AR-style rifle used in the May 24, 2022, shooting, adding to the existing lawsuits against the company. This action coincided with the small Texas city gathering to mourn the anniversary of one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history, where the gunman killed 19 students and two teachers. Officers confronted and shot the attacker after waiting over an hour to enter the fourth-grade classroom.

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Parents of School Shooter Sentenced To Decade In Prison

From Bearing Arms:

A Michigan judge went beyond the recommended guidelines on Tuesday when deciding how long James and Jennifer Crumbley will spend behind bars after being convicted for involuntary manslaughter in connection with the shooting at Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan in November, 2021. The parents of the shooter will spend the next decade in prison before they’re eligible for parole, and could serve fifteen years in custody on the involuntary manslaughter charges, though sentencing guidelines suggested a seven-year sentence was more appropriate. 

The sentence isn’t a deterrent for the Crumbleys or for the actual perpetrator of the attack at Oxford High. Their kid is already going to spend the rest of his life in prison for killing four students and injuring seven other students and staff. This is about sending a message to other gun-owning parents. 

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Uvalde Report Proves You Are Responsible For Your Own Safety

From Mark W. Smith:

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The Conspiracy To Use International Law To Attack Gun Rights

From Bearing Arms:

The parents of a student killed in the shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida have teamed up with Brady’s former chief litigator to file a “first-of-its-kind” complaint with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, alleging that “US gun policy violates basic human rights law” and deprived the Joaquin Oliver of his right to life.

In this case, Lowy and plaintiffs Manuel and Patricia Oliver, who founded the anti-gun group Change the Ref after their son was murdered, aren’t asking a U.S. court to rule that the Second Amendment is a violation of human rights. Instead, they’re taking their argument to an international body that has no real jurisdiction over the United States.

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Uvalde ISD Police Chief Admits Violating Policy In Interview

From New York Post:

“Obviously, I backed off and started taking cover,” the lead officer said, which CNN noted was in clear defiance of training that insists officers risk their own lives to “neutralize” active shooters.

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Texas Report On Uvalde

From The Truth About Guns:

Other than the attacker, the Committee did not find any “villains” in the course of its investigation. There is no one to whom we can attribute malice or ill motives. Instead, we found systemic failures and egregious poor decision making. We recognize that that the impact of this tragedy is felt most profoundly by the people of Uvalde in ways we cannot fully comprehend. …

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An Epidemic Of Cowardice

From Men of Order:

But the Uvalde response was worse than anyone could fathom. An armed squad of 19 officers waited in the hallway just outside the classroom that the shooter had barricaded himself in.

And they did nothing.

They stood there for 40 minutes while the shooter slaughtered students and teachers in the classroom.

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How To End Mass Shootings Quickly

From James Gagliano at City Journal:

The era of patiently awaiting arrival of homogenous, highly trained tactical-resolution teams outfitted with special equipment and superior training is over. To borrow Martin Luther King’s exhortation, police in Uvalde should have recognized “the fierce urgency of now.”

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If Biden’s Kids Were At Texas School The Shooting Would Not Have Happened

From Colion Noir:

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Culture Is The Problem, Not Guns

From The Federalist:

Americans are losing interest in the purpose and community that faith and church offer, losing respect for the sanctity of human life, and losing sight of the notion that a higher moral good exists than immediate self-gratification. Instead, we live under a cultural ethic that idolizes the indulgence of selfish desires even up to the point of taking the life of another.

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Students Walk Out Of Vigil Turned Gun Control Rally

From Bearing Arms:

Survivors of a Colorado school shooting walked out of vigil for their slain classmate on Wednesday night in protest of politicians and other groups using it as a platform for gun control, a local report said.
The students from STEM High School, where two gunman killed a student and wounded eight others on Tuesday, began yelling from the stands that they “wanted to be heard” after two politicians and pro-gun control advocates addressed the crowd, according to the local NBC affiliate, KUSA.

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Florida School Hires Vets For Campus Safety

From The New York Times:

By the end of February, the students at Manatee School for the Arts in Palmetto, Fla., will see two combat veterans in body armor roaming the grounds, each carrying a 9-millimeter Glock handgun and a semiautomatic rifle with a 17-inch barrel.
If an armed intruder were to enter the campus, “we’re not looking for a fair fight,” Bill Jones, the principal, said in an interview. “We’re looking at an overwhelming advantage.”

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Good Guy With Gun Stops Bad Guy With Gun

From USA Today:

An armed guard disarmed the shooter moments after the 1:50 p.m. shooting in a courtyard at the Price Middle School in southeast Atlanta.

The teen was shot in the back of the head, but the wound was apparently not life-threatening, authorities said.

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Long Gun At Newtown Shooting Not an AR-15

From Digital Journal:

Anyone who is familiar with the AR-15 knows that the officer in this video is not unloading an AR:

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